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Everything posted by Despe

  1. La trolitis aguda se ve que es contagiosa. Cuando hemos querido guerra contra españa? Una cosa es lo que dijeramos en TS o en batalla y otra la realidad, y la realidad es que cuando los piratas atacaron España alli estuvimos pa ayudar, y cuando lo hicieron los brits lo mismo. Nosotros no tenemos que justificar qué calentamos y qué no, como el resto del server. Si hubieramos querido tomar puertos españoles los habríamos calentado, pero la realidad es que los primeros en meterse en RvR contra nosotros fueron los españoles hace meses cuando estabamos en guerra contra los brits, y los primeros en calentar puertos rusos fueron tb los españoles uniendose al multiflip de Sisal. Estais en modo troll, me parece genial, a ver qué tal funciona ese modo cuando os quede solo La Habana y la zona capital. PD: y puedes decir lo que quieras pa justificar que te has pegado un tiro en el pie, pero no lo vas a pasar mejor que cuando eras ruso y salias a cazar españoles por Baja y alrededores, con buenos barcos que te salian casi gratis. Buena suerte en todo!
  2. Al final el que ríe el último ríe mejor, aunque yo me río por no llorar, porque mira que no he dicho yo pocas veces que mandarais a esos trolls a paseo y hablarais con los rusos pa llegar a un acuerdo, que habriais tenido muy facilmente. Claro que ya sois mayorcitos, vosotros sabreis... Buena suerte!
  3. hola, tu decir cosas que yo comprender mal, tu loco volver a mi. Nosotros tomar todos los puertos espanoles, la habana tambien tomar, mojitos querer. Yo saludar.
  4. supongo que gold, aunque en silver tb salen permits. Realmente no te puedo responder pero si tiene la misma regla que el resto de permits, en los gold, captain and admiral te tiene que salir. En los silver no se, porque desconozco si hay algun tipo de regla que limite los dropeos de permits en estos cofres, aunque permits tb salen.
  5. could be a good idea, are u thinking in a specific new ship?
  6. Hello, I would like to share the ideas I have had about the DLCs, to try to enrich the game as much as possible. I hope that ideas like you: More docks spaces. Buy a DLC give you an extra dock space. Unlimited painting. As a untradeable ship, redem a paint for a DLC don't block your DLC painter with the 24 hours countdown. Probably a change in painter DLC would be a good idea, adding a button for importing DLCs paints, and other button for the rest. Paints would be still as untradeble items. Imported and crafteable ship. Every 24 hours you can redem the imported ship like always, but you have it available, in adition, in your shipyard ship list for craft it like any ship; of course you need the materials and doubs for this last option. You can only have one on them, imported or crafted, in docks, no changes in this rule. Change in countdown. Remove the 24 hours of countdown for reedem it, and reset it after the daily maintenance server time. This could be a good idea too for painting DLC. Some ideas are wellcome. Despe loves you
  7. Redoutable is a DLC ship, you need to buy it in Steam and redeem it on game. Implacable permits are in chest, you only need luck to get it
  8. tu no te agobies que todos empezamos asi, al principio aprece todo supercomplicado pero en cuanto le pillas el truco ya veras...
  9. cada uno juega de acuerdo a sus habilidades, ahi tienes toda la razon
  10. quien necesita el rosa teniendo el rojo sangre Gasparilla variation
  11. Well that is his answer, probably any bug in forum in the last patches?
  12. Greetings captains. Player Carrera16 contact me because he said me that almost 1.5 million reals was wiped of his account since last logg in, 2 days ago. He try to make a forum account, but said me that is imposible, because all his captchas are irresolubles.
  13. but if he is AFK, what about with the 15 minutes of time until server kick out you?
  14. Bienvenido. Pues quizas ha sido eliminado. De todas formas no necesitas eso pa aprender a manejarte en combate, haz el tutorial, ataca barquitos, unete a gente... Esto es como el sexo, a base de practicarlo se aprende
  15. And clan shipyards too :D. I think that the clan mechanics are still to basic and there is a lot of potential good ideas to make real
  16. The problem is bigger than that. We are a community of players that are here to have fun, with respect and courtesy towards everyone. It cannot be tolerated that a group of people use constantly a chat to launch personal attacks to others and their families. And just, take a look to latest tribunal reports. They are all against them for insulting and breaking the game mechanics as in Gasparilla. What would happen if all the server players did the same? The game would be broken then
  17. The insult is "go to spy to your hello kittying mother" The rest of insults are "fag" and other some homophic sentences, subnormal, deviant guy, and he wishes me to be dead in a roadside ditch of M-30 highway
  18. Insults are in the 2 last sentences of the chat screen: In the first he make an homophobic comment vs me, in the last he make an insult to my mother I make report in chat game. EDITING POST: more personal insults of PelusaNinja, and clan mate Bracesco. Reported in game too. Translation: The insult is "go to spy to your hello kittying mother" The rest of insults are "fag" and other some homophic sentences, subnormal, deviant guy, and he wishes me to be dead in a roadside ditch of M-30 highway
  19. There are a lot of post in tribunal about griefing with no results. In the last reports @Ink demanded to provide one video as proof. Good luck on that. Grettins
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