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Licinio Chiavari

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Posts posted by Licinio Chiavari

  1. 6 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    Pirates typically fight GB once a week in the shallows.  BAIT is always good for a fri/sat night battle.  Sweden has no players during our prime time unfortunately.  

    I'm not sure player should choose the type of battle, but I think varied battles should be a thing based on the value and/or BR of the port.  For example, smaller BR ports require circles and points to win and larger ones are based off ship kills (or something like that).  We should also have ship rate caps on certain ports.  2600/2700 BR ports should say have a max cap of third rates to prevent 1st rate spams in EVERY battle.  It always struck as odd that admin keeps trying to make lineships more exclusive but then allows them into every deep water fight.  How does that make sense?

    First rate spam in PB is dead by some months: too crap effectiveness/BR ratio.

    Best ratios got on Bucetaure, 3rd rates and eventually Agamennon.

    That said, some tactical problem, like circles (simulating getting control of port waters for invading fleet) is fine in place of senseless (even if fun) kill kill kill.

    As it is fair that defender should be advantaged over attacker as in any/All military situations (on land, granted similar training/equipment/supply, a density of troops 3 to 1 was considered up to WWII needed to - almost - guarantee a successful attack).

    I personally would prefer a total revamp of port invasions; because conquering a port is getting an invading army safely land.

    I would like to see attackers having to gather "war supplies" in a Port, with enemy seeing the build up.

    Then attacker having to sail these "war supplies" (usually on traders; and quantity proportional to enemy Port "defense" that owner can increase with trading/investing) to enemy Port.

    And than in a PB where attacker has to sail these traders safely getting on land and staying there afloat for x time.

    So, in truth, a Port Battle would be a long preparation at home (no more senseless hostility) and then making an invading fleet safely landing. And invading fleet that could be intercepted a lot of times on the way... Making logistic problems (having or not a closer starting base) a real issue... And at same time making PvErs and traders matter to prepare them.

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  2. On 1/13/2019 at 9:04 PM, John Cavanaugh said:

    What if, for the sake of argument, and this is probably not the best part of the forum but it is on topic to subject at hand, a group of SOL and one privateer with 12lb caronade tagged an AI fleet. The SOLs were tasked with boarding the SOLs while the privateer dealt hull damage. The privateer would in most instances get the kill at minimal risk. An exploit yes but not outside of the rules such as they exist

    Good point.

    I would personally move the light/frigate/lineship feats to only PvP.

    Farming doubs in PvE is already simple, fast and profitable.

    Bettergiving an extra for successful PvP, granted already so many way, here pointed, to exploit AIs.

  3. 49 minutes ago, Durin said:

    I do however wonder how much of his oppinion on this is pure bias. Its about an american ship afterall. So its probably not enough that the american ship Trader Lynx is the fastest trader ingame. Or that the american ship Niagara ist the best 6th rate. Or that the Constitution ist the biggest and most powerful frigate. It also needs to be fast enough to catch any other frigate and have a turnrate high enough to defeat any SOL. While we are at it, it should probably also have the original hull thickness, what was it? 1 meter? Would'nt hurt ofcorse if it also had a boarding prep bonus since it boarded so many ships...

    Indeed I'm not American... not pro-USA :D

    BUT, that Constitution needs a bit more love, as stated like a few more 0.1s kts speed, cant be seen as unbalancing. IMO exactly the contrary.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    The difference is that we were at war with both pirates and Russia. Last war between Sweden and GB was like 1,5 year ago?

    In general we can say Sweden didnt go at war for a long time. Mainly busy, if ever, defending, just in case.

    That said: let me understand the logic.
    If 2 Nations fight the same enemy(-ies) and they never fought a war between them, it's being "in the same bed".
    If 2 Nations fight the same enemy(-ies) but they fought each other in a closer past (still not recently), it's not being "in the same bed".

    Is it right? Because I feel a bit of lack of logic.

  5. 3 hours ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Attack Cartagena or Santo Domingo? Hell, what about Sant Iago right outside Jamaica or Jeremie, the nest of Sweden. But GB is in the same bed with Sweden 😏 Also, it would be too challenging for them.

    And Prussia is in the same bed with Russia... And a bunch of pirates often enjoys the very same bed.

  6. 1 hour ago, Durin said:


    thats a connie, just for your information slim

    Lovable ship.


    A - You are speaking. And you know how experienced you are. It's like discussing how to balance Requin because I (not being any close to NA elites) killed a couple of Bucetaures noobs 1v1, or about LGVR granted I stern camped and boarded a Bellona.

