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Ned Loe

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Everything posted by Ned Loe

  1. That is what Devs are looking for. They need pvp and traders will need escort. In case let's say you got robbed because you did not get an escort then you can sail(or if sunk will teleport to port) to your nearest port, change into combat ship and go back and steal your chest back. 1 per player 1 per ship (unopened). Endless fights before you actually get 1 chest back to port and open it.
  2. Does this mean if you bring combat ship you won't get any reward due to cargo limitations? Player traveled for an hour+ just to protect another national player who will go back home with sweets. If yes then no one will fight and all will just go there in cargo ships and pick up loot. Players want rewards in both situations. Allow, combat ships to carry loot chest, but only after pvp battle. Combat ship can't retrieve cargo from shipwreck, but can take it away from players. Simply put, once player(in trader ship only) retrieves loot from shipwreck system marks unopened chest (only can be opened in ally port) as Player registered. Player name is now displayed on loot chest. This enables combat ships (players) to take possession of player registered loot chest and be able to fit in any ship cargo. 1 per player 1 per ship.
  3. September is almost at our doorsteps with weather temperatures slowly sinking and leaves turning into Autumn. So, here we are all quietly waiting for the next game changing patch as another Fall season marks it's existence in Naval Action log. What are you looking forward to in 'September' patch? Tell us why this patch makes you exited. In the end, where would you like to see Naval Action next Fall? P.S. Personally. I wish Naval Action and it's hard working crew success and congratulate them once again for creating the best Naval Game of all times. Wind.
  4. I think this simply means, forget about Econ and pvp for 2 months and forge your skills before Econ content.
  5. I think they will. Same as when port gets captured and once you go outside you can't enter it anymore. This will be risky because you will end up in enemy territory and will get ganked when you hop out. It's recommended to move all your ships and Econ to your Nation starting ports.
  6. Look at PvE server ports and then move your econ accordingly asap. For US players, Charleston (and ports around it) is the best safe Econ hub. When reset happens we will have Spain at our doorsteps knocking with all they got. I advise US fleet to increase patrols around Free Ports and expect Spain to start relocating their fleet during the night. If US leaders have any questions please PM me. 1st US front line will look like this:
  7. I think for strictly 1vs1 duels you need Skirm room for all nations. It might be risky, but if it's needed for testing purposes and only will last for 1 week go for it. Doing something like this when game will be released can lead to rage quits.
  8. Are you going to update the Map as well? Are top 10 regions will be displayed on the map? Also, if a group of 3 attacks a group of 3 will it work?
  9. UI work will start in Fall. Also, anyone who wants to upgrade their systems, wait until AMD Zen comes out this Fall and combine it with RX 480. and you will be good to go on budget.
  10. I think it's time for an Outlaw Perk or class. Such perk would change Player Flag and Nationality and won't lock ability to attack allied nations. (If there is no Flag then no one knows who attacked them). Players with this perk won't be able to participate in Voting or any other national politic efforts or simply, he doesn't effect National interests while sinking all players except his original nation.
  11. First of all Pirates need to come together and talk strategy. Changes were made for ALL and not only Pirates, Looking back into history, Pirates never managed to become the Nation of Thieves and that explains why Pirates don't have all privileges that are listed above in your post. We all know why 100s of people went Pirate and now they asking why did I make this move? Today you can see that Piracy can be chained and controlled if Nations unite against one threat that thinks it can rule the oceans. Pirates never sailed 1-2-3 rates. They operated in small ships and did small raids on trading routes. This is what we see today in NA and it works as it should. Nationals chasing Pirates and protecting merchants while Pirates trying to take over some trader ships. In the end, Pirates already are OP based on history and have many features that real Pirates never had. Don't forget: New Outlaw class might be the answer for some of your desires, but definitely will come with certain heavy penalties when chosen.
