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Sin Khan

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Everything posted by Sin Khan

  1. *Hysterical off-topic ranting removed by moderator* I guess i'm just gona log in to craft for a while, like a month.....
  2. it now takes 350 crew to man my frigate? What did i miss?
  3. *Flaming removed by mod team*
  4. I'm looking forward to this patch as well. I refused to play the last one. They did a lot in this one that is really good and they deserve praise for it. But man, why the heck is it that every major patch now also has to have a major nurf? 2 minuet battle window? No captured ships? other things as well.... For every bad thing they make 10 good ones, we all know it. Just our nature to focus on the bad ones because they are big changes, just as they say *important. I will play this update to see how it goes.
  5. Staff recommendation is for pirates to build ships instead of capture them. You just completely destroyed the pirate faction if they have to build their own ships. What do you think a pirate does? Oh they are heavy ship builders, who knew. Your removal of capturing ships is solely because you refuse to let people capture first rate npc ships and use them. So lets actually think about this since you guys apparently don't 1. you force people to build ships because you to limit how many people have first rates 2. clans focus heavily on building ships 3. pvp dies in all but the free cutter or vender frigates 4. an over abundance of ship builders begin to produce a lot of first rate ships 5. everyone is in a first rate ship. Your blanket removal of npc ship captures is just to limit first rates when this limit is only a temporary situational event until you have a ton of ship builders and a ton of people in first rates anyway. So in the end, what you have done is absolutely pointless. Your going to have a ton of people in first rates anyway, it is only a matter of time. The real question is what is your problem with people being in first rates? Why do you constantly want to force people to NOT have things that you know they will get anyway?
  6. Sin Khan

    Patch 9.68

    The problem with the 2 minuet timer is that it is effectively making it a solo players game or a wolf pack hunters game. The nation simply isn't a nation anymore since no one in your nation can help you in time unless they were already with you when the battle started. The multiplayer aspect is half what it used to be. Being in a clan is rather pointless since they can only help other clan members in immediate vicinity. The problem with this game was not the timer. The problem was the view range on open world. Open world lets you see from Charlston all the way to savanna, Georgia. This falsely lets a player discover, follow, and attack ships that should never have been spotted in the first place. Open world is meant to be a scaled system and yet normal game view range is allowed. This gives a player about a 1000 km long or more actual view range to targets. Instead of giving people only 2 minuets to help out each other, view range needs to be drastically reduced. Or has everyone actually forgotten how small actual view range is for ships at sea? Being in key west and being able to spot ships in cuba is what is breaking the game. These are the same devs that claimed that I know nothing about games. Yeah right. From my perspective, its the devs of this game that know nothing about making games.
  7. Sin Khan

    Patch 9.68

    Thank you for adding new content to the game. I hope you all had a happy Easter. Will the new larger NPC trading ships actually carry more cargo on them than a dingy? Right now it's a joke to capture a Snow trader and find only 35 wine. Hoping new NPC cargo ships actually have cargo on them. Thank you.
  8. what he means is that they will simply wait outside the capital waters (because they are very small) and wait for people to try to go to another trading port to haul their goods. Then, they will gank them where before they may have been protected by reinforcements). He does not mean to say that the national port protection is broken, just that it is pointless because of blockade / surrounding the national port. I think you are getting a little defensive lately with posts like mine before that were very critical of how you designed some parts of the game. So, I want to take this time to thank you for interacting with your players and customers. Sadly, many game companies do not ever talk to their customers. Blizzard didn't give a damn what Starcraft 2 players said until people simply stopped playing it, then, too little, too late, they decided to make half hearted changes that players wanted. I know this is your game and not mine and I simply have to put up or go elsewhere about the game. However, it does make me feel better at least that you are interacting with whiners like me. Yet, for now, I will simply play other games until this all gets fixed or sorted out. I understand that the game is in alpha testing. But you also have to understand that I am not a paid tester either. So, I know full well that you will do what you set out to do anyway despite my reviewing or advice so, best to simply play something else until you guys finalize how certain things are going to go.
