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Sin Khan

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Everything posted by Sin Khan

  1. Look at all these statements promoting slavery and attacking me directly because I am speaking against it. Here we have one member putting words in my mouth stating that I am calling everyone idiots that take their moral teachings from games. Apparently I must educate some members of the forum of the fact that human morality is mostly taken directly from the actions of society. "When in Rome do as the Romans do" is just one such popular phrase that points to this idea. Few have read the words of Maurice Jolly when stating, "Do you believe that a subject will keep his promises for long when he sees the sovereign betray his? That he will respect the laws when he sees that the law giver has violated them?Do you believe that a subject will hesitate to embark upon the path of violence, corruption, and fraud when he constantly sees walking there those who are charged with leading him?" As well, any study of ethics and morality will educate one on the ideas of tribal or collective morality as mentioned in any ethics textbook and of course Wikipedia on "Morality" Link here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Morality "By contrast, tribal morality is prescriptive, imposing the norms of the collective on the individual. These norms will be arbitrary, culturally dependent and ‘flexible’, whereas territorial morality aims at rules which are universal and absolute, such as Kant’s ‘categorical imperative’ and Geisler's graded absolutism." As well, no one is "pretending slavery didn't exist". Instead, I was one of the only members who mentioned that slavery still exists today. Whereas those who are promoting the slave trade in this game are the ones who only mention slavery as a fact of ancient history with no mention at all that it is a current problem today. Perhaps the members that promote slavery in this game should be marked by the developers as the first categorized slaves of the world, free to be captured by anyone and their game freedoms permanently terminated. Once again, attacking my integrity directly as if the world does not distinguish combat under nations flags as separate from piracy, slavery, and other criminal acts. Attempting to use my own signature image against me only marks yourself as a childish antagonist with no apparent logic in his mindset. Morality, as linked earlier in this post, is taken directly from the influence of peers and social groups online or otherwise. To even claim the opposite shows a lack of ethics and morality education for all who have studied this subject or even bothers to research it will see the many theories about collective morality associations. It is also plainly clear that many members of this game want to promote slaver and will illogically, childishly, and foolishly attempt to shame anyone else who stands against slavery. It reminds me of the uneducated south in the American civil war arguing so pointedly from a lack of any research or education on the matter that they alone convince many to go against them through their personal grudges and childish attacks against others. Notice well the mindset that these individuals have and tell me that this is the kind of immorality, personal attacks, and peer pressure that you want to promote in this game.
  2. The slave trade cannot be represented by players at all unless players attack and report all slave trade and free them. 1. If you allow players to trade in slaves it gives a nod that on some level it is OK because it is profitable. 2. It devalues the sanctity of human life and you cannot allow players to develop this attitude. 3. It is still going on today and allowing trade in this manner may actually subject the game to unfair press regardless of historical accuracy. 4. same effect of transporting humans can be has by transporting prisoners of war instead of slaves. So, you cannot allow players to trade in slaves in this game first and foremost because of the mindset in the player that you create. The predominant mindset of the time was that half the world were savages that needed to be controlled and were barely human. It was because of this mindset that much of the world suffered. Allowing players to trade in slaves will create a continuance of this mindset that anything is OK as long as it is profitable. What comes next is the perishable goods factor being applied to human cargo. The trader would get a report saying that 10 slaves died in transport. Is that what you really want in this game? Is that the mindset that we want to create? Hell no. The developers have made no mention that slave trading will be put into this game, only other players have wondered this. I for one hope that they never include slave trading on any form or fashion except to attack anyone who trades in slaves and to free them. There are still slaves today. There is still a slave trade today in many parts of the world. It can never be allowed, even in a game, to profit in any way from slavery.
  3. It is understandable why people do not want names listed above ships. However, real life ideas such as removing a players name and forcing players to use in game flags and other visual identification will only take away from game play in my view. Why? 1. On a real ship you have crew to remember things for you. In this game, you're it. There is no one to remind you that the target that you are attacking is a friendly. Having names above the ship is needed. 2. I have watched many game replays and many times someone has to zoom out and recheck the color and name of the person they are targeting to make sure that its the right guy. So, players already have to constantly re-check for identification before firing in large battles right now. So forcing people to spend more time than necessary doing this more is wrong as they already have to do this now. 3. In the real world you have more time to identify ships. This game is sped up. So, forcing players to spend more time than necessary just to identify a target should not be done unless we are all willing to also slow down the game play to allow for this real world situation. All in favor? I didn't think so. So, no, the game should not force players to use binocular identification for a game that is already sped up for quick combat engagements. 4. All the models are the same in this game. 3 constitutions all say "Constitution" right on the back of them. There is no other way to identify one, from the others. In the real world there are many differences in ship colors, flags, equipment, sails, rigging, etc. So, no, if all the ships are almost exactly the same then the player should not be forced to use visual identification of a target when virtually no visual difference is apparent from friend or foe targets. 5. Certain targets are always valued over others. Notorious pirate captains were hunted down. Keeping people from knowing the captain of a ship is not actually realistic. In the real world there was only one Constitution. You see a frigate with a white stripe down it and you knew immediately that it was either the Constitution or one of its sister ships, and, you knew who was in command of it if it was an infamous captain. In conclusion, because of the 5 reasons listed above i feel the naming scheme should be kept the same for now in this testing phase and should perhaps be kept as such for the future. World of Tanks, World of Warplanes has used this for years and its not a problem. Yes, a known player gets the shaft, but, real life also follows this. Famous people get paparazzi. Sucks, but its the price of being famous.
  4. Sin Khan


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