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PIerrick de Badas

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Everything posted by PIerrick de Badas

  1. 6lsb naval gun shooted (4min45 to begin) Nice flare and sound
  2. yes but i don't remember the key look on nda and screen topic
  3. Moral could be a key to solve bad action of players. Ganking decrease yrou abilitie to be follow by your crew. They don't respect you because you're not respecting the flag and the honor code except if you are a pirate and you don't gt the same moral way. Sunking ships, refusing surrenders may decrease the crew morale too. A low morale crew is more ready to auto surrender if the ship is badly damage, it's not reloading as fast as it can and the sails are not sailed as fast as they could. If the morale is too bad, bonus ofofficier are decrease or rising 0 effects. For pirate, morale is not working the same way. Your crew want blood and money. Ganking is not bad but loosing too many crew memebrs into a fight is bad for the crew morale. Taking damage is bad too because it means repair and cost for that. Morale may solve many actions by forcing people to play as people would like to see them play
  4. About ship sinkind and reat shot I don't think that most of the battle have to finish by seeing a ship sunking. If we want to stay a bit realistic we need to decrease the number of ship which are going to sunk. Anyway, for thoses who have to sunk, i don't really love the common system we get in all games When you loose armor and reach a certain amount of armor, you start loosing hull or take water (like in potbs). Rear armor is ofc smaller than broadside armor but why the hell should i sunk from a rear shot? I loose my guns, and my crew and i take water byt how a ball can and travel the ship part to part and reach underwater line? Here is the hitbox i would propose ( a bit simple i know) Armor: Destroying armor by shooting upper the water. You loose guns, crew, crew morale and more you get damaged armor more the mast under the deck can take damage Hull When shooting under the water into the ship, you start take water. You can use repair to stop it or let it go. More you take water, slower you go. More you wait to repair, less effective is the repair (it's harder to join the hole if it's far away under the water or in lower deck if this one is plenty of water). Taking water decrease crew morale but less than armor shoot that kill crew and decrease more the moral of crew. Mast Mast have their own integrity. When you shoot on mast you decrease their ability to survive the battle. On a certain ammount of HP, mast integrity become falling if you keep full sails on them. More you got sails on mast, faster they loose integrity. Mast fall is not "luck shoot" but integrity falling and user not repairing them Guns more the armor is destroyed, more guns are destroyed. Each gun destroy kill x people. You can't repair gun into battle Sails: Sails are destroyed by any shot. Chain shot destroy more sails than round shot. if a mast fall sails on the mast are destroyed. Rudder, pump etc There is no integrity for them. It's "luck" that make them work or not. When an element take shoot, he got x% of chance to be affect. First shoot make it work 75%. second shot 50% effective. 3 shoto destroy it. You can repair it. Crew You get master carpenters, sailer gunner etc but you got an amount on crew. Crew is the key of the battle. When you take fire, crew can be kill and panick. When crew panick, you can't use it for a time. When he is kill, you can't replace it. When crew lost their morale and is to much panick, you're ship is auto surrendering. More you train you crew, more you improve their moral and less is your ability to auto surrender. If you got to much people dying, you can't use everything on your ship like turning into the wind, shoot etc etc. If you are in focus fire: armor shoot affect the crew If you are in focus sailing, sails shoot affect the crew etc Fire If your ship got x% on armor and %avalble crew, you get a chance to get a fire into your ship. It has to be rare. more you let the fire go, more your ship is damaged. Fire can destroy a ship if it is not control. When you try to fix a fire, your ship can't shoot neither turn. Everyone is focus on dealing with fire. If your ship is burning and you ram an another ship you get a chance to give him fire. It make firing ship dangerous for ships around specially as they are not under control.