  9. Apparently former communist block raised developers have no clue what a real economy is and how it works. What they say they want is a "Player Driven Economy". What they have created is a "Stalinist Rationed Economy". Let me explain the difference and why it is no surprise why former Russian developers made this system the way that it is. 1. In a real player or human driven economy the world is populated with vast resources that a player can mine, cut down, grow, harvest, etc. The limit to how much the player can get is most often based simply on how much time a player wants to spend harvesting, mining, or growing this resource. The world itself is always abundant with resources, albeit sometimes, difficult to get too. In Naval Action, Stalin sets a daily limit on what you can get, how you can get it, and limits how many hours you have to get it with. Here, the world has no resources at all. You are simply rationed a certain amount of resources that the developers think that you need. You are also rationed working hours. Sorry, you only get so many labor hours says Stalin, after that you have to sit on your butt doing nothing like all the other comrades. A players production is now totally dictated by the state and not himself. You made a communist game, congrats. 2. The mentality of the developers prevents them from being able to notice the communist system of rationing that they have developed. Because this is an ingrained mentality based ideology, the developers themselves are helpless to fix it. You can't take the stripes off the tiger. This is why they can't even begin to understand what a real player driven economy is in the first place. Hoping that an entire group of developers will suddenly "see the light" is a false hope indeed. They instead have communism ideology so deeply ingrained in their psyche that they are utterly powerless to reverse this course. Why? It is because in their view, what they have now created IS a "player driven economy". They can't even begin to even recognize that they don't have one. Even if they read my post, even if 1000 people show them that they have a rationed Stalin system, they, will never see it. And so, this game is utterly doomed as a failed attempt to create a player driven game under totalitarian Stalinist controls and the developers themselves will shake their heads in disbelief as to why it just never seemed to work right from this point forward. Conclusion: The current system will result in the exact same situation that all rationing systems lead too, which is player hording, not selling. Players will simply make their allotted rationed amount and horde it or only privately trade it to a friend in a barter type trade. People will not sell it in ports because what they want to buy will also not be there for purchase. They will only contract sell any leftovers at exorbitant prices. And what happens in all hording? You some some players who will have 2000 copper and hording it because it is the only good that he has, while another player has 2000 iron and will be hording that because that is all he can have. The only amount a player will be willing to sell will only be what he can replace for certain the next day, which so far is only 45 or so of any good. Sounds like a real great rationed system fellas.
  10. The Columbus Foundation, Tortola, British Virgin Islands PORT SCHEDULE 2016 DATES PORT LOCATION 18 - 29 Mar Tampa, FL Tampa Convention Center 333 S. Franklin St Tampa, FL 33602 The Nina and Pinta, the most accurate columbus ship reproductions made thus far, will be at Tampa Bay from Tommorow until March 29th. If you are in the Tampa Bay area then you can go see 3 ships, the Lynx and the Nina and Pinta on the same weekend. The Nina and Pinta will be in Tampa though, the Lynx will be in St. Petersburg across the bay.
  11. This weekend the Lynx will be at St Petersburg Florida for sailing cruises. Asking now if there will be a public tour. If there is I will get pictures and video for you and post it if I go.
  12. Thank you for making an age of sail game. I have been following you now about a year. I have been scathing sometimes, praising you at others. I don't know if you are aware but you are making more than a game. I have followed the forums now for a year and even from the very beginning people have been wanting much more from this game than just fun or a pastime. Instead, they want to relive a time gone past. They want to be immersed in a time when the world was different and much more free, for good or bad. This game, this touch with a different synthetic world provides an opportunity that one should not miss. Were you moved by such movies as Saving Private Ryan, The Passion of the Christ, and Shawshank Redemption? Were you not touched with sorrow when watching the movie, "The Color Purple"? If you didn't know it, a game can have these same almost life changing moments in them. They can be much more influential in persons life than a movie can, for good or bad. People often hoped to put things like slavery, drug running, hookers, and murder for hire in this game. As well, others wanted religion, crusades, missionaries, and such. Your game is so far turning into a place where almost anything can happen. Right now, you are focused on combat and resources. But do not take your eye off a bigger prize, an opportunity to help shape the minds and attitudes of a part of this generation. Will you faithfully rendition meaningful content, uplifting adventures, crusades for truth and justice in your world? Or will you allow drug peddling, slavery, and wickedness to be the goal and rule of the day. it is a great feeling to make something that introduces fun into the world, but is an unrepeatable feeling to worked and succeeded to make an impact for what is right in the world while also having fun doing it. God has given you an opportunity. I hope you faithfully use it wisely for positive service to all including yourselves. Much of our modern world was formulated during the age of sail. The world said yes, and then no to slavery. The world threw off the yoke of kings, lords, barons, and dukes. Technology became something everyone could have as it was decided that it would not horded by the Knights Templar, Free Masons, or Kings Vaults, which were all taken out of seats of power. Christianity was spread around the world. Players have an opportunity to be immersed again in a world where these decisions and actions were made. Many small kingdoms were lost and large empires emerged. Only in the age of sail can these forgotten ideologies and battles for truth against tyranny happen again. What will you fight for?
