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Tom Farseer

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Posts posted by Tom Farseer

  1. So,
    Something happened to a clan mate of mine that I'd like to bring to your attention @admin, @Ink.

    According to Patch Notes on Patch 35 RoE should now be the same as standard OW for fights in the patrol zone with the BR based reinforcement mechanics.

    [SNOW] PROPAST today attacked a Pirate Frigate and Belle Poule (combined BR 360) on his Trincomalee (BR 270) in the La Mona Patrol Zone. If OW RoE is applicable that battle should have closed for the British side after two minutes and remained open only on the Dutch side due to the BR difference.
    Yet, ten minutes later a Hercules and a Rättvisan joined on the enemy side.



    Notice the time difference in the chat window. PROPAST also made an F11 report right after the two ships joined. He forgot to save the ticket number but in the Screenshot it shows NAB-93606 at the top.

    Looks like something went wrong here...

    • Like 5
  2. @admin
    I have a few questions about the whole raiding mechanic.
    As you stated this is intended to be content for small groups. I welcome that. I do see some problems though at the moment.

    What happens once the raid is completed?

    In OW there is no mechanic to limit numbers so the small group that has sucessfully raided a port must now get one of the slowest ships in the game, a fully laden Indiaman, back to their home base against potentially UNLIMITED enemy numbers. If they have enough players the enemies can literally throw trash ships at you until you run out of repairs.
    So unless a sizable fleet is there to escort the raiders they will have a hard time getting anywhere even if they take fast ships made for OW pvp, as their prize will be dead slow. Turning it again into content that favours large groups.

    The only way I see to keep this endeavour possible for small groups is to not have any indication whatsoever for the defenders that a raid has happened, relying on luck that it does not get spotted by chance. Which in turn greatly reduces the chance of actual PvP happening. Finding a balance between the two will be an interesting task for sure....

    • Like 2
  3. 2 hours ago, Nuka said:

    Der Goldesel bei Reds ( 7up) ist schnell benannt ( Alt accounts).Es gibt glaube keinen weiteren Clan auf diesem Server , der die Alt Accounts so stark benutzt um Reales und Dubs zu farmen.

    Frag mal WO, die haben nen extra Clan nur für Eco-Alts (ZO). Kenne wenige Clans die nicht mehrere Alts nutzen, SNOW inbegriffen. HAVOC haben 10 allein durch Liq und vermutlich ein halbes Dutzend sonstige. :D


    2 hours ago, Nuka said:

    - nerv von Fir Fir ( zu stark in kombination mit PB )

    Ich muss sagen, die Erfahrung hab ich nicht gemacht. Abgesehen von ner Fir Wasa, die meine Trinco zersägt hat (war allerdings auch Ram Dinark am Steuer, könnte also was mit Skill zu tun haben...) hat mich meines Wissens nach bisher kein Fir/Fir Schiff versenkt. Der Hauptvorteil ist, dass man sich in den Dingern schnell verpissen kann. Heißt aber nicht, dass man seine Ziele versenkt bekommt, wenn die wissen was sie tun.


    2 hours ago, Nuka said:

    - Meta Schiffe nerv ( Trinco, Wasa )

    Der einzige Grund weshalb die Wasa so viel genutzt wird ist, dass sie zur Zeit das größte und am besten bewaffnete Schiff ist, dass keine CMs kostet und nicht von Zufallstabellen abhängt (Stichwort: Permits). Das Schiff braucht keinen Nerf es braucht lediglich bezahlbare Konkurrenz. Gegen 74er stinkt sie nach wie vor in den meisten Szenarien ab. Den fehlen zwar die vielen Jagdkanonen aber alles andere, außer Drehgeschwindigkeit, ist besser. Und bei der ist der Unterschied beim drehen ist so klein, dass es nur selten wirklich was ausmacht.

    Ähnliches gilt für die Trincomalee: Als Endymions und Indefatigables frei verfügbar wahren war die Trinco eine Möglichkeit von vielen. Zum Jagen allein hat sie immernoch ihre Schwächen, da im Falle einer Übermacht das unbewaffnete Heck das Entkommen deutlich schwieriger macht, als bei anderen Schiffen. Meine Empfehlung für diejenigen, die keine Lust mehr auf immer nur Trinco haben: La Belle Poule. Packt zwar keine 18 Pfünder und mit Karronaden fehlen die 32er auf dem Oberdeck, dafür sind die HP immernoch ordentlich und die Agilität ist ausreichend  um Trincos fieß am Allerwertesten zu kleben. Gute Tags sind allerdings wichtig, aufgrund fehlender vorderer Jagdkanonen.


