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Cecil Selous

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Everything posted by Cecil Selous

  1. Ok if it is really the design but can you clarify in what way this makes sense and is fair?
  2. Yeah sometimes it looks very odd when a fleet suddenly pops up in front of you, especially in a foggy environment. So I would like to see an increase of the render distance if the impact on performance isn't too heavy. The best solution to this would be the simulation of earth's curvature combined with a complete rescaling of the Open World an the ships in it, to make it look right. Maybe in a far distant future
  3. Naja, zwischen 0 und 100 Meter jedenfalls Ich würde es auch eher begrüßen, wenn auch in den Instanzen die Untiefen berücksichtigt werden, damit sich eine gewisse Ortskenntnis auszahlt und man mit etwas Glück Gegner zum Auflaufen nötigen kann. Das würde vor allem den zukünftigen port battles mehr taktische Tiefe verleihen. Gerade in Mittelamerika gibts da so einige herausfordernde Häfen. Eine aufgrund fehlender Kenntnisse über Riffe, Sandbänke etc. gestrandete Victory, die dem gegnerische Feuer von Forts und Schiffen ausgeliefert ist hätte schon was. Die sollte dann allerdings an der Stelle auch nicht sinken können
  4. I really like this so far. I have a suggestion regarding capture zones and raids. The new forts seem massive from the wip screens we have seen, so I think it is very difficult to destroy them or maybe even impossible. I suggest, that forts, which are close to the water and reachable, are an own capture zone and can be captured by ships with marines. In this case marines have another use instead of just being crucial for boarding combat. I believe you once said, that players can upgrade the defense structures of ports (in this case maybe bigger guns, more (better) marines, barricades etc.). Obviously it will be difficult for the big SOLs to get very close to the shore and get their marines to the fort, so we have another use of small ships in port battles (no animated small boats, who ferry the marines to the fort, we have to imagines that for now) Finally capturing a fort should not be needed to capture the port in the end, but it will make it a lot easier (fort guns can be used against the defenders now) and give better rewards. Marines could also be used in raids in a similar way.
  5. Like I said before, I really like the idea but I think the circle schouldn't increase in size. This would allow people to join the battle, who actually are too far away from the battle to reach it in time. It could stay visible and just change the colour or the colour of the swords changes then we don't need the circle at all. People who want to join should still have to sail to the battle like before. But, let's discuss
  6. @ Babble: This is actually a very interesting idea, which should be discussed. I like the thinking behind it, though I wouldn't increase the circle diameter as much as your picture shows it . The range is enormous and compared to non compressed time just to much and to far away from the battle start. Maybe don't increase the circle at all. Sailors who want to participate in the battle still need to sail to it. Another question to the devs: Will the battle be closed If the BR limit is reached before the 2 minutes battle timer? Or ist it still possible for the lower BR side to reinforce and thus raising the BR limit in the process, which then would allow more attackers to join until the 2 minute battle timer is reached? This would still allow large 25vs25 OW battles where not everybody is inside the initial tag circle (and it also needs some kind of gentlemen's aggreement to not start many small battles )
  7. I have some screenshots of toxic chat from this battle but I won't post them. I think in the heat of the battle things like this can happen and it was also my first encounter with you so I tend to believe it was an unique case. You did great and outmaneuvered us. At least for me it was impossible to land vital hits on your almost dead Ingermanland (my 3rd was slow as f*** and you hid well). It was also my first pvp battle in a 3rd so I learned a good lesson. In the end I was alone and kinda left behind. I had no chance to flee or fight off your boarding attempts without most of my mainmast. So, good battle, take care of my ship and see you next time.
  8. Leute, das ist Werbung. So läuft das nun einmal. Hatte auch noch nie n Fliesenreiniger, der alles in einem Wisch blitzblank macht.
  9. Gun salute would be great, but i can already see the constant cannon fire in front of Kingston Maybe with a looooooong cooldown.
  10. So a part of the british nation nearly destroyed the presence of Spain (an formal ally of the other part of the british nation) in Panama with the help of the dutch, who consider themself friendly to most of the pirates. Hm, as a fellow brit, who isn't admittedly involved in a clan, I don't think that I like that . But as it seems you got your mission done only just before the council of the major british clans tonight.
  11. Ok then it's not my PC . Just attacked a pirate and when the attack counter reached 0, my ship stopped and the battle didn't start. I logged off because I thought it was a connection problem and wanted to reconnect but I can't connect to the server right now. These lucky bastards, they get away now.
  12. I would also like to see the possibility to rename a captured ship. And i think every ship needs to have a history, where you can see, when it was crafted/built, all former names and captains. Maybe this ship book can be seen for every player or just the one who owns it. So you can see, that this is the frigate X (former Y, captured on ... etc.) owned by Z. When the ship finally sinks it will be gone. I just played this game for a liitle bit more than a month but int his time i only lost my first yacht to stupidity and a captured trincomalee in a port battle because of bad luck. OK, and 5 Surprises on the last day before the wipe . But overall i took care of my ships and I loved my little Snow.
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