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Everything posted by Kejsaren

  1. Kejsaren

    cant join the game

    3 topics about this already😉
  2. Kejsaren

    cant join the game

    I also had bug with my dlc's. I restarted steam client and dlc's were back.
  3. I been playing for 2 years, I can count how many ships I crafted on 1 hand. So your assumtion that I am a ship crafter is wrong. I capture ships, I buy ships and as most players I also use dlc ships. Now, there are very few ships to buy (probably has more to do with upcoming wipe then anything else though), very few ships to capture (because most ships used are dlc).
  4. It means that after I've said what I have to say about this, in this thread I will not be reading or replying to anymore discussion about neither patrol zones dlc, I'm done with it and just wanted to give my thought on it before I don't speak of it again.
  5. Because I like variation, as much as I like the option to capture the enemy ship that I defeat.
  6. Partially to fix pvp, and also financial purpose. What other reason would there be? And what type of game-play are imported ships directed to?. I'm confused.
  7. I agree aswell, I change name alot. Not to hide my identity but because i just like to change it around some, usually when I change nation to make my name more fitting. I.E named Costa de Castilla for me good when spanish but would be weird if change to for example Prussia.
  8. The "fixes" they made were actually good in my opinion, because they did achieve what they wanted (and what we wanted), more pvp activity. And when playerbase reach high lvl's patrol zones could always be removed, but the 24 hrs dlc's cannot, that's the part that worries me. I might be wrong though, once the game released maybe playerbase will get to a decent amount again and people will start crafting ships and we will not only see dlc ships around. That's what I am hoping for, that in the end dlc's are mostly used as a "backup" plan when out of ships or when want some quick pvp action.
  9. Dear devs and players, With decreasing playerbase and pvp activity (i.e number of pvp battles recorded per day) Patrol zones were added to compensate for that. And it worked. (i.e more pvp battles recorded per day), but only for awhile as it became more of a "gank" zone where people just went to loose their ships, Pvp activity again decreasing when players don't have ships to go patrol zone. DLC ships. Great idea. Now players have a place go to pvp and free ships to pvp in. And you know what, it's working. As @Captain Reversesays himself he can only see benefits from DLC. And some might agree, because people do pvp more and pvp battles per day increase. Before we done with DLC we will probably have 10 different free and competitive ships daily, Resulting in 90% (?) of the enemy ships are dlc ships, which not only makes it boring to battle same ships all the time, but you can't even capture them. And the problem from the beginning was playerbase. Not the need of patrol zones, not the need of free ships. The problem was, playerbase. Instead of fixing the problem with the playerbase you focus too much on increasing number of pvp battles / day, and you did increase it, but the way you did was more of a temporary quick fix. (Patrol zones and DLC is like using first aid kit while waiting for the ambulance to arrive). Problem is they're aint no ambulance coming. The quick fix is here to stay and it will also prevent you from dealing with the real issue. The playerbase. Because with a steady playerbase free ships would not been needed, patrol zones would not been needed. Pvp activity would be there because the players are there. You devs made a fantastic game but you also did a wreckless move with introduction of patrol zone/dlc, it would have been fine if it was temporary, just to keep pvp activity "floating" while finishing the game. With this said, and even though the game did not turn out the way I was hoping for, I will still play it because it's the greatest pvp sailing game out there. And i hope that developers manage to do whatever they need to do to put this game in the spotlight and keep it there. This is the last post I will ever make, (or read) about DLC ships, might actually abandon my forum activity entirely (hurra!), gives me more time in the game..:) Fair winds
  10. Please stay on topic. H. Darby
  11. Now this is what I call constructive feedback. Kind of beats "are you guys on drugs?". Well put Hachi.
  12. Problem is they don't want to wait for enemies to show up at their doorstep because it could take hours, so they go directly to Enemy Capital instead. The enemies do the same, and you end up having enemies at eachothers capital fighting what they can find there. I would like to defend my nations waters too but I can't wait for them to show up, and when someone announce on nation chat that enemies are there then I am somewhere else hunting. I refer to my topic "good vs good". Veteran players need to be encouraged to battle other vets. Not but rules and limitations (like reinforcement zone) but simply by having a choice, go for the "average" player getting a rather uninteresting reward for a rather uninteresting battle, or go after other veterans and claim juicy reward for a hard fought battle.
  13. What's so funny about that fact?, 90% are Rear Admirals and only thing it means is that you have spent x number of hours playing this game.
  14. lol, well least we all know who the real pirate here is, love it.:) But I doubt this warrants a ban like you seem to want. P.s Black on black f.t.w
  15. If less people like you commented on forums there would alot less trash to read.
  16. I believe BF, Aloha, Rubli etc etc would all fight eachother if it was worth it. But now they have no reason to, so why should they?.
  17. Combat news/team speak/alts, trust me when I say that the good ones know where the other good ones are. And most of them are "buddies" even if not in same nation so. I know exactly where they are through combat news, global chat and watch stream. And neither of them are my buddies so. Not about fastest way to get a fight, then they could just agree on where to meet and fight. It's about wins.
  18. I think it's all about reward vs risc. None of the veteran players like Moscalb, Captain Reverse, Dron, etc etc are scared of loosing ship or loosing battle. They just want fights, and they prefer to win (human nature). Why should fight a battle that can go either way?, when can fight a battle that you will most likely win?. Even though a good battle is fun, it's always more fun to win. Nobody should be forced how to fight or limited in any way of who to attack etc. But i think alot of things will solve themselves by just encouraging (with rewards for example). The problem is it's very difficult to scale reward in regards to how experienced your opponent player is.
  19. With reinforcement zones gone noobs being slaughtered again. I always liked not having reinforcement zone because makes my hunting easier. But, I saw 3 streams today.. all different locations veterans killing noobs (at least the parts I saw). This game seriously needs something to encourage 1 good clan to go after another good clan. How it should be done I have no idea. But that is what is needed. Now the noobs are the ones getting targetted because it's all about kills. (More kills = more content). That will slaughter the playerbase in the long run because new players will never catch up to good ones (or at least very few will). Give vets a reason to fight other vets. Make other pro clans the "main" targets, not the noobs or pve-focused ones. Of course they should be targetted aswell it's pvp server, but again.. they should not be the main target. Right now the "good" pvp clans don't really care about eachother, they just do their thing and farm kills. Mostly keeping out of eachothers way. (Not always, but mostly). I hope this gets changed. I even started avoiding "easy" kills, simply because I feel sorry for them. And this game doesn't have the playerbase to allow me to avoid more players then i already do, I already spend enough time avoiding ganks etc and 5/5 super modded ships. I don't want have to avoid "easy" kills too simply because they get farmed alot and I feel bad for them. P.s Still love the removal of reinforcement zone, that is not the issue here.☺️
  20. What are the chances that I would actually find the battle in reinforcement in which my enemy tag a low npc (meaning battle over in 5 minutes). Even if I do find a battle that I can join, more often I spawn far enough for opponent to be able to exit before I get into gun range. The times when I am succesfull there is when I enter a battle and enemy is not paying attention, before it's too late.
  21. Useless?, tell that to the X-number of players who did not have their ships captured/sunk by me in reinforcement zone. 😉
  22. Still an option for quick/casual pvp, plenty of players do it. Permit you can get and I wrote how. Maybe not at Charlestown, make outpost at LT, plenty of pvp worthy ships all the time, and they don't cost millions. You do not pay millions for pvp ships. (Unless you have to roll with purple/gold ones).
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