  13. Sons of Stupidity - The Truth If you are thinking of joining Sons of Liberty then think again. I went down to Tumbado and started looking for trade ships to cap. A large group of Sons of Liberty guys were camped in the middle of the trade lanes between the islands for over 30 minuets. I got tired of them just sitting there is I pulled a trade ship and ended up getting two of them in the battle. What did they do? They destroyed the trade ship i was trying to cap, never saying a word to me about it. I raged in USA chat about them sitting in the middle of the trade lane blocking anyone from attacking any trade ships unless they were willing to also pull them. Their response was to call me an insignificant newb who should have known better than to start a battle that was going to pull them into it. I explained that since they were sitting in the middle of the trade lane for 30 minuets they were bound to be pulled into a fight since the pull circle is very large and the island trade lanes between those islands is rather small. Instead of apologizing to me and everyone else who was prevented to capping trade ships they only blamed me entirely for "Causing the Problem". I then explained to them that treating other Americans like crap because you are too arrogant to move out of the dame trade lane is wrong. Instead, because I was only a first lieutenant. they said that I myself was insignificant (exact words) and that I should have known not to get in their way. As well for five 5 days now the Pirates on PvP2 US have taken almost 10 ports back all while Sons of Liberty with their supposedly 145 members are simply too high and mighty to bother with shallow water battles, that's newb work to them. Sons of Liberty treats other American nation players like garbage, thinks they are high and mighty, and then refuses to defend gains other clans have made without them. If you want to be with a bunch of elitist jack wagons who treat other Americans like trash and call them insignificant then by all means, join Sons of Stupidity. Now, after losing ten ports to the pirates that they were too high and mighty to help defend they blame the newbs in Charleston for not getting involved, the same newbs they claimed were insignificant and treated like trash just days earlier. What a piece of work these trolls are.
  14. Ok so its been a few days and here is my feedback. 1. The developers do not understand how to make a player driven economy. First you enable complete monopolies on goods through a fail contract only system. Then, you increase the supply of NPC production and enable euro tradesmen to help "Fix" that failed system. Now, you want to force players to craft only half of what they need and control the port though battle just to be able to do that. All while trying to eliminate the npc supplies, which was the only solution you had to fix the first problem you created from contracts. Ships and supplies will now be exclusive items. Those that craft them will completely dominate the market. Why? Because only certain types of players even like to interact with others to get what they need and even a smaller portion of those players want to spend a majority of their time crafting things. Your player driven economy will completely grind to a halt from psychology factors alone and players will not do what you force them to do, they will simply leave the game and be right in doing so. People who do craft and make ships will not even bother to do so because most players will simply not afford the new outrageous cost. The only ships that will be made at all will be very high level ships that are hard to cap. Everyone else in the game will be piloting capped ships 90% of the time. This will make crafting ships mostly irrelevant as a new system of capping for ships will completely replace your flawed crafting system. In essence. you will lose your solo players, your crafting players, and your trade players. The only player base you will have left is your pvp players using only capped ships for combat. As well, the dire supply system will make the world static and nation agreements will have to be set just to enable pvp players to make what little supplies they can. So while you want to encourage town capping, it will have the exact opposite effect as nations will simply agree not to cap each others 1million dollar paid for ports. So much time will be spent capping traders for supplies and capping ships for clan members crafting and trade itself will be null and void. The balance of cost verses benefit simply will not be there to justify crafting resource and ships at all. And of course, because everyone will be in single dura capped ships all the time battles will be either a careful selection, or a system of constant replacement of single dura capped ships from npcs after every major battle. Once again, your NPC trade ships and NPC fleets and resources will be the only thing left to fix the broken system. Oh and lets not forget that you will see everyone doing as many battles they can in the basic cutter forever. So congrats, you made a pirate the npc forever game now for ships and supplies.. Do me a favor and just stop trying to make a player economy because you clearly do not know how to make one. ______________________________________________________________________________________________ What would be my solutions to fix it all? 1. You will have to keep NPC make port supplies in the game just like before because , like before, it is the only way to fix the problems.
