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Everything posted by Zuikaku

  1. After loading the game battle damage is no longer visible on ship hulls. Also all gun fired/hit rates are lost
  2. Great to see crew quaters added. But I suggest further splitting control crew into engineering (hull and machinery) and control.
  3. Maybe they ported the game to the Marvel universe to stupify...errr... widen player base.
  4. Something happened a year ago when they just stopped communicating. And from the 4 core patches planned for 2021 we are still waiting for the first one.
  5. I'll just skip this one. Fantasy superbattleships just fail to impress me. Still waiting for the crew and old hulls.
  6. 0% in the game rarely got all the belt, deck, turrets and machinery smashed either. Hornet become out of control, burning wreck abandoned when IJN closed in. And that is exactly my point. It did not just sink when it become burning mess. 0% systems =sinking is just silly arcade healthbar nonsense
  7. Tell that to the Hornet. Good crew (if alive) tends to fix things and get them running again. When "structure" reaches 0% and ship automatically sinks even if there is no flooding bellow deck, that is just insane mechanics.
  8. Here are some thougts on effects of structural damage. Now, when it reaches 100% the ship sinks no matter what the flooding is. So, in effect this is making it just the another flood damage wich just does not feels right. There are many historical instances of ships being reduced to burning hulks or heaps of useless battered metal that just kept on floating until some decision or action outside ship was taken (Hornet, Hiryu, Emden, Orel). Effects of structural damage shoul'd depend on crew experience, morale, captain experience and perks and casualties taken. Effects of 100% shoul'd not be automatic sinking but rather one or more of these: - ship is reduced to floating wreck and is uncontrolable - ship is reduced to burning wreck and is uncontrolable - ship is reduced to floating wreck and is dead in the water - ship is reduced to burning wreck and is dead in the water when this condition is reached this have additional effects like: 1. ship is not combat worthy and can not fire it's main guns. Secondary and tertiary guns can be fired rarely, locally (single gun only) and inneficiently (if crew moralle and combat check passes) 2. since all criticall systems are dead or heavilly damaged, floodings can not be reduced or contained. But ship will not sink if remaining bulkheads are holding. 3. fighting fires is inefficient since pumps are not operational. 4. Enemy ships cease firing at ships with 100% structural damage and shift fire to other targets. These burning wrecks can be manually targeted on request or if they fire their guns (see 1) Situation with these ships can develop as following: 1. Crew abandons ship (if morale check fails) and is rescued by nearby friendly ships. Friendly forces may opt to sink the abandoned ship by gunfire or torpedoes. 2. Crew abandons ship (if morale check fails) and is rescued by nearby enemy ships. Enemy forces may opt to sink the abandoned ship by gunfire or torpedoes or to try to capture it and tow it. 3. Crew scuttles ship (if morale check is successfull) and is rescued by nearby friendly ships. 4. Crew scuttles ship (if morale check is successfull) and is rescued by nearby enemy ships. 5. Crew surrenders the ship (moralle check fails, enemy ships are nearer than friendlies and the battle is going bad) 6. Crew stays on the ships, tries to repair damage (it can repair minimum of criticall systems and reduce system damage by 5% max). Morale and XP check must succeed to do this. Of course, crew and captain's stats are crucial in weighting these situations. Also I suggest damage accumulation to be much harder as system damage is greater. With this system it is rather easy to damage systems down to 80% Harder to bring them down to 60%. Even harder to lower them to 40%. Increasingly hard to bring them to 20%. And very, very hard to bring them to 0%. Logic is, when only few systes are left operational, it is much harder to hit them and knock out of action.
  9. Merchant raiders did not contact status report or position?
  10. I fear this great game will end up just as Limit theory did. Josh Parnell also cut communication with community only to announce ,a few months later, that the project is cancelled.
  11. And the devs are still maintaining strict radio silence. What do they think they are? Merchant raiders?
  12. So, the angry mob gathers... But seriously, can't really blame devs for anything but lack of communication. Regardless of the workload, how on Earth can you expect to covince anybody that you do not have a few minutes of time weekly to share some info with your customers. Lack of info and transparency is what is driving people crazy.
  13. Nice changes. Sad that old ladies didn't made it again..
  14. And who is to blame for that but players who kept bragging devs to add some more fantasy superships and superguns they saw in some MMO game with the ships? And now they keep on bragging that they "feel" these superguns and superhulls are not like in their expectations. I'm pretty sure devs will burn more time and energy to please them. That being said, I also blame Nick for yielding to such demands instead on actually focusing on realism and historicall hulls, mechanics and guns. We have enough ship arcades already! I have also supported this project because of it's promised focus on (battle) realism and ship design. It is ridiculous situation when you can design 150k ton battleship bristling with imaginary guns (yes, I think of all of you that kept insisting o 20" guns) but you can not design ironclads battleships or cruisers of late XIX century. In this rather absurd situation we are asking devs to add some historical, old hulls/ships as april fools joke. Shouldn't all those superhulls and 150k ships be aprils fools jokes instead?! P.S. And Nick, good job reducing torpedo reloads for deck launchers. But no ship ever carried more than 1 reload per deck tube. So that is 2 torps per tube max.
  15. Blast effect of shell this size is is well felt on the inner side of the armour. It is wrong to think that detonating of several hundred kilos of explosives on the face of the armoured plate will leave the compartments behind undamaged.
  16. Large HE shells were known for knocking out heavily armoured Panthers and Tigers. The sheer power of explosion and forces of resulting pressure were enough to demolish and displace turrets without penetrating the armour. And incapacitating crew in the process.
  17. So, after insisting on having stupidly oversized and unrealistic guns and hulls in the game ,now we complain about unrealistic damage they inflict??! Too much energy and effort has been put in this fantasy stuff anyway, especially when we lack early hulls and guns that actually existed.
  18. Do you think USN was the only one experiencig problems with dud torpedoes?
  19. I hope for some ironclads or very, very old battleships/cruisers. Wish to se Ferdinand Max and Affondatore from the battle of Lissa.
  20. Don't get me wrong, I like the game and I'm aware this is "just" an alpha but... I hope it's OK to point out at some things that I consider to be wrong at the moment. And torpedoes and torpedo mechanics didn't get much love so far. So, what is wrong with torpedoes? 1. They are flawless, they explode on any impact angle regardless of year and tech level. There are no dud torpedoes, failed exploders, circular runs... 2. Having 2,3,4 or even more reloads per tube during the battle is just wrong. As the other ones pointed out, there shoul'd be 1 reload per tube max (requiring special techs and ship modules/deck space). Hope this is going to function in the campaign!
  21. Torpedo reloads shoul'd be a very rare (and costly) exception rather than a rule. Having not just one but multiple reloads by default is just laghable. Hope that will change soon, especially if this game does not want to devolve to brainless shooter.
  22. And also all torpedoes are flawless and explode on target regardless of impact angle. That cuts another level of tactical thi king
  23. Have you considered adding some '80s ironclad hulls and predreadnoughts?
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