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ragnar hairy trousers

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Everything posted by ragnar hairy trousers

  1. i have started work on another large merchant ship.... ;)more info on this one will follow soon.
  2. she would have more armor than the standard indiaman sir! not less and yes the more cargo the slower it would go but then the same thing for other merchant ships should apply....whos to say that there wont be large (not larger) but faster armed merchant ships for us to sail... Merchant frigates like those deigned by Chapman. She has the same frame and plank thickness and spacing as a British 3rd rate....Same armor as a Bellona. easy answer would be to make them very very expensive to craft?????
  3. im not sure that such a vessel would be the only choice of merchant ship "santi isnt the only choice of warship", and besides she was huge but her guns are only 18lb and with only 250 to 300 crew a skilled officer in a connie or similar vessel could just stay on her stern take down her sails and board.
  4. indeed Mr Mirones the frames and planking of the East India Company "Regular ships" was identical in thickness and spacing to that of Royal Navy third rates
  5. the hull form is surprisingly sharp considering her great size... these vessels were built for fast voyages to India and China. And oooops i meant 12 knots sorry
  6. This is the Farquharson Regular ship of the Honorable East India Company, the largest merchant ship in the world during the period in which naval action is set. 1400 tons armed with 56 18lb cannon and had a recorded top speed of 12.5 knots
  7. I will post more Mr Malachi but not just yet i still have much to do on the hull sir
  8. The plans are quite high resolution but had to scan them lower in order to be able to post them on the forums.. (they are workable )
  9. This is the USS Virginia launched in 1776 and although the plans list her as a 32 gun frigate she was actually a 28 . Unlike most 28 gun vessels of the time she shipped 12 lb guns instead of the usual 9 lb guns, making her very powerful for her size. Given her armament and size she was a powerful ship for her time and had she broken the British blockade could have been a thorn in the side of the British. It is a great pity that her captain was such a coward and fled the ship when faced with HMS Emerald (32 gun commanded by Captain Caldwell ). Her demoralized crew surrendered her without a fight. It would be very nice to see how she would have preformed in actual combat against a British 32 like HMS Emerald.
  10. You were all allied against the slrn at one point... but then it was our problem. Now the shoe is on the other foot you don't seem to like it. It's only a game fella
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