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Tomasso il Fortunato

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Everything posted by Tomasso il Fortunato

  1. The problem is one . The AI of your fleet are so stupid so they can't even shoot a good hull strike .
  2. Then make it only for traders not for battle ships . I mean what you couldn't put a fleet of Indiamans with a cutter or lynx or indefaticable , frigate ... ecc. And until your Indiamans won't escape you can't surrender .
  3. So yesterday I sailed with 3 Indiamans with 600.000 reals cargo to Vera Cruz . I got attacked in the middle of the sea by William Wade , I lost 1 indiaman the 2 others escaped and then I respawned in the same point with the second ship what I had in fleet so he followed me and sunk me another time and got respawned the 3th time and he left me go . For Indimans what i get sunk the system paid me only 16.000 (approximated) for each one . So I suggest to put back the old system what when you get sunk in Open World you got teleported in the nearest port and get a second chance to sail without getting sunk . Like this you will be possible to save money and ships . Only one ship is enough to get doubloons for the enemy player . For one trader like me or others is not easy to attack the enemy player and sunk him .
  4. Where is the tow request button ...? Ohhhh , wait ... They removed it . incredible , your anchor is down at the bottom of the sea and you didn't noticed ... .
  5. Open Magazine is a book now , you have to obtain it and then use it .
  6. Naval Action 2 (single player) becouse it couldn't have more than 100 players :))) .
  7. Nope. It was a simply Santissima bought first the update with pood cannons and medium cannon on deck .
  8. Ok for players, but AI ships shouldn't be able to do this . Once i remember i sailed with 3 Indiamans from La Habana to Key West for goods , I got attacked by 3 pirates , my fleet escaped but I was destroyed by enemies cannon fire , I was taking water and had almost the full crew . I started to board a frigate or something else with 70% of water ... my ship sunk and the boarding was interrupted and I lost .
  9. How already told you , the enemy ship what I wanted to loot were almost sunk . Why the boarding continues when he were already sunk ...?
  10. I didn't even had time to press 9 to prepare for boarding. Pulled for 1 milesec. Why Clerk pay me with money by losing my ship ? My Santissima values only 95.000 ?
  11. I took a mission in Vera Cruz 2x ships 1st rates . I sunk them . After sunk them i was going to the last one and this happen ... : i got pulled by an AI who was almost sunk . He got attacked me and i was no paying attention and did brace . With the first move he shocked me or i don't know what but i have left some crew on board , why he took my ship ? Why boarding don't get interupted when your ship or enemy ship get sunk . (i didn't had preparation for boarding , just arrived to him i got pulled into boarding + i had distance , this screenshot was taked after 3 min of my reaction). Santissima Trinidad with poods on . I did a F11 thinking what it was a bug .
  12. Here are some of Spanish Galleon "Neptune". At Genova , Italy .
  13. Also i changed my name yesterday , i don't know if it inflicts on this .
  14. I joined today the game and found what my mission got deleted . I had 10 missions . 3 of them were almost completed with hunting 2nd and 3rt rates . I did F11 report too .
  15. Just imagine how it will be nice in battle to open the single gunport , see the cannons emerge from the hull . • See all the decks with regular cannons like on the upper deck and see animation of crew on masts and on decks moving for preparation in preparation for battle . Sure it could be disabled from graphics settings for slow PC • Cargo in ship when you load goods , repairs or something else . • Big weaves in the OW and battle section during the storm . • Lightning , the deam dolphins and whales . • Bigger cities at capitals and strong ports . • Your entier fleet at harbour anchored. • Anchors should be down in ports . • In battle you should be able to slow down with anchors too . • Shipyards and people walking in the ports ...
  16. For example they could spawn in bigger cities when the system understand what in OW in that zone is a clan fleet of 5-10-15 players.
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