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Illusive Tabby

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Everything posted by Illusive Tabby

  1. As Captain J. Aubrey said in the fine movie Master and Commander, after Dr Maturin called the Surprise an "aged man of war" compared to the Acheron (Constitution) "She has a bluff bow, lovely lines. She's a fine sea-boat: weatherly, stiff and fast … very fast, if she's well handled. No, she's not old; she's in her prime." An older ship can beat a new one with good seamanship.
  2. This. Unlike most games NA is compared to, WT, WoT, EvE, even, we do not, and likely wont have, the same player base in numbers. This is a niche game, at best. Niche games generally have a small but highly devoted playerbase.
  3. I hope there is just one server, don't split the population. Especially as I doubt there will be "that many" players to begin with. This is more a niche game after all.
  4. I think the B-52 Bombers nickname works here. "BUFF"....I'll leave you fine gentlemen to figure that one out. However, other than being a little old, she seems like a good, cheapish ship to have.
  5. A lovely read. I had known that ships keels were lined with copper to deter weed growth, though I had never bothered to learn how or why. Thanks for the information!
  6. I personally love the Mythbusters show, but I was always at odds with their result about cannonballs and splinters. They had ONE cannon. And I doubt the "ship" they built was fully built in the same way as a real ship. I just do not recall how it was built But they had one cannon. Show me a warship with three masts that has one cannon per side. Fire 15 cannons at the side of a ship and you may have more of a real result.
  7. My question to you is...what is "endgame" in a sandbox like NA is shapeing up to be? Just general curiosity.
  8. Part of the reason so few will want a US linehship is the fact that the US built so few, and a large portion of US players will want to play as the US...and want a US lineship.
  9. As to that, I am not certain. There is a lack of an order of battle diagram anywhere that I have searched, so I have no clue how it was supposed to help. I would figure point the ship at the best angle to the wind as you can and make best speed away if you needed to not get shot to kindling.
  10. It means he "wore ship", with the present tense "wear ship". To turn the ship away from the wind in order to change tacks downwind. All of the rigging turns and rubs during the maneuver, causing the gear to wear. Definition: 1) Jibing, or running before the wind.
  11. So, any word on how much longer the poll will run?
  12. Actually flying a false flag was perfectly acceptable for warships of the era, solong as you raised your true colors before you opened fire.
  13. My arguement against steam ships in general is the fact that having a propeller or a paddel means you do not need to hold the weather gage. Whoever is faster controlls the battle over whoever is more skilled a sailor.
  14. So I started reading on about the Ironclad warships, of what I know next to nothing about. My interest in naval ships spans roughly 1650 to, funnily enough, 1830, the "cutoff date" of NA...then skips to roughly 1930 to 1945. Everything inbetween I consider to be "dirty" ships. Not saying the ships are dirty, but that early steam powered....stuff..scares me because of how new it was. It was all rather experimental. And yet, it would be fun to sail HMS Warrior around and blast stuff with 110 pound guns.
  15. With a hard limit date of 1830, IIRC, it would be hard to find many examples of steam powered warships, letalone ironclad warships. And I think the devs have said no to them, anyways. Also, wiki claims the first ironclad warship was built 1859...which is a little out of the timeline.
  16. To those afraid merchant vessels will not be used, well, as mentioned. They have a diferent hull shape than a frigate. EvE Online also has one of the best virtual economies and vast vast amounts of low value, high bulk items are moved around daily. The game even has highly specialized ships, from jump frieghters that can jump hundreds of minutes of space travel in seconds to blockade runners that can use a cloaking device to move high value items. And most industrial ships have no real armor to a sustained attack. So why do players fly those 'weak' ships? Because they see the risk/reward and feel it is better to make less trips in a cargo vessel than in a battleship, which carries often a tenth or less the cargo space. It is easier, quicker, and more profitable to move the cargo in cargo ships than warships....even if the cargoships are slower overall.
  17. Not to harshly shoot this one down, we could just use the Trincomalee of the Repeat Leda class.
  18. My sentiments exactly. A first rate will play like a first rate, regardless of nationality. We have two. I could understand a second rate, but still.
  19. Multi-page topic debating the names over the ships. Your specific case of names being too similar is similar in itself to the colorblind part of the discusion. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2909-modify-the-names-over-the-ships/ Hope it helps.
  20. I AM....THE LAW! DROP....YOUR WEAPONS! THESE BLOCKS...ARE UNDER...ARREST! THIS IS YOUR FINAL....WARNING! Ahhemm....I just hope it isn't a single, simple thing that could mark one as a pirate. Could suck massivly for an actual accident to screw over your naval career. .... ... .... I knew they'd do that.
  21. It will, eventually. I suspect the devs are takeing all the ships from this pole, and the previous 2014 poll, and putting them ingame, as they are all ships people wish to see. This is just fast-tracking specific ships.
  22. Honestly, I see nothing wrong with the transportation of slaves in a historical game. It's something I do not look at with a modern perspective but a perspective of a person living in the era. Now, if this was a modern maratime game, yea, I'd have an issue with it. But does it need to be in the game? Of course not. I could just as easily see people smuggle...like...sheep as opposed to Africans.
  23. Hah, not a chance. I'll be taking myself a commision in either the US Navy or the Royal Navy as an officer to seek out all enemies on the high seas. Specifically pirates and other warships....and hopefuly a fat juicy merchant here or there.
  24. Way back when, when Navy Field was better than it is now, I wanted a navy related name. So I took to my memory for the first US squadron to come under kamikaze attack, which in reality was "Taffy 3" but, memories being what they are, I thought it was either "Tabby 3" or "Tappy 3" so I chose the name I thought sounded better. Ended up as Tabby. Used the name since. Two years ago now, I started playign DayZ. After a few months playing, in which I died three times total, I looked for a bit of an addon, to stop being called the "cat guy". So I looked to my favorite sci-fi game, and the Illusive Man has one of the best personal themes. So, Illusive Tabby. And it fits for my DayZ escapades. And Illusive works better than elusive in my opinion as I don't exist. You THINK I was there, but I wasn't. I was no where near you. I didn't exist near you in DayZ. I'm not hard to find because I cannot be found. I wont be found. I am like a deer in DayZ durring hunting season. A single noise and I am running in the opposite direction. I ran from a fresh spawn while fully kitted out. Not ashamed.
  25. All in good time, Prater, but I still want Rattlesnake now!
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