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Everything posted by SomeNewGuy

  1. @RHDK I mucked about to test it. Built a BC with 35 torps per side. Sometimes they fire 2-5, but follow up with the rest soon after. This does not seem to be a bug, just delay between guns/crews getting a good firing solution.
  2. I'm with him on this. Made 8 or 9 DDs that had 8 torps per side an only on occasion would I see them fire more than 4 at a time.
  3. "2 more weeks" (this is a joke)
  4. AAn the rest of us are sitting here complaining that 8" an smaller is completely useless hahaha
  5. If they were to give you a warning prior to the crash, that would imply they know the cause of the bug to check for before it crashes?...
  6. Same here, played a few hours today and thought that they made the torps bigger or something... -.- I actually enjoy the 1x speed now that I'm forced into it. Makes you care more about ship angles an all rather than "oooohhhhh, pretty light and explosions"
  7. I've no joystick or pedals and encountered this issue, however the patch seems to have cleared this up for me. Thanks.
  8. I'm rather new to these forums, however a trend I keep seeing is complaints on the hit chances. I think that this video would help some of you understand what you are seeing and feeling, as well as maybe give some ideas to the developers. I would recommend watching the whole thing, however my point lies at the 7:30 timestamp. TL;DR:: hit chances and other statistics are not what we usually believe them to be.
  9. Changes every time you load into the ship builder. just look for the tonnage and cash available as a float. Set your ship up the way you want then change the cash and tonnage. Click something to update the values, but don't change anything as it will scale your weight back up. I.E. Say you are at 78000t/64000t and you change it to 78000t/80000t once you change your armor or speed or anything it will scale so that you are now at 104000t/80000t. I have not tried this on component stats, however I'll give it a shot later tonight. If those are static addresses I'll happily share the tables assuming the moderators and developers permission. I dunno how much they want us fiddling with this stuff. @Ink
  10. I look forward to that idea being implemented. I enjoyed those aspects of the Total War series very much. Gave you a more personal attachment instead of just ordering hordes of NPCs around like C&C games
  11. Good god man, How did you get that many torps?
  12. Issues: 1. When ships are told Tight or Loose formation, I don't really see a change. On the contrary, even if I set Tight formation and lower the leading ships speed Full, everyone else slows down too instead of catching up and regardless of formation picked they usually start to string out as the rest of the line keeps 1-3 knots slower than target speed. 2. When the lead ship takes a hit that triggers any type of red icon or when they hit a magical structural percentage (somewhere around 75%) they automatically go to the back of the line regardless of whats happening. This gets rather annoying when as stated above, the line strings out. One mission I had (forget which) was against a larger event fleet with 2BBs ect. My ships we pretty much doing circles trying to figure out who was last in line, attempting to sail 3-4 km back to get to the end of the line instead of forging ahead with the plan. Wants: I'm sure this is a HUGE personal thing, and by no means a deal breaker for me. However: 1. I would like to see the lead ship in a formation constantly marked, for better clarification without having to click through all the groups, I know who is where looking at the battlefield. 2. I would like to be able to order single units to a location, without having to detach and form a new group. Kinda like other RTS games such as Rome, C&C, ect. You can order the group, and in doing so they will move in their proper formation, or you can order a single unit or two out of formation to achieve a specific short term goal. Example: 6DDs with Torps and having 3 go north and 3 go west to create a hammer and anvil esque attack on a BB, then have the survivors run away NW. This allows better micro and macro for the battle, which will be vital in bigger battles. Not so much a problem in most Academy missions as people usually build 1-4 ships.
  13. Cheat engine works fine for this. As @Eagle said: Just be careful not to ruin your fun by abusing it. :]
  14. Cheat Engine works. I've done it to fiddle and test things that they may or may not want me testing. PS. 15 maxed out BBs vs full fleet is just a nightmare on the CPU, but awesome to watch 'frame by frame'
  15. @Absolute0CA you ever play spore? in that the creatures you made would be uploaded and shared so that they would populate other peoples games. maybe something like that? missions just denote you fighting "2BBs, 4DDs" as it does in Academy, but then pulls designs from what others have made? would give a TON of variety without having to add lots of missions to the Academy
  16. This, current issue I have is that they ONLY fire on who is targeted. If I sail through a convoy the guns don't open up on both sides, one side just sits there tying to look through the bulkheads when there a valid targets in front of it.
  17. I'm with the idea that we have to track them with our own two eyes, however a nice exclamation point in their vicinity for the first say 5 sends after they have been spotted plus an audio cue would add to the immersion and at least draw my attention to them for a second so i know to keep an eye in that area. currently it is a bit of a pain as the only way i see them is when they hit something, its even hard to find my own and follow them in!
  18. @Ink has he gotten back to you? if not, i can DL OBS an send a report as well. same issue here.
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