    2 hours ago, Nuka said:

    - Überdenken der allgemeinen RvR Mechanik und Br´s der Ports. ( nicht jeder möchte in einem 100 Mann Clan spielen für RvR)( 25000 Pkt. sind zuviel und können nicht von jeder Nation voll gefahren werden )

    Da stimme ich Dir weitestgehend zu =). Wobei es bei so mancher Nation eher am Wollen denn am Können hängt mit den 25er Flotten. :P
    Würde auch die PB Flotten bezahlbarer machen....

    • Like 2
  4. 2 hours ago, Georg Fromm said:

    Aber klar, ein DLC Schiff geht natürlich immer. Ich kenne die russische/ukrainische Mentalität nicht wirklich. Gilt es dort als Schande zuzugeben, dass man sich mit einem Projekt überhoben hat?

    Es gilt nach wie vor überall in der freien Wirtschaft als "Schande" zuzugeben, dass man sich übernommen hat.^^
    Wer "Versagen" (oder im auch simplere Fehler) schnell eingesteht kommt selten in Führungspositionen an. Gesicht wahren ist da immernoch zu wichtig. (Veraltete Denkweisen und so...)

    Der Grund, dass die Russen nach deiner Argumentation "der Sieger" sind, ist dass viele Nationen zu sehr mit Egos beschäftigt sind, um dagegen zu halten. Es gibt genug Nationen die vollständige PB flotten bauen können und es gibt genug Häfen mit 45 Punkten, um gescheite Schiffe zu bauen. Der Unterschied zu 55 Punkten ist marginal.

    VP könnte sich locker einen längeren Feldzug gegen Russland leisten. Allerdings sind wir in viele Clans mit unterschiedlichen Mentalitäten aufgeteilt und die wenigen, die RvR organisieren haben keinen Bock mehr, anderen leuten drei Tage hinterher zu rennen nur damit am Ende ein PB rumkommt.
    Für GB gilt das gleiche. CRED haben versucht andere Clans zum Kämpfen zu bewegen, aber wenn bei 40+ Leuten im TS am Ende 8 Linienschiffe bei rumkommen, fragt man irgendwann nicht mehr.

  5. Reversing can help, as a lot of players have problems adapting to it. They are used to people always sailing forward at full speed.
    General tip: Slow down a bit every now and then and you'll find people give you their stern basically for free.
    Additional tip: Don't get tagged by @Gregory Rainsborough in a Snow. If you do, prepare your anus :D

    Another thing is tagging. If you suspect to be tagged by a smaller vessel tag first and as far away as possible. The further you are the less time you need to spend turning to bring your broadsides to bear. Especially ships like the Snow or the Hercules can be susceptible to demasting at range assuming you have a larger ship with larger guns. Getting those off your behind once they got up close and personal is next to impossible if their captain knows his/her stuff. Also try to get chain in as it affects not only speed but also turn rate.

    "Surprise" stop and board is not going to work in most cases. Smaller ships will adjust heading and sail away in time while you still are trying to slow down. You can however use this to try and get a broadside in, especially against ships like the Trinco. Their turn rate is not that much better than an Aggie's.

    • Like 3
  6. Not giving attackers the 20 minutes to reinforce was advocated by players a lot to not make bait-ganking as easy. But it was never implemented. Dev response usually was something along the lines of "RoE is final. Live with it."

  7. I destinctly remember people telling me OW battle timers as "1:49:15" and some such when giving me pointers on whether I can join before the battle (on roughly even BR) closes. <<- faaaaaaaaaaail

    EDIT: Whoops my mistake. Battle obviously starts at 1:30:00
    So, dear @OjK, the battle would have closed at 1:10:00 and not earlier^^

  8. 15 minutes ago, Farrago said:

    It doesnt matter who the attacker is. If one side has a BR (I think 13%) lower, that side can be reinforced.  

