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Everything posted by Kanay

  1. Sad to see you leave, met some nice guys in Ausez, made my first PB with you guys very little time after switching from France to Brits, at start just responding to a call for helping, not even knowing exactly what was going to happen, it turned to be screening and things going on i ended in a PB that happened few minutes after to defend one of our ports attacked by Spain, this then repeated a few times days and weeks later allowing me to participate in some interesting actions, it was nice and fun with some good and funny guys in TS. Had and still have a great respect for all things that you done with Brits, sad to see such valuable team leave for some reasons that bypass things i understand as a solo player. Well have fun under the black flag, was going to say "hope to see you on the seas soon" ...but it might not be a good encounter for me then Sad day for the British Empire, good continuation under your new colors guys and thanks for having allowed simple solo guys like me into good fun parties.
  2. Edit: just saw the answer posted while i was typing this, yes makes sense , thanks a lot Same for me i think, i have 39 redeemable, i don't recall having played on PVP3 , more strange is that some of those redeemable are things i used when playing France in PVP1 before switching to Brits some months ago. Like a pickle BP that i had under pvp1 , being part of redeemable offered by the devs, and i used it in PVP 1 playing France months ago.
  3. Came back online, but crashed for sure seeing all comments in chat .
  4. Hi, apparently pvp1 just crashed , ship stoped to move in OW, then sent to login screen.
  5. It's the base price from NPC's shops, not the production buildings. Unless i make an error NPC bases prices are : American Cotton 30 Coal 23 Compass Wood 1000 Copper Ore 42 Danish Beer 90 Fir Log 30 Gold 152 Hemp 100 Iron Ore 149 Lignum Vitae 250 Live Oak Log 100 Oak Log 50 Pine Log 30 Red Wood Log 50 Rum 21 Silver 75 Stone Block 10 Teak Log 45 A ctity producing one of those, contract at base price *3 +1 ( +5% fee for the contract tax )
  6. Do you set your contract in a city producing the desired resource, a city producing copper here ? Be sure to put the contract at 127 price and on a city that produces copper and it should work unless something changed since last time i tested it last week or so.
  7. Often had to enter aim mode myself especially when it comes to the rear or front canons before pressing F5 and be sure that it will disable what i need and not a right or left broadside like it happened a few times to me so it became an habit to enter aim mode to be sure. F5 works but adds unnecessary need to look at the direction or enter aim mode on the side you need to disable, by definition the side you don't want to bother with in the instant of the action when a simple combination of 2 keys similar to the change of ammo type will do the work without having unnecessary steps. Like i said it should add on the top of the F5 possibility, not asking for F5 to be removed, simply improved.
  8. Hi Captains and hopefully hi Dev's if you read this, Since a few we have the possibility to disable reload on a boardside using F5 but we need first to enter in "aim view" then press F5 . We can't start to do this before the battle session starts and loose precious time passing in aim mode from one side to another to execute this simple order. For example if we want to disable reload in the left side and those placed on the rear of the ship, we need to wait for the battle to start, then switch in aim mode to the left side, press F5, then switch in aim mode to the rear and press again F5, same thing in the heat of the battle when needing to disable reload on a boardside, this is adding unnecessary commands and making the process longer than needed. My simple suggestion is to add for each canon load a 4th possibility like seen on the picture here : We used to have double shots on carronades and this 4th possibility for the type of ammos is probably still present in the code, maybe for the Dev's it will not be a big effort to bring back the 4th option and assign it the function to disable reload on one broadside in supplement to the type of ammos selected using those commands, the key 4 will be a toggle ON/OFF action and the switching of the type of ammos will still work independently of it. Keeping the current system passing in aim mode then using F5 on the top of this one is fine too. This will allow to disable quickly some boardsides reloads using a quick combo of 2 keys, it will be easy as switching the type of ammos and will also allow players to disable some boardises reload directly during the initial timer countdown before the match really starts and not having to pass in aim mode then pressing F5 during the heat of the battle where you probably want to keep your eyes locked exactly at the opposite side where you have to go for disabling reload after passing in aim mode there and pressing F5. Thanks in advance. Edit : Modified a bit the title to match more precisely the content of the suggestion
  9. Apparently in the API we can see the chances for drops of BP's and what ships unlocks what like said here : http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/9400-naval-action-craft/page-10#entry244595 Can a good soul give some hints about where to find those infos in the API, the denomination used in the code maybe for the chances and ships unlocking whatever BP's please ? I tried to check but could not find it :/ Thanks in advance
  10. Interesting changes but still some points unclear to me about the victory points, are points based on the BR of the ships sunk or does a mercury count as much as a constitution in terms of victory points if sunk ? Edit : Silly me this was in the initial post, missed it on a probably too fast first read, sorry By the way Admin : With many battles limited to 4th rates isn't it the perfect time to increase the drop chances for the Ingermanland BP that seems very hard to drop for many of us ? Please Thanks.
