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Everything posted by Bluetooth

  1. Yes you are. 26k is nothing. ( you get 40k + for hitting AI trader brig in 5 mins) (plus it's cargo) If you sink you lose all mods you put on ship. Same if you sell it. So..your saying people will buy dlc to 'farm' 26k per day in the hope they craft a good one. So if it takes 7 days they make 182k and don't sail their dlc ship at all and if they do, they don't fit any mods.
  2. I agree 😁 with manal sailing it can dance, but new players don't use manual sailing so for most it manouvres like a brick and a specialized challenge it is.
  3. If you can redeem it everyday it's because your losing it everyday. Oh wait! You could sell for 1/2 the gold you would get sinking one AI trader brig and then also lose any mods you have put on it....that makes sense! Sigh.
  4. No one will leave becausw of xebec. Herc is a different beast it's the go to hunting ship now. Just sail from Mortimer and see how many Prussian hercs from Salina are waiting to jump in on missions etc. Me I have both of them but I prefer my trinco which I will happily fight both in.
  5. So according to you you can't catch it so it's annoying. And: It must be fitted with Carros and you have to manual sail it. Others say when fitted with pirate refit, special wood, etc etc. If it's not bermuda , it's not that fast, and fast ones are glass cannons. It's manouvers like a brick... All ships have good builds and good captains. I have sunk three and seen another two thers go down this week. Xebecs are a tricky ship to master but herc is easy and is everywhere, xebecs not so.
  6. You mean you found a ship who did not fight the way you want it to. That's PVP!
  7. What are you saying?? This happen with normal ships to. If your a big powerful clan you can craft ships at will until you get a 5_5. Also this ship will now be in.play until sunk d So no free ship every day.
  8. I like the way everyone says this " in reality' when in reality the xebec carried 8lb guns. So 32 lb Carros are fine. In reality the xebec could fly up wind and was excellent on most angles. In reality the xebec could carry up to 400 crew. The only problem are the mods and the wood types stacking to make it even better. But that's a game mod. Why don't people moan about 15 knt bellonas and victory made from fir snd bermuda. None of this happened in 'reality.' All mods should be nerfed so they cannot make super ships, not the other way round.
  9. Calm down. this ship is great. We need more DLC like this it adds to the game. The herc is OP and is everywhere but the xebec is ok it has drawbacks, you just can't change it.......because you can't catch it. Chill.
  10. This game is bigger than one person and what you experience and what you would do. It's about the game growing and becoming a long term release. With your skill and mods and clan connections and knowledge of the game you would find it hard to lose to any more casual player. And let's be sure about this. No casual players = no NA.
  11. Not so. The rigging on a square ship is made rigid and will not move or give in anyway to shot or shot linked chain and therefore takes more damage. The lateen rig is much more flexible and forgiving to impact and the sails move with it to create more sliding deflection powers absorbing and dissipating it's force and so takes less traumatic impact and less damage. (A bit like a boxer slipping a punch.) It also has much less rigging in which chain can entangle itself and so causes less damage. However it is not as anchored and force generating and so would not be suitable for larger ships such as 4th rates etc. Mast hits should be the same.
  12. So the only ship you will sail now is a herc or requin?? Really? Can I have all your resources please?😁
  13. Try and keep up. The DLC ships are released. You all had the opertuninty to review these shops for free and give feedback. Many of you did and reported how hard to sail and easy to sink they were. Now released and some players are doing well in them and not so skilled players are doing better in them you all start whinning and stamping your feet. You make me laugh though I feel a bit sorry for you all. Go outside....the sun's out.
  14. Wow. The elites whinning like children. Now that's good to see. 😆😆😆
  15. This is exactly what is happening. Fleets of hercs modded up bashing newbs. Just sail round mort to see the prussians and their hercs hunting new players. We can get PvP just trying to intercept them but the new players are being smashed day in day out. Does anyone hunt in anything but a herc now?
  16. ^This here ^ You must have a no pvp zone if you want new players to progress and stay. The only reason veterans disagree with this?? because they want to fight new players who have no chance of beating them. Want PVP, Go to the patrol zones or hang around free-ports.......oh wait......you might lose.
  17. Spot on Diceman, They are moaning because their usual tactics are under threat.
  18. Its a boarding ship that's what they do. You love to stern camp in your new 'super snow'. That's what you do.
  19. You can sail now from the deck. For more realism throw random cups of water in your face.😂😂
  20. The Requin is a good ship but very different to others and needs a different way of fighting it. I was beaten the first time I met one in my snow but have never lost since (2 more fights) one was a win one was a disengage. They turn like bath tubs and that rudder is so easy to hit just keep your distance its a fencing match not a fist fight. I would like to see more specialized DLC ships like the requin and herc, mabye a fast blockade runner which can dock at any port ??? Keep up the good work devs, heading the right way.
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