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Naval Action Tester
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Everything posted by Leviathan

  1. I've always liked the Bellona and later the Renommee. The Essex looks very nice as well but i've yet to get my hands on one. The ingermanland really isn't my style but the model is very impressive.
  2. I'm not sure about the pirate frigate BP or if/when it will happen. My guess is it won't happen since it's a specialty ship but things may change. However, for the rest of your post - there isn't any plans for avatars but we will have some degree of ship customization in the future.
  3. @AKD Don't allow the same nation to duel each other on the open world
  4. After some more thinking I would like to see 2 options (I know this isn't possible right away) Option 1 - Duel room works like Admin's first post. You enter and get assigned to player in same ship class. No dura loss and no rewards. Just fun dueling PvP for whomever wants it. Option 2 - You see someone on open world and have option to challenge them to a duel. If they accept you are sent to duel room with dura loss enabled.
  5. I think there needs to be dura loss to encourage proper fighting, but If there is no dura loss then there shouldn't be any rewards. Can we also get a duel request option in the private message/player info window?
  6. Locking since we have enough of these going on already. Pirates will be addressed in the "War & Peace" discussion so please be patient until then.
  7. It negated the entire purpose of a large world, but the main thing was the ships were disconnected with the waves and it looked very bad in general. Turning and everything was extremely quick and made tagging very imprecise and unpredictable.
  8. It did indeed suck and was very gamey. I remember traveling at 200+kn at one point. The current speed of travel (feel) is the best it's been in my opinion
  9. There are no false chat bans in the game unless it's due to a misclick but that has never happened to my knowledge. It is most likely that your chat was inappropriate and seen by a moderator and you were banned or your chat was reported and after internal review it was deemed worthy of a chat ban. If Ink sees this he can possibly look through the logs and verify the reason for the ban.
  10. Topic has spiraled into a endless cycle of unproductiveness. Locking
  11. Open world PVE: epic events, more variety of fleets, more missions (incl delivery missions) This is interesting as well and I do think it could offer interesting gameplay Just brainstorming quickly. The option to allow a group of players to accept a mission to deliver a large treasure cache for a very large reward could be interesting. Essentially this would be a large player controlled treasure fleet that has to navigate to a specific port. The presence of the fleet could then be announced, but location remain vague, and allow players to go hunt for this fleet potentially resulting in a large open sea PvP match. Of course it would require a larger grouping option than 6 that we have now to allow players to assemble a fleet worthy of escorting extremely valuable goods.
  12. Agree with many of the posters here that it's only a grind if you fall into the trap of "highest rank/largest ship = best player" and make a mad rush to reach that goal. Many of the oldest players from Sea Trials and earlier have been through the grind (in various forms) and reset multiple times and are in no rush to reach the highest rank though excessive AI grinding. There is tremendous value in taking the time to learn each ship not to mention it's fun to do so. You can challenge yourself to go into the Bahamas with a Privateer one day to fight pirates and perhaps use the Trincomalee the next in a hunting pack to find enemy 3rd rates. Many mighty 1st rates have fallen to these supposed 'lesser' vessels at the hands of skilled captains. Players are only cheating themselves out of fun and experience if they simply grind to the top as a sole means of progression to use the largest ships.
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