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Mr. Doran

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Everything posted by Mr. Doran

  1. Again. Gankers sailing together in loose or tight formation is the exact reason why we want one minute timers to begin with. With one minute timers uneven fights become avoidable because unless you are in fog or some other thing obstructing your view you will see the Zerg hoard coming your direction and avoid getting into an uneven fight to begin with. The idea of ganking/jumping as a whole is not an entirely negative thing but what is an entirely negative thing is not being able to find or participate in any decent pvp of any size big or small and it being ruined by "lol my battle is 200km to your east go bring the swarm" . With low timers you can adapt to the situation that is presented to you. If you see three people on the OS in a world of one minute timers you know immediately to disengage. The big and small can pick whether to engage or disengage accordingly. This whole topic of making it fun or possible to "take on" three ships of the same class and caliber who are "lower skilled" because there is a "lack" of equalizers is not the issue. This would not be an "issue" if the timers were simply set to as low as they should be in the first place. I'm sure the person in these uneven fights would prefer to get his teeth kicked in and will have tons of fun compared to being able to fairly access risk on the same level of everyone else regardless of numbers.
  2. I am pretty sure with 3000 to 4000 people on the server 1v2 fights are going to pale in comparison to the 2v6s or bountiful amounts of other ganks that are going to be bound to happen on a daily basis in mass. Sounds like a bit of a defeatist way of trying to figure out how to help someone once they are already boned. What happens in a world where there are not many of these "unskilled captains" and the experienced gankers just use these new found equalizers to finish the job on our "one" in this 1v2, 2v6, etc... to finish the job even faster than before. If someone gets a weapon of mass destruction then everyone else does simultaneously.
  3. It would be off topic if they weren't tied to the exact same issue. Most of us are here to state how futile it is to try to expect any kind of equalizers to allow anyone to fight their way out of these flights of fancy ganks. The root of the issue is the timer.
  4. People who know how to duel and win a very high percentage of those duels should have a very high understanding of the game mechanics and a mastering of every single fundamental skill I.E raking, timing of full rolling fire, energy management, and every other skill you would expect someone to know and master to win a high percentage of solo fights. It is not hard then to teach those very same people to act as a disciplined unit who have control over all the fundamental skills to a proficient degree with proper doctrine [with the principles of an OS duel in mind scaled up] and if those players have the wind with proper leadership, communication, and a chain of command structure should win a higher percentage of times over the average players drilled into a simple but mostly effective doctrine lead by someone who knows exactly what they are doing. It ultimately comes down to the proficiency and employment of the meta of a player or players that is being beaten. -A disclaimer to all What is instructed in this manual is largely outdated (but still applicable against anyone not using new meta) at this point approximately eight months later and was outdated likely only one-two months after by radical changes in the approach of dueling from a trading method to a non-trading method and from a high energy method to a low energy method. In other words going from exchanging fire for position and rakes to [preferably and mostly] never trading fire if necessary and from maintaining a high speed until not necessary to carefully trading speed for strategic retaliative position over the target(s). This information with more detailed duel to group fighting translation and applicability will be published in an irregular periodical or piecemeal if at all in any timely manner if I have the time to do.
  5. Sure shot did not in the OP and I did not see the reply that did when posting.
  6. You two tagged out to an NPC to avoid combat. "Friendly fire among pirates is not ban-able but discouraged" is what has been said. This event highlights the current issue that pirates can tag out to NPCs to avoid pirate vs pirate PVP.. My use of unsavory language is a different instance and not this battle or tied to either of the "team killers". I was actually directing that to Laik btw but wrote "like" before correcting the spelling error and posting it in all chat as they we were trying to make them perceive we were not friendly and planed on potentially turning on them later in the instance. The chat logs are clearly at two different hours and days too if that helps. -Pirates need to be able to join a nationals battle against pirates if we want true pirate pvp.
  7. Nova I; only troll with DMG smurfs that like power level/trolling silvers though lol
  8. 1339 hours NW- top NA 1337 melee&meta- quit because community will forever be stuck in less than mediocre-shit-tier-melee populated by steam salers/steam sale regiments--- duel me. http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014028214/ Any NW "old f*gs" around add me and I will dispel every misconception you think you know about M&B melee and shooting mechanics as the lie it is. If you actually want to have a serious talk about the game mechanics/meta add me.
  9. Grape's high average is about 30 and low average around 23; you can pour round after round of grape into someones stern with each shot killing crew as long as your firing solution is a proper one with the same working for the bow lol. As repeatedly stated over and over again you can kill crew with grape broadside to broadside if you are close enough (and I mean close enough) if your gun caliber is high enough.... hell you can derp crew with carro through full armor at decent distances if your gun caliber is high enough. Grapes risk reward ratio is balanced by the strict firing solution you have to obtain to use it..... what needs to be changed is the rate of expenditure of fire so raking is a bit more accessible to people than it currently is.
  10. Duel me.... win ratio is lowered every time you duel because it does not count towards a win or loss therefore lowering the average... if it counted every win or loss i'd have a k/d of like 10 Did i mention duel me? I mean what other better way is there of discovering and discussing game meta than the practice of doing so.
  11. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1941-damage-cannons-repairs-firing-aiming-suggestions-and-feedback/?p=59464
  12. I'm sure I will be mercilessly hunted down regardless of what I choose to do
  13. Privateer'ing is legalized piracy :PP. It has already been plan B if privateering as a Nat dose not suite our goals and if going the full pirate (which mind you, you never go full pirate) is an actual possibility when it comes to sustaining the maintenance cost of a heavy frigate or to crew said frigate if these are even going to be boundaries of play with similar speculated requirements for privateering as well . As a Nat we at least have the security to know we are actually going to be able to sustain or even use our preferred ships while murdering peoples crews but with the possibility we will not be privateers but have to join up with the admiralty as NO's.
  14. Nation: Denmark No RP (Role Play) No ranks, only a chain of command system No brownie badges No care bears OS PvP ONLY (Open Sea) BASE REQUIREMENTS Own a microphone Must be of a reasonable age (not a squeaker at minimum) Must have a desire to learn Naval Action's Meta game Must hold one's self to a standard of skill. Must hold one's self to a standard respect to those who reciprocate Any nationalities and time zone accepted as long as you can understand written and spoken English. Understand upon joining if you do not follow through with learning you will be purged out of this organization with anyone else who refuses. GOALS To teach people the skills necessary to hunt and survive on the OS To have every member at a level of standardization To take as many prizes on the OS BENEFITS Be taught and tutored the Meta Game of Naval Action (dueling/group fighting) on a regular basis by myself and others at flexible hours Be apart of an organization that is constantly examining Naval Action's meta game and contributing too it Be apart of an organization dedicated to the art of the duel and group fight Be apart of an organization forever free of internal political drama Be apart of a true meritocracy; you want a position of leadership then you must earn it through skill and show competency in technical knowledge required. Be apart of an organization with proper lines of communication and chains of command in group fights Don't want to group fight? No problem, learn to duel and wreck people in OS 1v1s Don't have a lot of time? No problem, as long as you put forth the effort to learn while you play then that is all I ever can ask of you. Plunder and pillage with us If you are interested in joining add me on steam http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198014028214 Current roster: 17 members, two considered "proficient" with 15 in training. 15 European/ 3 Continental US time zones http://steamcommunity.com/groups/MrDoransRakers
  15. Whatever happens please keep a skirmishing system for people to practice w/ the ships they have in game.
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