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Everything posted by Barberouge

  1. No visualization of boarding in the near future, only commands. The wildcard is still in discussion.
  2. Il y aura des joueurs neutres, des joueurs de la marine nationale et des joueurs pirates. Il y aura à la fois de l'exploration et des combats. Et aussi des zones protégées pour les joueurs neutres, non définies pour le moment.
  3. Barberouge


    Payment through Steam will come with the early access.
  4. Barberouge


    You will find all the info there: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/forum/35-news-and-announcements/ Especially http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/3021-you-can-now-purchase-naval-action-again/ And you can buy it and give the Steam key to your brother.
  5. No need to multiply the topics. You can find them here, open world / pirates.
  6. There are already some specific topics for feedback: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/forum/33-sea-trials/ And for specific suggestions: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/616-wheres-the-topic-im-looking-for/ Suggestion-listing topics are interesting when they present a perspective, but they are also much more difficult to use.
  7. Le vote sera clôturé vendredi. Les 3 navires avec le plus de votes seront modélisés (au lieu des 2 annoncés), plus le jocker des devs. http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/2994-player-selected-ships-2015-final-poll/
  8. Buy to play, a store and premium ships like the Yacht. The focus is on the game development at the moment, so it's too early to tell more details.
  9. Let's try to keep the suggestions in specific topics
  10. There's already a topic about How to deal with shallows ? Also a topic list: Where's the topic I'm looking for ?
  11. Bonjour Patrick, bienvenue ! Le DL se fait comme indiqué ici. Je crois que Steam n'affiche pas NA parce qu'il n'est pas en vente directement. Mais il est sur Steam Greenlight.
  12. Oui actuellement c'est le support natif de Unity qui est utilisé, les devs vont retravailler les contrôles pour supporter l'azerty.
  13. Dagann, ce lien: Architecture navale du XVIIIe & XIXe siècle ne fonctionne pas
  14. Lire ces docs c'est comme aller à la piscine après avoir fini les devoirs de vacances Ceux-là c'est du lourd xD J'ai lu Aboukir et Trafalgar, j'espère qu'on aura des rapports comme ça sur NA ! J'ai pas mis les liens en anglais par contre, mais vous pouvez les poster sur le fofo anglophone.
  15. Setting up a company in the states is in process to support kickstarter funds collection. No plans to support force feedback yet.
  16. Surcouf provided some historical data about a 74 and a super frigate. Téméraire-class 74 (1780)Length: 55.9m Beam: 14.9m Draught: 7.2m Displacement: 2950t This data is taken from Jean Boudriot, Le vaisseau de 74 canons Speed - backed fore yards - full tack - wear 7kn - 2'30" - 10' - 13' 9kn - 1'50" - 9'20" - 12' 10.5kn - 1'35" - 8'05" - 11' Melpomène (1887)This ship served as a topman instruction frigate. Length: 53.3m Beam: 13.8m Draught: 6m Displacement: 2000t This data is taken from sea trials reports, for a tack in a light breeze, very smooth sea, mainsail+topsail+topgallant Speed - head to wind - un-backed fore yards - full tack 5kn - ? - 3'15'' - 6' 5.8kn - 2'05" - 3'30" - 5'50'' 7kn - 2' - 3'45" - 5' 7.8kn - 1'05" - 3'13" - 4'30'' If we consider that the data is comparable, a full tack at 7kn takes almost 2 times the duration for a ship 1.5 times heavier. Getting head to weather (or close) takes almost 1.5 times the duration.
  17. D'ailleurs j'allais oublier un super blog: Trois-Ponts !
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