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Everything posted by Despe

  1. Well, in Nassau PB npcs take the port in 10 minutes aprox. Im not really sure, but not much more...
  2. this has happened to me sometimes some weeks ago, but i thougth was a connection issue not a bug, so i dindt make any report.
  3. i forgot, is for that i post on forum. btw, where the f*** is the rudder of one tower?
  4. Not sure about speed, but i think that more that 13.5 knots. One Niagara was not much more faster than them.
  5. Hello, i think that we need some changes in DLCs ships only in that: Docks. Buy a DLC ship must give you one extra more space in dock. Paints. As a not tradeable ship, why paint DLC needs a cooldown when you redem one DLC paint? I think thats is a good idea remove that cooldown for this kind of ships. So, do you have a DLC? Enjoy it, you have an extra dock and you can paint it all times that you want! Despe makes your game easy, Despe loves you
  6. tienes que dar tu email, por ahi por la pagina lo pone si buscas es aqui, abajo del todo mete tu email: https://www.sea-legends.com/enlist
  7. Despe


    one time i was ganked by 25 guys in KPR
  8. I make a report in game too. The traslation is aprox: "good night band of transsexuals and deviants guys"
  9. And why basic cutter can't enter in enemy ports? I mean, is a basic ship, you can not tarjet enemy players, so...
  10. OMG, Prussia deleting the polands of map, AGAIN. BASTEY, STOP THAT, I LOVE U
  11. Well, VOX spanish clan, are constantly make the same sentences in spanish national chat, with homophobic, antisemitic and xenofobic comments... i have tons of screenshots of that, and tons of F11 reports too.
  12. Hello, I want to report spanish clan name VOX - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vox_(political_party), the name of actual far rigth political party in Spain, which is an offense in my opinion. Even the clan leader https://forum.game-labs.net/profile/26514-pelusaninja/ has a personal image on his forum account of Ortega Smith - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Javier_Ortega_Smith
  13. Is legal shoot or sunk one player who enter in your side only for steal your loots, if you advertise first? Or it is gren vs green?
  14. Yesterday in VC Oceans and Vics... I think that it is random.
  15. Good luck in your new prussian faction! cya on seas, good winds captains.
  16. the stats are correct in that screen. I check it in game too.
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