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Ship explodes in first few moments of combat


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I just did a mission in my gold Renomee which lasted no more than 15 seconds. I entered combat saw I was facing a 20 gun ship, this seemed easy as I was mounting 30.


We barely moved and exchanged a couple of shots (not broadsides) 


I was slightly laggy, but sustained no damage got a couple of hits on him, we had probably both moved a boat length or so.


Saw a flash of flame and was at post battle screen with zero experience and a loss of durability. No fire, no warning just instantly blew up within first couple of shots.


I am extremely unhappy about this as I had no chance to do anything to prevent this happening in what should have been an easy kill for me and lost a durability on my gold Renomee and barely had a fight. From start to exploded was no more than 15 seconds.


I would like this investigated as there is plainly something wrong when ships explode instantly like this and I would like the durability restored on my Renomee.


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I just want to ask a question for a bit of clarification. Did he fire a shot at you and then you died, or did you die without anything apparently happening? Because what might've happened is that he hit your magazine, which is entirely possible, but EXTREMELY rare and that pretty much kills you instantly.

Edited by Dutch Dutchery
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He fired 2 maybe 3 single shots. Hood lasted much longer and was a victim of plunging fire which I wasn't.


I didn't hit F11 when it happened because it happened so quickly I couldn't believe I was sunk in seconds. I was back in port when I hit F11.


I am sure it would be much funnier if I hadn't had to sail a long distance to get there in a gold ship only to be insta killed wasting my entire night and frustrating the hell out of me.

Edited by Bulwyf
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500 hours into the game and never seen a ship blow up straight away :(


I've seen several "sudden explosion" deaths, mostly Snows. Also saw one that was either a Cerberus or a Niagra (one blew up and killed the other but I missed the moment and didn't see which was which).


I don't think it's a bug, though.


My assumption is that this game is like Battleground Europe in that all shots are precisely modeled. There is a magazine room and if you hit it just right, it will cause the ship to explode immediately, with some ships being more vulnerable than others.


I actually list "tendency to spontaneously explode" as a downside for the Snow when recommending ships to people. I still like it for a low level PvP ship (forward guns!) but yeah, it can just blow up.

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I've seen several "sudden explosion" deaths, mostly Snows. Also saw one that was either a Cerberus or a Niagra (one blew up and killed the other but I missed the moment and didn't see which was which).


I don't think it's a bug, though.


My assumption is that this game is like Battleground Europe in that all shots are precisely modeled. There is a magazine room and if you hit it just right, it will cause the ship to explode immediately, with some ships being more vulnerable than others.


I actually list "tendency to spontaneously explode" as a downside for the Snow when recommending ships to people. I still like it for a low level PvP ship (forward guns!) but yeah, it can just blow up.

I don't think the game is precisely modeled as I have set almost every part of a ship on fire and seem them explode 5 mins after that, I once set a 3rd rates rudder on fire and exploded from that 10 mins after.

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I don't think the game is precisely modeled as I have set almost every part of a ship on fire and seem them explode 5 mins after that, I once set a 3rd rates rudder on fire and exploded from that 10 mins after.


I think the formula is something like:


- If a shot penetrates with enough energy, it may start a fire.

- The fire will then spread (you can visually see this if you zoom in -- the blackened wood spreads!).

- If the fire spreads to the magazine -- a specific spot on each ship -- then the ship explodes.

- If the shot that penetrated and started a fire landed in the magazine to begin with then the fire does not have to spread and simply blows up the ship immediately.


This is just my assumption based on tidbits and observation. This is also why some fires blow up the ship faster than others -- depends on how far from the magazine room they started.


I suspect it happens more often on the snow because it's the first ship where the magazine room is relatively high up, surrounded by relatively weak armor, so it has the highest chance of a "penetrating fire causing shot" actually landing there.


Would really need admin to spell it out, though.

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I don't think the game is precisely modeled as I have set almost every part of a ship on fire and seem them explode 5 mins after that, I once set a 3rd rates rudder on fire and exploded from that 10 mins after.

Well, you are wrong. Here is the damage model:






See that green thing at the bottom of the hull in the 2nd picture, which is extremely hard to hit and usually underwater? Thats your magazine. One hit to that and BOOM you are dead.


Here is a view of the old damage model with the magazine in purple:



Edited by Dutch Dutchery
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So how did that happen to me? I was just barely moving with no heel to speak of, fairly close range so that the shots were fairly close. Is the magazine on a Renomee up high?  Btw I have never heard of a age of sale ship exploding without first catching on and being on fire for some time.

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Yep, saw a buddy go off like that in his Mercury in the most silly combat situation. AI fleets attacked us and BAM as he was being bracketted between a lynx and a privateer. Was quite horrendous. He was unsure if he had the fire but for a tiny fraction of a moment he heard the bell...

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