  15. Devs posting things are kind of hit and miss. So, it is best to simply follow the posts of all the staff members that you know about by following their account posts like a twitter feed. Forget the forum and just read their posts.
  16. Can we learn more about this "instance" feature and how it will work. Right now everyone is just guessing it seems. This is very important.
  17. My recommendation is for 4 stat areas and types. 1. Detailed statistics: Only available to the individual player to see unless they want to show everyone, so, this area should be selectively hidden if the player chooses. These stats could be used to help the player improve and include all kinds of stats. (Why personal only. Stats about players are used as much against the player as they are in benefit of the player. As well, all stats can be padded and therefore are only a loose indicator of skill level as regards hit ratio, damage done, etc.) 2. Achievements: Some very hard missions and events against PvE should be included in the game that players can take on. For instance, a roving NPC pirate. If said player takes out pirate, either with a group or not, then the player should get an achievement badge. These achievements should be seen by everyone as they are usually put in newspapers and politics in real life. These achievements should be for guilds / clans as well as individual achievements. (Achievements help the inform other players and guilds of who has done what. Who has explored certain areas? Who is active and who is not.) 3. Current Known Information: Every ship captain / pirate / trader should have regular information about them tracked and known just like real life. I can easily look up a player to find out, what ship they own and most often use, what play style (job) they do (trade, pirate, military, etc). Anyone should be able to tell of what type of regular working history someone has as it relates to the world and other players on a whole. If so in so is a trader, everyone should have access to know this in some kind of public record. (known info helps clans and individuals to know what was also known in the period, who is operating what in what area. If pirate bob is operating in sea whatever sailing a brig, that general information should be somewhere for someone to find on individual pages. 4. Public notifications: There should be a record of major events in areas. If i go to town so in so I should be able to get an update on what events are going on in the world and in the immediate vicinity. If some port camping pirate is camping the port of a city and has attacked 5 ships there people should be able to know this info before setting sail. "Pirate so in so attacks 7 ships at island 1234" should be info that people can see as it helps all players and is info that would have been known in the period. This one thing is what is most important to having this game be like real life. Bounty hunters, military, traders, and even other pirates should have access to what each other are doing if they go to a port and get the newspaper. No clan or player should be able to sink 10 ships in the same spot and not have that info available to everyone in a certain area.
  18. House, Car, Boat basics 1. Buy an average house that has some kind of access to the gulf of mexico and enough land for a medium warehouse on property and coastal access or river access to gulf to build a dock that can moor a size 50 ft or greater sailboat that is in or near a small town or light medium town size. 2. Install solar panels on the warehouse and house that generates about 3-4 times the electricity of an average large home and average battery capacity for 2 months of total darkness power capability. 3. Research an SUV that on the outside looks average but can take many internal upgrades, such as video technology, audio recording, satellite phone usage, ham radio, powerful cb radio, and better than average ground clearance, larger gas tank, trauma style medical kit and hidden storage bug out survival gear/ ammo/ weapons storage. 4. Research a boat that can cruise in almost no water at average speed, sleep 4-6, and store enough supplies for 3 month cruise easy. Research how to make that boat able to be rather self sufficient almost anywhere on the coast I could park it. 5. Research excellent security systems and escape and evade systems on and about property and home. Renovate home to be fort nox, with super security doors, windows, walls, etc. 6. Renovate warehouse to be a place that can fix almost anything. 7. Build bat cave area beneath warehouse with underground tunnel to house. 8. Hire techs to install spy equipment in hidden locations around house and town to create a visible monitoring of 5 miles out in all directions. 9. Purchase small custom blackened out aerial drone that can fly silently and drop and pick up small packages anywhere within the 5 mile monitoring zone, even over water. 10. Build room in house for ultra monitoring and communications to include ham radio, cb, Morse code, and light singles. Store sounding cannon in this room. 11. Hire techs to duplicate non lethal defensive technologies such as sound deterrence, laser skin irritants, light confusion and all other non-leathal defensive measures for house, boat, car, and person. Local town: 1. Create a gun store business with many types of gun ranges. 2. Have the store only open to public for the minimum time acceptable for tax purposes and any permits. 3. Stock enough guns, ammo, rations, and equipment in this store to equip a platoon of 20-30. 4. Have great sales in store every month and use sales to help rotate perishable inventory to keep stores current for platoon at any given moment at minimum cost. 5. Build database on all customers to create friend / foe profiles for any people in town who shop at my store. 6. Create solar panel company in town 7. Offer to install solar panel equipment for almost nothing for any and all local government, police, fire, and rescue offices. 8. Secretly install video and audio monitoring equipment connected to the government solar panel equipment installations. 9. Connect feeds to bat cave. 10. build database on friend / foe profiles of townsfolk. 10-A - use feeds to discover who in office and key positions in community can be worked with. 11. Hire secret employee to run for local offices to replace any bad apples in office 12. Create massive election campaigns to get my employees elected to critical local offices, especially county sheriff. 14. If all previous plans successful, create think tank on what to do next to secure position and possibly expand. 15. use information from sheriff employee, Mayor employee, and good apples to find business opportunities in community. 16. use information from employees to help remove bad apples from city by shutting down employment opportunities of bad apples. (re-evaluate plan and go forward.)