  5. First of all about fire: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/French_ship_Orient_%281791%29 Placé au centre du dispositif décidé par Brueys, l'Orient avait commencé par foudroyer le Bellerophon. À 19h30, intervenait le premier drame : la mort de Brueys, presque coupé en deux par un boulet. Une heure plus tard, son capitaine de pavillon, Casabianca, était blessé gravement à la tête. Jusqu'à cinq vaisseaux anglais s'acharnèrent sur l'Orient. À son bord, plusieurs débuts d'incendie avaient été maîtrisés, mais le feu reprenait sans cesse, alimenté par les peintures et l'huile répandues sur le pont. À 21h45, un nouvel incendie se déclara dans les porte-haubans d'artimon à bâbord et se propagea dans la mâture. Mais cette fois, il devint incontrôlable. Selon la loi des séries, tout se conjugua pour enrayer la lutte contre le feu à laquelle les hommes de la batterie de 24 avaient été appelés : pompe à incendie brisée ; haches de combat inaccessibles ; seaux dispersés... Le vaisseau était la proie des flammes de l'avant à l'arrière. Devant l'ampleur et la violence du sinistre, Ganteaume décida de noyer les poudres, mesure ultime pour sauver le bâtiment au prix de son désarmement. Le maître calfat ouvrit les robinets. Mais c'était trop tard, le feu progressait plus vite l'eau. Ganteaume n'eut d'autre alternative que d'ordonner l'évacuation de l'Orient. Dans le sauve-qui-peut général, une centaine d'hommes parvinrent à monter sur une chaloupe ; quelques-uns s'embarquèrent sur un canot à demi-calciné ; d'autres s'accrochèrent aux mâtures et aux débris entourant le vaisseau en flammes ; les blessés restés à bord moururent brûlés vifs. Vers 22h30, le fleuron de la marine française explosa dans un fracas épouvantable, ébranlant les vaisseaux environnants, les couvrant de débris enflammés. Cet événement rarissime alimenta la légende, accréditée par Napoléon, qu'il constitua le tournant de la bataille alors que celui-ci intervint à la tombée de la nuit avec l'arrivée des " renforts " anglais. C'est confondre cause et conséquences. Le dénombrement des victimes de l'Orient est impossible, dans la mesure où l'effectif réglementaire de l'équipage, qui s'élevait à 1 130 hommes, était loin d'être complet au moment du combat. Il manquait notamment la moitié des servants dans la batterie de 12. Les Britanniques ont souvent avancé le chiffre de 70 survivants, qui correspond au nombre d'hommes recueillis à leurs bords. Le contre-amiral Decrès, commandant des frégates, donna un décompte de 760 rescapés. Ship orient was placed on the center on the french line and was attacked by 5 brit ship on the same time. After few times fire start into the mast and due of many problem like pumper broken, lost axe and more, fire become bigger and not under control. It was decide to make the water go into the powderroom but fire was to big and it was decide to disband and flee the ship. 70 french people were saved by brits ships but more survive. We can't know how many die because Orient's crew was not complete I think you can find interesting information about that but it's the more famous ship that take fire and explose.
  6. I would hate beeing stuck in 0 wind area but i love the idea to get a normal wind for the map and some +wind bonus coming anytimes. It will not stuck anyone in front of his computer but it will help them sometimes randomly to finish earlier their travel. Having storm and++wind would really be a big bonus for the games as the others games have the same wind for all the map what is inacurate with reallity and make the games boring while in OS.
  7. I would say: For the others ships, No Bar because as said before, when you see a ship sunking why spending time to finish it althought it's going to sunk anyway? So i would say colors indicator. Hull in green, ships is 75-100% ok, ship orange, armor is 50-75% ok, ship red, armor is 25-50% Black armor, there is 0-25%armor. About hull, we may see it with water pomp or with the same color indicator The goal is to no tell to muchabout ennemy. About your ship, bar is ok, you are on the ship so you can kjnow exactly what damage it tages.
  8. +1 Command flag would be necessary to command NPC but if there is no npc to command, command flags is a bit useless althought some would enjoy them, i'm not sure it's a priority to develop.
  9. old french map about fortfication : French forfification on "Port louis" http://www.sites-vauban.org/spip.php?action=acceder_document&arg=842&cle=7381a24878bebe4d9b5ba66425e0894d5fe0c166&file=jpg%2Fplan_ancien-41.jpg
  10. Famous Camaret fortification. Build by Vauvan, attacked by spanish who damage the church of Camaret while shooting on the fort wich win the battle. http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Plan_of_the_Attack_of_Camaret_Bay.jpg http://www.richesheures.net/epoque-16-18/militaire/29/camaret/camaret-didier07.jpg
  11. PIerrick de Badas


    i don't have transfzr my pirate/ensligh/french account and i never get any dons. I didn't transfer EdR eco character too. The game is behind me now and i'm looking for a NA to give me back this kind of sensations potbs gave me
  12. Sea dogs was really a brillantr games and the second one was for me the best pirate game i play alone. As dysney buy the games it has been called something like: Pirate of the caribean XXX but it's not an ea or dysney games, it's just sea dogs2 renamed like that with not any dysney features. A really good games, can anyone tell me his exact names? A second good games was "corsair". It get the best boarding systeme ever. Try it to see, it was really new and strategic
  13. Don't make FLS error that was to build many small ships to be loved by few players that would use them 3hours when we mlss level 50 ships.
