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Everything posted by Parchin

  1. joined with 20-25 crew and around 85% sails lol
  2. It would be cool to make Fir/Cargo space ships
  3. Wood types makes shipbuilding more flexible and affordable to people that can't afford to have all ships Teak/WO or LO/WO. Wood system also motivates to capture specific ports making particular wood type, if you would want to have access to higher quality wood. Also - it makes profit to someone who will manage to cap that X port and starts to export wood exclusive to a strict list of ports. Merging woods wouldn't have any sense now.
  4. 998 points, last ship was sinking (0 structure) and server crash.
  5. Parchin

    Stuck on loading

    Nic innego mi nie przychodzi do głowy, a takie rozwiązanie pomogło w moim przypadku. Powodzenia z rozwiązywaniem.
  6. Parchin

    Stuck on loading

    Jeżeli masz internet 3G/LTE w telefonie który ma opcję Routera i masz możliwość użycia wi-fi na komputerze, możesz spróbować się zalogować do NA korzystając z tego internetu mobilnego. Mi pomogło, a miałem podobny problem. To nie rozwiązanie na dłuższą metę, ale może oznaczać problem z portami/połączeniem.
  7. @admin After UI Patch I can't log in. I saw Ink's post about restarting - but that thing is not working for me. After hitting "Start" button game is stuck with "Loading..." and rotating steering wheel. Game is not freezed and I can close it without problems. I already tried restarting game, restarting Steam, restarting wi-fi connection, restarting whole PC. Game was fully downloaded today.
  8. This topic can be closed then - I will contact Nick in-game.
  9. Well I wasn't expecting ninja-snow You were outmaneuvering me whole battle - so I decided to escape.
  10. About two hours ago I was fighting with pirate Snow just outside of Buena Vista. Surprisingly - in the middle of the battle I was kicked out from NA servers. I tried to log in back, but I couldn't. After around 3-5 minutes of trying to log in I made it - but I was already into port. In my opinion, it's unfair that I lost that ship, because I was ready to escape (lost too many crew because of stern-camping) and full of repairs. I have proof for everything I mentioned above, video is below. My internet connection was working without any problems (Teamspeak was still online despite the disconnection from NA server).
  11. Parchin

    PvP market

    Type: 1v1 / 2v2 Clan: PFK Ships: Trincomalee/Wapen Other: no sink, looking to get some experience into PVP Available: 18.00 - 22.00 GMT
  12. @Bart Smith I think your suspicions about @Wojtek bring a thief are totally wrong. As PFK sailor I was witness that he was helper of PFK - he was building ships. @vazco / @Cr33D I was talking with PFK trustworthy sailor about 2 days ago and he said that Mario is new leader of PFK. I think you should talk with him. After all @Bart Smith created his own clan so I think that exchange of words is his personal thoughts.
  13. I think there was other way out from the situation that took place inside PFK. Maybe some kind of big reorganization, including removing players that were/are taking very much from clan, but giving nothing from theirselves (my english is not perfect, but I hope that you know what I am trying to say). I'm respecing you Creed (alike as Vasco) for all things you have done for PFK (and things that you taught me), but there is one thing that I found unpleasant. I thing saying that whole clan is bad, unhelpful etc. - it is not fair. Of course - I'm not saying that everyone is perfect, but there are some Captains that you could rely on. There were some players who were always ready to help - despite the fact that they are mostly fresh players who were sunk in 80% of PVP battles - we tried. Unfortunately bad things happened and we cannot turn back time, but I think there was a better way to deal with problems. In spite of all what happened, we need to respect each other. Thank you for your service that you made for PFK Cr33d.
  14. In my opinion there should by tutorial for new players - it would be very helpful for new captains. NA can be very hard at the beginning of adventure. I think I would leave if my clan wouldn't invited me to play with them.
  15. Actually - current game mechanics caused "flood" of alt PVP farmers, so... - are we going to have ban waves to keep this system as fair as possible or maybe dev's will finally see that last changes with Marks were a bad idea. As mentioned above, in the current situation with Marks there is no point to play. Additonally - gaining PVP marks can be extremely hard for new players and this fact is quite discouraging to continue playing or recommeding Naval Action to friends.
  16. bug-using (or exploit) =/= game mechanic + gaining advantage with such methods is clearly unfair + attacking capital city with 12 players (as you said) is not an excuse for exploiting - actually it's just stupid Why didn't you want to fight on Open world?
  17. Maybe you should see something wrong on your side. At first you made battle with denmark ship to use bug and hide from screening (+ placing danish battlemark on land so no one can enter) - later you are going to PB using Invisibility. So... firstly you are using bug to escape screening, next you are crying because of other bug - nothing more than typical russian hypocrisy and butthurt.
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