  19. Ok read this again very slowly since apparently even moderators do not know what this means. "Free for All" means anything goes. Etiquette is to be enforced "By Design" not by the mob! Your pressuring other players to play this game in a manner not conducive to "Normal Practices" is what will ruin this game. Let people Run! Let people choose not to fight! If the current system makes you mad then CHANGE THE SYSTEM BY DESIGN! You should not be forcing players to change their play style and battle tactics to fit your desires. Instead, you change the game. That is what testing is all about. Lower the timer, make the circle drop faster, do anything other than trying to force people to play the way you want them too, because it will never happen anyway and it should never happen this way. You act like the players who want to do something different are WRONG! No, it is you that is wrong for demanding that other players DO AS YOU DEMAND with their ship and game slot. What we have here is a bunch of people who have apparently never been in a testing environment before. I have also noticed a heavy handed totalitarian peer pressure system going on here.
  20. You should never say, "Always do this first". That is the most certain way to defeat yourself and your team. Battle, any battle, land or sea, does not have absolutes in tactics. Instead, it is the commanders duty to learn the tactics of the battles that he will engage in. You must learn how to use your ship. You must learn the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy ships. You must learn how to possibly fight any ship with your ship. You must adapt your tactics to the battlefield in an ongoing and continuous manner. You must be like the water your ship rides upon, ever changing and adaptable to any given situation. Become a wall of absolute rules and what general patton said will hold true. "Fixed fortifications are monuments to fools". There are no absolute rules. There are only tactics. Every tactic has a time and place. Your job is to learn all the tactics possible and gain the experience necessary to employ those tactics effectively on the field of battle.
  21. Is it Rude? - Yes it is rude. Rude to a person who is trying to end your ship and your game. So who the heck cares if the enemy thinks what you are doing is rude! Sink the enemy by any means necessary! Did you do something wrong? No, the enemy made a mistake in thinking that you would just lay down and die! You did everything right! Yes, it is a testing environment. Yes, it is a timed event. Yes, is is a closed map. But these are all constraints that will be removed soon. What will not be removed is that some jerk is trying to gun you down and you are outnumbered 3 to 1. So they are pissed that you are no laying down and dying. So what! Get pissed right back that they expected you to lay down and die in the first place! What these other players need is exactly what you are giving them, a dose of what is to come. You run, you flee, you become tenacious, you never lay down and die. If they want to end you and your ship then they will have to pay a heavy dang price for it. It is your job to fight to stay alive no matter what. If you do not do that, then you are doing a disservice to every other player in the game who is also here testing this game. We are tying to make the game better, not a 3 minuet cage match. Some players have gotten used to the idea of the game being a cage match, well, they are mistaken completely and it is about time that they begin to realize what this game is going to be about. I say, don't even fight at all sometimes and just run away until the time ends. When they complain, say, "This is an open world pre-test game strategy" and leave it at that. Let them stew completely with the reality that this game is not a 3 minuet cage match and never will be.
  22. This game is about to be open world. All this "Toxic" behavior is completely moot at that point. Are you going to complain when a french ship hails you to trade and then open fires on you full broadside? Well guess what, that may be allowed. Are you going to tribunal the first pirate player that attacks you? What kind of game do you think this is? This is not going to be the happy little lets all get along world. This is going to be a fighting world, and kind of a no holds barred one at that. This is not a sailing race game. So, i recommend people just continue to play the game and put forth good testing information and stop trying to boot other paying players from the game for actions done in a testing environment. How is the teamwork system going to work in open world anyway? No one really knows do they? So your having tribunals against players for actions that may be allowed (firing on allies) as soon as this game goes open world? Where is the sense in that?