  11. There is a few upgrades needed 5 notes yeah, steel toolbox like you noticed and also muskets and pistols , Reinforced rudder, Grenades supplement. The rudder one i never understood why it needed 5 notes when reinforced masts needs only four for example but that's another debate
  12. This can be bought already with " Extend Warehouse " button, +8 slots for 50k, then next 8 slots for 250k, and 8 more for 750k. The 750k one is abusive for what it brings especially since you can store stuff in traders but others are fine, what i really need is getting more slots for ships and not craft a ship and leave it there half a day until the captain who ordered it comes pick it up reducing my ships stored in this outpost to only 4 possible at any time.
  13. Touche TAB , le petit logo "team" présent au dessus du chat passera en " All " : au passage : Possible également de faire ctrl+click sur le logo avec les 3 petites barres a coté de l'emplacement de saisie de texte pour ouvrir le chat en plus grand
  14. Glassing and Nation flags ( at least on player ships, or multiple flags like in battle sessions and the small additional ones at the top being different on AI ships compared to player controlled ships ) in OW will be nice, when there is a lot of AI ships on the horizon like it is the case around some cities you need to click on all of them to be sure none is an enemy player. Having the glass and able to spot the flags will be way better and also better for immersion too.
  15. Les fois ou j'ai tenter en solo ou a deux on finissait a 2-3 bots et 1-2 joueurs contre une horde, jamais vu un seul fleet order équilibré en y allant solo ou a deux donc j'ai arrêter d'en faire en solo ou petit groupe perso.
  16. Les fleet order c'est pas fait pour y aller en solo, a moins de vraiment aimer le challenge, les fleet ( flottes ) faut y aller avec un bon groupe de joueurs, les IA affectée ne sont pas du tout équilibrée en général. Pour un joueur en solo voir deux en petit groupe il faut demander des missions simples, "Order" uniquement .
  17. Pour les missions c'est au max 2 navires a affronter, ce dans quoi tu te retrouves cela doit être des "events" et non pas tes missions. Dans le jeu l'icône des 2 sabres entrecroisés sont utilisés pour les missions, les events, les fleet order et battles. Pour reconnaitre ta mission il suffit de cliquer sur les sabres et en haut a droite de l'écran tu verra " Admiralty Order " , si en cliquant sur les sabres tu vois autre chose que "Admiralty Order" passe ton chemin et continue a chercher ta mission
  18. Hello all, In game when we login it's possible to see some conquests informations when opening the map but what we have is sparse and not contain a lot of details, we see the current active flags and a list of successful conquests and that's all, this is far from be sufficient. We should at minimum have a list showing all attacks started, no matter if they were success or failed conquests, a list of current PB as those are not displayed once the flag is planted, you can have 3 PB next to your location when you login in game and have no clue as you get no infos about this. Right now you login into the game and have to ask for infos in chat, if there is a PB going on, a defense going on, if there was some failed attacks etc, and when it's during hot action moments the chat is already busy enough with vital infos about enemies movements to clutter it even more just to have some basic infos about what is going on when you login in game. All those infos should be provided in game for every player to have an idea of what is going on or what happened in the previous hours simply by looking at a fully detailed conquests informations panel, flag bought but not planted, flag planted but conquest failed, current PB's etc Additionally and preferably a sub menu should list the conquests of the previous day with all the details too, like this players login just after the server maintenance will see what happened previously too, but this can wait, a full detailed list of what happen for the "current day" will be enough for a start, what we have now is far from being sufficient. Thanks in advance.
