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Sin Khan

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Everything posted by Sin Khan

  1. Game development and testing usually goes in spurts. They put something out and ask for specific feedback about new addons. players return to the test servers and do what they do and post feedback. So far, the devs have not sent me a single email asking me to test a specific thing and provide feedback. So, I haven't played in a while. Other people would be the same way. You want 1000 testers on at one time, well, all they have to do is send out a mass mail and it will happen. So, since they haven't asked for this, people do something else until they do ask or post something new to the game. But lately, its just new ship models and a few balance tweeks is all I know about. No new specific things to be test have been asked for. So, mostly I wait, play a little bit.
  2. I am sorry admin, but this was a different age. In today's age you are putting your company at risk to legal problems by including religion in the game. Sadly, today's age is what Archbishop Fulton Sheen termed the end of Christendom. Too many people are atheist who play these games. The very nature of computer gaming itself is anti-religious. Playing a computer game goes against almost all religious teachings of the big three religions. As Christ said, "Cast not your pearls before swine." So, do not include religion in the game because the people who play this game are the irreligious people of the world anyway. Why do you think they so desperately wanted slave trading in this game? Admin I think you need to prepare yourself for the fact that creating games is putting yourself squarely in the midst of the criminally minded, atheistic and irreligious world. They play games to be able to do in real life what they cannot do, attack other people, take what they own, trade slaves, or whatever other morally corrupt activity they want to do online. Do you not see this? The religious minded would not play this game at all if they actually were following what they were taught. I think, Admin, that you should really do a ton more polls about the morality of your player base. I think you will actually be shocked by what you find if you carefully word it to be subtly revealing and not overtly disturbing.You will find your player base absolutely morally corrupt.
  3. You can still shoot people way beyond the distance that the names pop up. I do it all the time. So, no, your wrong. Shots are feasible long before the names show up. And no, the name is not helpful for replicating shots. Like I said, show me the video where you are actually hitting the target only by using the name as an aiming point. Why will I see no video of this? Because the only way to truly walk your shots to target is to single shot with zoom and actually see where the rounds are falling. So, no, don't try to argue that you think that you are right. Actually bother to prove your claim with evidence.
  4. the names don't help me in targeting. Why? Because where you target is relative to target distance. The name height is no different than the ship size in relation to targeting. When you snipe, you zoom in to see on the ship where your rounds are going, you don't zoom in the the name or simply raise the red bar over someones name and fire. I have not seen anywhere, chat, forum, or videos where the name is used for targeting. To Admin: You have to remember sir, most of these people will push for what they want and use any means for justifying it. So, as you certainly must know by now, you can disregard about 75% of what people poll and request for on the forums. Actual game footage and game re-plays are 100 times more valuable than forum requests. So, I would request an actually game play video proving that names are used in targeting before giving any merit whatsoever to this entire thread. Ask for proof, and peoples conjecture and requests die a quick death.
  5. Your welcome. I just used the clone stamp tool in Photoshop and cloned some clouds and sky over the area to match the sky above it.
  6. Sin Khan Twitch 4 Same as 3 but added red stripe in bottom section to balance red added in top section and red in background.
  7. Title: Sin Khan Twitch 3 Same as 2 but raised button join now area
  8. From the album: Twitch Art Submission

    same as 2 but raised button
  9. To answer your question, yes, submit as many as you want to do. Just title them differently so people can vote and know which one they are voting for. For fonts, use fonts from font squirrel (the free for commercial use ones) or use Google web fonts, they are free for commercial as well. You can download Google's for Photoshop separately from their site. This submission is great, but does not fit the theme very much. Where is the action? It's Naval Action, can you make one that is more exciting? Just my two cents.
  10. Text is barely legible. Image is wrong size. also it is very dark, the ship can barely be seen. Can you redo it, its a great shot. There are also photohop copy and paste section that are pretty far off, like the wall sections on the right.
  11. love the work, but not the right dimensions. In photoshop create a new file with 600 wide by 826 high image.
  12. Action word is too much like Activisions old logo text. Can't use this submission titled this way.
  13. From the album: Twitch Art Submission

    twitch art submission
  14. Of course you don't see the problem with it Thomas. Many people do not. And, of course, that is the whole point of it. Yet, you do not understand what this means about your mindset. You don't understand what this says about you and the others who want this in the game. I already explained it some and the post was deleted by a mod. So, If I am going to try again, then I will have to be more careful about it. The essential point of your argument is that it is Virtual and allowed in other games, so, why not here. But lets look at the argument. I pointed out from the start that collective morality is apparent and valid. The very basis of your argument is that "others are doing it" so why don't we. Or, its not hurting anyone, so, why don't we allow it. Both of those stances are socially based. And yet, you say that morality should not be part of the decision. If that's the case, then your own argument is invalid as well. The fact that other games do it is also irrelevant if we are taking morality out of the question. Your false argument (which in logic is called the fallacy of a Red Herring) that other games include this is irrelevant to this game. So why would you really chose to argue in fallacies by saying, "Everyone else is doing it"! You are choosing this argument because you know that it is wrong to add slavery to the game. This is why you are using social, non relevant, arguments to back up what you want to do. There is no "Logical" reason to add slave trading to the game. Instead, it is a personal emotional reason that you, and others want this. --Real World Threat Edited - H. Darby--
  15. "but virtual transportation of slaves from Africa to the Americas is not worse than killing virtual people in games like GTA and Call of Duty in my honest opinion." And there we have it folks. Thank you Rithal for admitting the truth about what you believe to the rest of the forum. As I said, its not about mechanics. You simply want this in the game and don't see any problem with it. That's the reality of the mindset of many of the people here and that was what I wanted to expose all along. The Truth.
  16. Slave trading is not a GAME MECHANIC! Trading is a game mechanic. What you trade is not a mechanic. So grow up and realize that your post has nothing to do whatsoever with mechanics. PS: Some forum mod already deleted that post. So, I'm glad that you re-posted for me.
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