  14. Hermione is one well known frigate to have carry General Lafayette when this one was reaching the America. It has been rebuild since 1997 in Rochefort in france. You can see many movie on youtube or just see the website about the frigate: http://www.hermione2015.com/
  15. You're in Historicagames : http://www.histogames.com/HTML/news/2014/fevrier/004-a-la-decouverte-de-naval-action.php But to interest french you will have to translate your website in french or ask people to help you translate it. Into the french potbs squads it was really few people able to speak or understand english. As the population for this kinf of games is more around 40 years than 20, most people in our country may miss the game if you don't translate news in french. French were one on the key population in potbs with russian and english speaking people. Don't make them miss your game!
  16. No way for french public to control HMs ships exept to suicide it into the rocks... I vote for the Infermanland!
  17. Congrats Next meeting, 10k?
  18. PIerrick de Badas


    I let my accounts dye with FLS because i Know it was the last solution to make me stop coming back. Why wanted to stop this returns? Because all of the return i made make me more sad. Step by step i loose my hapiness sailing into the sea seeing ganks, seeing groups avoiding fights frightening to sunk, we spend hours with the crew to sunk few players. The last socitey i truely respect was the WIS that come every day in pvp area withtou any skills with mordaunts. Days after days, they looses plenty of ships but they improve and were not so bad at the end. Pobts was for us (edr) The game we alwais will loved, the game that make us meet together and play twice a week on other games, and the games we will regret. RIP potbs'FLS.
  19. Scenario: - Destroy ennemy fleet (ship vs ships) - Destroy ennemy small Fortification (ship VS ship+fortificaton) - Land troops to a point (Ship v Ship) - Land troops to a point and then attack the main port (landing troop to destroy a large fortification which protect a port). Then when landed troops have destroy the main battery, enter the port and destroy the target (ships/fleet...) - Feed a port (passing throw the blockoading fleet) (ship v ship) - Blockade a port (sunk the ships who try to past) - Catch a special ship. (IA choose a ship into the "defending fleet". This ship has to join a point withtou sunking. Rest of the team defend it at all cost. opponent don't know wich ship they have to sunk) Maps: I would love to get differents kinf of water with Open sea and lands. The small ships like frigate could go near the coast when line ship have to stay away from it exect if usings channels.
  20. +1 Inh a game withtout clikable skills as in potbs, you have to focus of giving fun to people to make them love your game. A too realistic wa will make the game boring for most people exept the ones who love simulation. It's time to choos between simulation or succes About the problem dealing with using just a small part of the map, you have to make the wind turn before each battle and sometime into the battle. Not like in potbs where the wind can change in 180° in 1 sec but making it changes evero 10min from 45 to 90° could give more intensity for the fight. You have to understand that the players who loves tactic will create for each map a tactic to use. In potbs PB leaders have 1 to 5 different tactic per map. The difference in a good and a bad PB leader was this ability toi choose the good tactic on the good moment or to create a new tactic. Yous maps will be as in Potbs farmed and everyone will know the basics tactics to win. It's the same thing in WOT where you have to hide your tank on the right place on the right moment to be able to destroy opponents. Making the wind change before the battle and into the battle with break the stactics tactics that we will create. Itwill force anyone to take care on any moment to see if the tactic can still be used. It will allow you to see people playing anywhere in your map. About land, i didn't love the Potbs way neither i loved the interact way potbs use. But too realistic would kill the fun. If you touch a coast in real way, your ship is lost. In a game i would rather see a cooldown wirth crew using barks to put your ship back in sea For example you could manage different kind of coast - Sand: Block your ship for 30sec, 100% crew is used in barks to drag the ship back into the sea - Rock: Block your ship for 20sec, 50% hull destroy and you can think about different consequences dealing with the speed of the ships (dismating it with full speed, more time to be back in sea etc) Abot ship v ship you have to consider that yours masts are the first one to be destroyed in this kind of interaction Wind is the key for the victory and the key for a pirate game. it's the only thing that make your game different in regard on wot or this kind of games. Don't be stuck in realistic way or create a pirate simulation. If you want a large multiplayer game, just open your minds and try to choose the best of any aspect
  21. the 1 v1 battle should be 30 min max battle to make people more availble for others battle. The map have to be enough big to allow ships to get the wind and ships have to take a small amount on shoo to be sunked. Frigates have no relaly armor and in some Alexander Kent books, some are sunk in a one shot from rated ships. So frigate v Frigate, i would say : many time to get the better position ans few time battle with few shots to sunk th opponent
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