  19. @ Admin : Is the current shot log incorrect to the point of not reporting correctly the number of guns fired ? While testing and timing out the canons reloads times i noticed that shooting full broadsides at the start of a mission the number of shots reported in the log were not accurate sometimes. For example the other day shooting a full boardside with the Essex once the initial reload have been completed, 20 guns on each boardside shot at once and seeing the log reporting only 17 or sometimes 18 shots fired per side. Is this something to worry about and test deeper or the log is wrong and we should not even take in account the shots fired and reported ? Thanks
  20. Ah, this will explain why I still found 15 bottles of rum and danish beer stored in one of my traders keeping materials a couple of days after having bought some especially to do a grog ration gold, until seeing this post i just thought i bought more than i needed and was too tired when i did and had messed up quantities for those.
  21. The idea behind it is that the more deep you attack into a Nation owned territory the more risky it becomes and the more advantages the defenders/owners of those territories get. It's way easier to find players in certain waters than in some others, yet it's the still the same risk involved in launching an attack near a dense populated area compared to one at the border of a Nation that will see just a few potential preys players passing by each hour or so ... You say you don't see " no rational behind it from a realism/imersion standpoint.", well it seems pretty clear to me, why should it be so easy to attack someone not far from his capital while surrounded by a lot of cities owned by his Nations and profit of the same advantages in terms of who can join for timers and BR differences as doing this in far away waters at the border of a Nation ?? Simple, for me it shouldn't be following the same rules and be way harder to attack in some areas depending on the territory owned by a Nation, it should be easier to join the battles in some areas for the defending side, either longer timers and greater BR difference than in some other areas to reflect the territorial domination that is currently meaning nothing and not encouraged at all in game. As for the extra money and XP it's compensate for the larger BR's difference in battle or way longer timers to join the battle for the defending side in his own waters, like i said it won't be impossible to do such actions but the risk will be way greater to end up after a few minutes outnumbered if the time allowed to join in the green area is far superior as the orange one, but let's be clear it shouldn't be twice more rewards, a slightly superior one but not that important, i won't mind if the rewards will not be improved at all depending the zones and only the risk being greater for the attacker, after all it's more easy to find preys in those areas so yeah this part can be skipped why not. Getting "simple" zones of control around towns will leave "holes" and weak points where people will always be hunting and again not push the game in the conquest direction that is rendered not really needed anymore by design, this will create a need for it, will create different levels of difficulty for PVP, probably make some of the borders of a Nations way more active in terms of PVP, like it have been in real life and contrary to how it is now where people just use magical spawn points created by free towns and go to where there is the more active players in a Nation... As for the complexity well it's just mathematical formulas and some lines of code that will define all this, how far is the next friendly city, is there some enemies cities in the way, is there no city at all around in a perimeter larger than xy, if so define zone as safe etc... nothing over complicated i believe, also it's pretty easy to figure out for a player if you are only surrounded by a lot of one Nation towns or if there is only a few around and some other Nations towns in the other side... That's how i see it but i understand my opinion is good only for me
  22. True art masterpiece you provide us, thanks a lot for this. I used to get it loaded in Gimp with a layer for the ruler and trace my routes, add notes, time estimations for the travels and such but using it less lately. While the map is really beautiful and again i want to thank you for investing so much time in this, i would really like to see a simpler version of the colorless map, with no coordinates grid, no compass on it beside maybe one at one empty corner of the map and no lines between the various cities. Using your map in gimp and adding my own routes and notes it became a bit overloaded now and the grid and lines takes out the immersion feeling a map not having those helpers will give me. I don't know if you have under hand a version without grid, compass placed in the map and the lines from cities to cities ( maybe you use some layers in your picture editor for those ) but my biggest wish will be to see this same map without the helpers for the immersion it could provide and i could use it in gimp and add plenty of things on it and it will still be clear and readable after adding a lot of infos. Also hope the Dev's will contact you one of those day to put your map directly inside the game, it's really a beautiful work that will perfectly fit in game. Thanks a lot.
  23. That's weird, don't know why it doesn't work anyways this is what i think : As for the advantages of factions having more ports, yes and nope it's a double sword since a couple of ports captured will totally change the zones and as right now the more ports you have the more at disadvantage you are and it shouldn't be like this ... More risks for the attackers, but also more rewards ...
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