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Everything posted by Sverne

  1. all I know is that nassau comes twice a week Mondays and Fridays methinks
  2. @JoeFried - most of the good battles I've participated in have lasted several hours, be it chasing a hunter that pissed of the wrong trader or clanmate, or screening at port battles in first rates. I'm sorry if your PvP experiences haven't been quite as long lasting or enjoyable. We are sailing God-ships that have countless advantages over historical real-life warships. Why not aim a little closer to realism? It IS a sailing simulator, afterall.
  3. Credit to @Faroeline for the idea, I'm just the American with better English.
  4. During idle chat whilst carebearing about the danish waters in the wee hours of the morning, my friend, @Faroeline, suggested an interesting idea. He pointed out that while you are rig repairing, realistically there would be crew climbing all throughout the rigging, cutting/tying ropes, holding on for dear life, etc. I suggest that we implement crew damage/loss when taking fire to the sails during a rig repair. Chain shot/grape shot would be more effective than ball shot, obviously. - @Assassin, @staun, Sverne, @Faroeline
  5. At the very least, make me waste a magical perk for the ability to ram - virtually harm free. #RAMMINGSPEED
  6. Agreed, as a boarding requin enthusiast most of what I do involves ramming larger ships as full speed in an attempt to get them under 3.5 knots for boarding. In addition to the damage my G key sustains as I constantly slap it, I think my ship should take a little more damage than the minimal bow damage it currently takes. Crew damage, masts snapping off, structure damage causing water to rush into the ship. It's just not realistic that I can slam bow to bow into a hercules, stop him instantly, and board. (a maneuver I've used countless times)
  7. Let's throw a block party, get the swedes, danes, pols, brits and maybe even some prussians! I'll bring the kegs
  8. Just to clarify, because I know you're going to quote "he crossed my bow" - the angle of impact was less than 20 degrees, not a full speed perpendicular strike.
  9. You can choose to ignore what we said initially if you like, it doesn't change the fact that the ship should not have capsized.
  10. If that is the case, then I would expect them to clarify. Only Ove and I can say for sure that it looked like no resistance. His ship rotated like a beachball on the water, I've sailed small boats, and capsized them many times, they don't just fall over like that.
  11. @admin *****I screwed up the name link.
  12. Examples of cases where we provide compensation: Ship turned over and sank due to bug Ship was lost due to server crash Ship data got corrupted and it became unusable Sealed bottle spawned in shallow zone with more cargo than a shallow trader can handle
  13. @Ink I thought the screenshot showing @Ove Gjedde with full structure and 10 feet underneath the water level would be evidence enough. I suppose it's entirely possible from your perspective that the trader ai just shot a shitload of leaks into him, but I can confirm that he just rolled underneath my bow. No, there is no video. If I need to start recording every minute of every battle, just let me know. I'll order a bigger hard drive right now. I can't prove one way or another that it wasn't leaks, you only have our word. Give him 2x redeems and I'll record the capsizing of your "uncapsizable" gunboat.
  14. Dearest @adminโ€Œโ€Œโ€Œ @Ove Gjedde and I were trolling an ai trader snow...stern camping and graping crew for shits and giggles when Ove (gunboat) crossed over my (hercules) bow and immediately capsized/sank. No resistance, no hesitation, it just rolled directly over. I'm told that ships aren't supposed to be capsizable. If this is true, I reckon y'all should replace his boat as he only had it for about 1 hour. -Sverne
  15. If I wasn't out of practice there was one point when I would have had you. If I'd hit the air brakes 1.5 seconds sooner, your ass woulda been sleepin with the fishes! :-p
  16. As more and more people become aware of the "pushing into irons" strategy, I find it's becoming an increasingly difficult task. I'm not saying that collecting 50 severed seal heads is something to brag about...but to have @Palatinose's severed head, or @rediii's severed head would certainly be something to show off on occasion. It's just a fun idea, obviously not a game changer. I would definitely keep a tradeship in dock just for storage of such trophies!
  17. So @Ove Gjedde and I were discussing a bounty hunter system in the game, and decided this would be much more fun than just using steam to capture screenshots of your kills. The "trophy" would drop on captured/sank player ships and would be something like "The Last Templar's severed head" with info like "kill date" and "killed by" Just a fun idea for bragging rights and bounty collections in game.
  18. I agree, of course I was just joshing. I hope they buff the other sixth rates soon, I do love the rattlesnake heavy and the niagara.
  19. I dunno what you're talking about...my requin is the most well balanced ship in the game. If the stern is too low, I just move a couple hundred men to the bow! ๐Ÿ˜„
  20. I love this post so much, so many good ideas. Prefitted poods - brilliant. Mortars on the bow - brilliant. I just think a square sailed xebec would be a great addition for catching those firry LGV's and T-brigs running with the wind. Also oar functionality should be top priority for the devs! One last point - I'm not sure if the crew count is realisitic, shouldn't it be closer to 5 or 6 hundred with all the hammock upgrades, crew space, very cramped, etc? 363 - 383...those are just rookie numbers.
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