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Sucessful Talks between Danish-Norway and Sweden


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You have spoken to the Danish about this i hope for your nations sake.

Cause this what you are doing looks like deliberate attempts to break the treaties in the east.


And most important it is quite rude to craft a flag and then you don't even show up.



Your officiers were informed taht no Fleet is coming.. We need a Test flag for something. (not an Actual attack) Since our agreement, from Swedish persepctive, does not include PB against the Dutch, we pulled the cheapiest avaliable flag wich was yours.


So this topic shoud be done.


If the Danish like to include the Dutch in this None Agression Pact they can contact us.


But as of now this is the actual agreement both side agreed on:


Following Ports well be returned to Sweden:


-Codrington, Phillipsburg, Oranjestad, Basseterre, Charlestown, St.Johns, English Harbour


The Danes will keep Fort Baai and Marigot.


Further agreement’s are included:


-Both sides will stop any Missionsganking

-Both Sides will stop to attack each others Traders (this also opens many Northwestern ports for Sweden)

-No more Portbattles between Sweden and the Dane’s

-Fleet PvP is allowed.


All agreements will stop with the next Map-wipe


The Clan wich agreed on this have been holding this agreement up and will continue to do so.


But to be clear on this:


We do not plan to attack the Dutch. Their Flag was the best possible solution for this Test. Coud have been Spain or pirates as well.


BUT its not possible to change an Contract AFTER its made by one side only. Every Lawyer will tell you this, if you life in an Country if an working law System.


we know some think we are Danish Puppets. but i can promise you we are not. We agreed to this contract so dont lose to many players. And we will hold this Contract as we did so far.


But we will not accept any onesides changes to this agreement.




So i guess we all leave this incident behind us and go ahead.

Edited by Meraun
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After the War between Danish-Norway and Sweden escalated in the past Days  leading to heavy losses on the swedish side, negotations between all Major Danish and all Major Swedish Clans happend yesterday Night.


After literally hours of talks between all Factions taking part in this War, an agreement between Danish-Norway and Sweden was made.


Following Ports well be returned to Sweden:


-Codrington, Phillipsburg, Oranjestad, Basseterre, Charlestown, St.Johns, English Harbour


The Danes will keep Fort Baai and Marigot.


Further agreement’s are included:


-Both sides will stop any Missionsganking

-Both Sides will stop to attack each others Traders (this also opens many Northwestern ports for Sweden)

-No more Portbattles between Sweden and the Dane’s

-Fleet PvP is allowed.


All agreements will stop with the next Map-wipe


No Alliances with any Nation like France or Britian was broken.



Sweden saw this agreement necessaire in Order to provide a Region for our Players to do Missions and Level up as well a provide us with resources for Crafting.


Dont worry you well get PvP, we take care of that. :-)

Where does it say that Sweden has a treaty with the Dutch?

I see no mention of allies or other nations except for the "No Alliances with any Nation like France or Britian was broken." 


If the Russians, I mean danes, are dissatisfied with their treaty, maybe they should hire new diplomats? Or invite their allies while negotiating a peace.

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If the Danish like to include the Dutch in this None Agression Pact, we are open to new Talks and make a new deal.


In the interests of Swedish national unity you may want to delay making any extensions to the treaty (which I understand is already disputed) until you have consulted your members

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In the interests of Swedish national unity you may want to delay making any extensions to the treaty (which I understand is already disputed) until you have consulted your members



As youre not part of it, its no of your Business. Espacially since the British support to us has been disappointing at best.


Also does "Talks" not mean extensions in any way.


Espacially in light of rumors about British Clans supporting DRUNKEN and therefor activly trying to destablize Sweden.


Wich woud actually be an Act of War.... Thin line right there

Edited by Meraun
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When I see a KF fleet sail from Gustavia I'll be shocked, especially if it's not going for an AI fleet ;)


We offer you no material support, since you cant even field a ship without someone else (KF) building it for you I suggest you find new ship suppliers.


Any why is it that you need new ships every day? We'd really appreciate it if you would become self supporting and send your own materials to the bottom of the ocean instead of leaning on the sverige clans you so despise.


Remember that AI battle we fought a couple weeks back where you got your ship boarded in taken by an NPC that was funny as hell, good times man hope you have better luck against AI in the future...

Edited by CrazyBaer
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We offer you no material support, since you cant even field a ship without someone else (KF) building it for you I suggest you find new ship suppliers.


Any why is it that you need new ships every day? We'd really appreciate it if you would become self supporting and send your own materials to the bottom of the ocean instead of leaning on the sverige clans you so despise.


Remember that AI battle we fought a couple weeks back where you got your ship boarded in taken by an NPC that was funny as hell, good times man hope you have better luck against AI in the future...

Well I suppose when you're actually fighting everyday you're bound to lose some ships..I know it's probably an issue you don't have too often ;) As for supplies I actually use my own materials for ships, I'm sure you're familiar with contracts and crafting.. :P When did I say I despised other Swedish clans? We simply have a difference in opinion on how to move forward with Sverige, trust me I don't develop real life hatred from ingame matters. If you have any more issues feel free to hop into our channel and discuss them.

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If the Russians, I mean danes, are dissatisfied with their treaty, maybe they should hire new diplomats? Or invite their allies while negotiating a peace.

There must have been at least 1 good one in the 30 they brought...

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Where does it say that Sweden has a treaty with the Dutch?

I see no mention of allies or other nations except for the "No Alliances with any Nation like France or Britian was broken." 


If the Russians, I mean danes, are dissatisfied with their treaty, maybe they should hire new diplomats? Or invite their allies while negotiating a peace.

I should post here that with all disputes between dane clans and their members about this agreement there's a very much united opinion about breaking the peace - clans agreed that in case of breaking the agreement any new peace is considered impossible so the war will be continued without any possibilities for peace at all.

Edited by Immundissime
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There must have been at least 1 good one in the 30 they brought...

There aren't any dissatisfactions about the treaty conditions. There are dissatisfactions about treaty itself. Some clan members and even whole clans would like to continue war till nation makes good fight and take back ports or cease to exist.

Edited by Immundissime
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