    Look at the in battle timer: 1:16:28
    If I am not gravely mistaken battle timer starts at 1:50:00. 1:30:00... duh...
    Current RoE has been stated as such: The side with lower BR at a difference of more than 13% can be reinforced for 20 minutes after the battle started.
    See here:

    The battle shown above had been going on for well over 30 under 20 minutes. So it should be closed no matter the BR difference. open

  9. On 7/28/2019 at 3:36 AM, Teutonic said:

    Oak Oak Trinc doing work.

    but but but.... what about all those players whining about the game being based on better gear alone?

    could it be that they are plain wrong?:ph34r:

  10. 12 hours ago, Liberalism said:

    I disagree with 4GB comment. 4GB is enough for the majority of the games, only the very latest titles require more like 5-6GB and that's on very high graphic settings, not even needed to run the games. There are many videos checking if we really need more at the moment than 4GB VRAM. Of course SOME games can use more than 4GB, but @contact is not interested in playing the latest AAA titles at 144 fps and ultra settings :)

    I disagree with your disagreement :D
    Depending on choice of game even on lowered settings 4GB can be too little. Just look at all the Unreal Engine 4 games
    lately that don't even look that great on lower settings and still have atrocious hunger for hardware (think ARK or PUBG etc). Especially memory of all kinds is treated as virtually infinitely available more often than not. If @contact want's to have the option of trying out other games in the future 8GB VRAM is a more solid choice.

    @contact this PC is a bit pricier than the one you posted above but has newer, more powerful components and will be able to run most stuff in FHD for the near to mid future.
    You can use it as an orientation if you want to look for a new build. Also, buying comparable components and building it yourself might save you a few bucks (and can be great fun, if you like that kind of stuff).

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  11. What is your budget and how much would the build you show above cost you?
    From first look this smells fishy. Why anyone would say that a PSU upgrade is reccomended for VR Gaming is beyond me as it basically only depends on the built in hardware and not what type games you play with it. Don't know which shop that picture is from but it seems... weird...

    • Like 1
  12. It depends on choice of ship and play style.
    On 6th rates and light 5ths I personally tend to favor 32pd Carronades over 9pd long guns because of their greater damage potential in ranges below 250m. I have also sailed hunting Wasas without anything mounted on the top deck in order to save weight, thus gain speed. Ships like the Prince work well with 6 pounders. Stay at range and whittle your enemy down slowly.

    If a ship has a fully mounted upper gun deck as for example the Constitution has, it should never go empty as you lose too much firepower. If your aim is to build for speed and hunt lighter ships, longs or even mediums will do you just fine as 12 pd guns have decent penetration on smaller ships at range. If you expect to face heavy ships use 42pd Carronades. You need the damage and at longer ranges the 12s will often bounce anyway.
    Only ships where I would always chose Carronades are the Victory and the Christian. That deck of 68 pounders (or the 1.5 decks of 42s on Christian) massively increases firepower.

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  13. Die Wendigkeit einer Victory ist zwar besser als die der Océan oder Santi, aber wenn man nicht sehr sehr vorrausschauend agiert, wirds zum Anwinkeln schon recht knapp. Besonders gegen Océans muss man ziemlich flache Winkel zum Feuern haben, wenn man die Beplankung durchschlagen will. Da rechtzeitig wieder rauszudrehen, kann schon in kleineren Linienschiffen eng werden. Und ist auch generell eher in kleineren Gefechten wichtig.
    Für größere Schlachten ist die Océan nach wie vor das Arbeitstier, weil sie im Linienkampf schlicht am längsten durchhält. Die Santi bringt zwar mehr Feuerkraft und etwas mehr HP, dass meiste davon kommt aber vom durchgezogenen obersten Deck. Die 12-Pfünder oder 42er Karronaden die man da anbringen kann wirken nur auf kürzeren Distanzen. Die HP gehen dadurch wieder flöten, dass man steiler anwinkeln muss als mit der Océan, dafür im Zweifel aber nicht den Platz hat.

  14. 1 hour ago, Barbarosa said:

    Great Britain, Spain and France were never great RvR nations. They enjoyed RvR power from time to time though. They never managed to shake off statiquo. They had many great players, who had to leave tired to be managed by incompetent leadership

    Had a good chuckle over that one. The people who actually played a role in RvR and left GB didn't leave because of being managed by incompetent leaders. They left because they got tired of having to pester everyone else into doing something as unified force.
    From the time I got active in RvR (early 2018) until release GB never had a singular leader. We had a few very large clans with few decent RvR players and some small clans with a high RvR-player percentage. It's easy to imagine how well those two types of clans got along :P

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  15. Numbers only make it hard to get inside offensive PBs. Once that obstacle is overcome it is a matter of skill and fleet composition. And GB does have a decent chance against REDS there. Both have fought each other before both lost some both won some. We'll see^^

    GB and VP helped DK screen against Russia recently. I'm sure we can figure something out :ph34r:

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