  23. Do you realize that you are defeating your own argument? First you question that a flame war will end on its own, "You say that naturally the flame will settle?" and yet, you explain that it was "never a problem until now". You are proving my point right because flame wars always corrected themselves, as you say, until now. They still correct themselves now. The only difference is that everyone is talking about it more, which, is the very corrective action that I was explaining. No admin rule has changed anything yet. Instead, it is the other players who are trying to correct the bad apples. Yet, they are trying to correct these bad apples by complaining to mods, instead of what they would do during the period. If you had a bad seed of a captain in your armada you would not complain to the king about it after the fact, you would instead take out that bad captain yourself. You would attack and destroy that player and everyone would ignore them if they could. You would arrest them otherwise. You state that this will not work in the game, but I argue that you have never seen it work in a game because it has never been truly allowed in a game. Instead, game developers try to inefficiently control everyone instead of allowing the players to control each other. Put another way, the bad apples are so bad in almost any online game in direct proportion to the inability of players themselves to take the necessary corrective action that is needed. What is needed in these games is not more admins and behavior rules, but instead, the mechanics necessary for players to correct problems themselves. Everyone needs the ability to attack another player without the fear of reprisal. The player base needs the ability to completely police itself. Many games do this right now by allowing players to vote on kicking another player from a session or game instance. I would wager, that if the developers looked into all the different ways that players themselves can handle the situation of bad apples you will end up having yourself a very fun game with very few bad apples to ruin it for everyone else. However, if they try to control the situation themselves, as they are now with tribunals, they will be an inefficient, miserable, failure.
  24. You rank, toad-spotted, ratsbane! Admin, do you realize that you are specifically recommending that players verbally abuse one another? With, the stipulation that they do so in a certain way. Personal attacks are apparently not to be allowed at all in this game. Yet now, I can debate the matter ad-nausium so long as I attack that member in a humorous or period-attempted (roleplaying) manner. There are only two ways this can go. You can smack down everyone in a politically correct manner, or, you can simply allow any and all verbal actions to take place. Yes, this is actually an option that you have. Lets think about these options. Option one, you already know and are familiar with I assume. So, let's jump immediately into option two (the one that you don't think that you have). Do you really want to waste time and resources trying to be the politically correct police? Is that efficient from a business perspective? Doesn't that alienate a segment of your customer base? Doesn't that even go against your own company stated goals of providing a game that is reminiscent of another time in history? But more importantly, how does trying to control people actually help them to learn and grow? Right now, many members of the forum do not even understand the difference between a personal attack and the attack against ones actions. Today, the world believes that to condemn someones actions is to condemn the person who committed them. They believe this because they feel that they are above reproach and do not want to be called out for the actions that they do. So, to prevent any discussion of any kind that exposes negative actions any dialogue at all is deemed a personal attack when it is not. What would happen if you allowed anyone and everyone to say what they wanted? Well, it would be true freedom of speech would it not? As well, does not society itself ostracize those that do not conform to the fold? Does not sociology dictate that everyone will conform to the norm naturally except the few that will never conform no matter what the norm is? So why spend company time and resources trying to inefficiently control a natural sociological process? Is not the natural way most often best for all involved in the long term? Is that not how society maintains itself? Of course, it is actually the only way that society maintains itself because it is the only long term efficient method. Any intervention that your company could or would do to constrain communication would actually cause an imbalance in the social order of the players. An imbalance that must and will be corrected through other means, such as email, clans, and outside forums. By forcing players to go outside the game provided normal means of social corrective actions you now have eliminated your methods of observing the situation. You have now spent company resources to correct a problem that will now be outside of your control to monitor and therefore adequately correct. So, I would advise to simply allow what is natural to work as it will anyway. Allow people to communicate freely, completely freely, as God himself does and trust that this is the only best method of communication that should be allowed in any environment as well as the game. It is not anarchy. You cannot control the ones who cause anarchy anyway. Instead, provide the complete freedom to allow the other players to take whatever action they see necessary themselves to naturally correct the problems that arise. Big brother government is rarely the answer to human problems. Instead, individual personal freedom and liberty is usually the best answer to human problems.
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