  12. Why not give everyone 3 Basic Paint Coats. Paint coats should give small % sell amount when selling in ports. More people want to trade with you because your ship looks cleaner. 1. 50 000 (+2% better sell prices in ports) 2. 200 000 (+3% better sell prices in ports) 3. 500 000 (+5% better sell prices in ports). All permanent for each ship. Other Premium Pain Coats can be sold for real money or earned during events. Same system is used in World of Warships.
  13. Clicked on battle, opened map. Battle info window still there.
  14. There might be an announcement that day and time. So, be ready.
  15. Have you tried windowed mode in settings? You can stretch it etc.. Also, download latest video drivers for your video card and reinstall them .
  16. So Gods painted ships for us? or paint was included in the production cost? I've never noticed anything about paint supplies. I mean historically it should be in the game. Who said that Constitution had to be White and Black, but not Red and black like the one from Master and Commander movie? Some players would like to see some variety and make their Fleet in a specific color theme.
  17. Hello, if you take a look at the Cerberus model you will realize that it has no paint and looks simple, but great. So, my suggestion is: 1. Make natural wood color for all ships as 'Default' 2. Have paint mix recipes drop from missions or other events or just simple OS fights. 3. Have 'Historical' paint themes as a very rare drop. Build Ship (Default cured wood color) ---> Produce Paint(Find recipe and start crafting paint) ---> Paint Ship(use produced paint quantity to paint your newly built ship). Once recipe is learned, crafters can start producing paint in gallons. Quantity should depend on ship size. Please research/suggest what ingredients can also be added to the game or could be found in Mines while mining! History In 1718, Marshall Smith invented a "Machine or Engine for the Grinding of Colours" in England. It is not known precisely how it operated, but it was a device that increased the efficiency of pigment grinding dramatically. Soon, a company called Emerton and Manby was advertising exceptionally low-priced paints that had been ground with labour-saving technology: One Pound of Colour ground in a Horse-Mill will paint twelve Yards of Work, whereas Colour ground any other Way, will not do half that Quantity. By the proper onset of the Industrial Revolution, paint was being ground in steam-powered mills and an alternative to lead-based pigments was found in a white derivative of zinc oxide. Interior house painting increasingly became the norm as the 19th century progressed, both for decorative reasons and because the paint was effective in preventing the walls rotting from damp. Linseed oil was also increasingly used as an inexpensive binder. Paint ingredients: 'suggested' natural wood color for all ships as 'default':
  18. I think they improved Cerberus. That plain wood should be 'default' color on all ships to start with imho. If you look closely almost every ship got texture improvement. You can even see nails and planks now using Ultra preset.
  19. This was suggested before and would be awesome if implemented! +1
  20. What is your system? PC or Laptop Can you take a screenshot of your resolution preset. Example:
  21. Ok so based on FB post it says: let's break it down Player driven alliances, new special event ships and several exciting features. 1.Player driven alliances, 2.New special event(one) ships. Could this mean one big event that will let only few people get blueprints and profit from it? This can be bad. I would suggest to introduce Special event currency (can be collected and exchanged for rewards after participation) and not just few drops that only top 3 guys will get (because they have all the mods and best ships). You get me? This might give new players 0 benefit and keep them away from such events due to Veterans majority. In other words you make strong more stronger and leave new guys on the side. We shall find out soon! 3.Several exciting features (more than 2). We need to keep an eye on these. Very interesting.
  22. Example: Spawn will depend on the location where you open it. So, if you are 4 real hours away from your home port (sailing looking for a bottle) and you find one, It will spawn wreck 4.5 hours away from your home port or .5 hours from your current position. In the end, 4.5 hours is very far to even get a chance for a bottle drop. You get it?
  23. Yes, but not all players will be able to participate. So, that means it is not available for all and will have limited spots. What kind of tournament can let 2000 people get a chance to fight for a blueprint?
  24. 1.Events - (Open Sea) Swords with random spawns. Usually requires a group of people to finish it??? or 2.Scheduled Dev Events that require player registration? like tournaments? the thing is, it says all users, so this means open for all anytime and points at 1 guess. Event ships are available from special events only – that will be available for for all users on PvP and PvE servers. Trying to figure out myself.
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