    B - among similar skill levels, such a Constitution is dead against any Bellona, being faster and simply badly out-dps-ing her. Our standard PZ (so not super light nor going full speed) Bellonas are usually faster.

    And you can imagine the pain to survive a couple of experienced light frigates (or 2 requins - and you had that kind of fight... With a Bellona. And it was very close. Again: on a Bellona) simply sterncamping. And I would remember Constitution crew is only 450. Dropping her to 200ish very fast stuff.


    The problem for a ship is not risking to sink in ONE of proposed situations.

    It is being in danger in BOTH cases.

    Anyhow (not taking into account cases of personal "love" for Connie) how much is she so used?

    The reply shows off if she is OP, balanced or subpar.

  7. 1 minute ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:

    I also feel that any of us isn't hurting a Nation when we hit enemy shipping... and to quote myself "poor bastard". His Nation won't feel a thing, while he/she will. But that has nothing to do with the ship reclassing though. sorry for OT.

    Well. It's extremely time intensive but can be, partially, done.

    At the climax of my (with Hulio and some other) raiding campaign in Jamaica I got rumors of resources prices were getting higher and higher in KPR due to less and less traders transporting stuff in (like Stone from PM).

    BUT it's definately not proportional to raiders' commitment nor the personal damage suffered by single captains.

    Devs said that port production will be (by trading patch) function of basic resources delivered in the port.

    This could* lead to a more meaningful raiding: if I have a strategic material Port I want its production to be high. So I want people to deliver there other materials.

    So I will not want raiders "blockading" this port.

  8. 15 minutes ago, Hethwill the Red Duke said:


    But sorry, ships of the line doing the jobs it should be the frigates doing "because they are more weatherly  by design" ( lower hull, etc ) .... *sigh*...

    Just look at the war after William took the throne, when the french almost, just almost, managed to blockade England of trade supplies ( very much like the germans copied twice in the 20th century ). Was it by using SOLs ? No. Was by using frigates and damn good ones.

    Then the point is the (still partial) lack of meaningful economy and PvE (and therefore RvR). I was even criticized (by fair duel/fun battle/sea trials enthusiast) saying a rich PvE enviroment is good for raiders too giving them targets... So allowing them to be privateers. And potentially making raiding a viable way to conduct a war.

    Because real damage douable by raiding to enemy nation, at the moment, in NA, is pretty limited.

    Especially to old rich veterans with a bunch of alts.

  9. 1 minute ago, Banished Privateer said:

    Just to remind everyone how 1st generation of Prussians got wiped out by GB attacking their ports (and some other nations too). Prussians lost all their core ports and almost all of them quit. Same happened to Russia losing Kidds/Bermuda ports and Poland using their core bases at Barahona and Les Cayes (even if Vazco tries to disagree with that). 

    @Intrepido if rediii and HAVOC want "content" and "fun", they should attack some useless ports and just solo-flip. Instead they go for multiflips with Sweden and Denmark and attack core Prussian ports. I don't call that content nor fun, I call it attempt to annihilate Prussia and win the war by all means. 

    I could agree that being steamrolled (by numbers, quality, or even both) is unpleasant. And I was on the receiving end spending quite some time as USA and during Spain collapse.

    Still I dont sincerely understand the mindset of a bunch of players (and a few clanmates) about (double standard) fairness.

    This is (naval) warfare.

    No fairness in war. If I have numbers I would use numbers, if I have quality I will try to exploit it.

    As if I have faster/nimbler/sturdier/more armed/better boarder/better whatsever ship than my enemy I will (try to) exploit my strenghts on enemy's weaknesses.

    And it is not only fair.

    It's commander's duty (and measure of his wisdom).

    • Like 3
  10. I do not think reclassing ships would be a solution, aside being plainly un-elegant.

    Ships need a niche, the smaller or the bigger, but a potential role.

    CCB (cookie cutter Bellona) is still a fact, but BR rework throwed her out of PBs giving room to 3rd rates. Similar go for Bucetaure in place of 1st rates (still I'd push this more to have PB main fleets made of 3rd rates as historical).

    Hercules breaks light 5th rate balance, so some more work is needed. Still the usually surclassed Renomee remains in use, and her great downwind speed makes her still viable as solo hunter. Only ship in the group without any real use is Cerberus. Then we could speak about how to make her having a role.

    Talking about 4th rate and bigger 5th rates the problem lies around the Constitution and Wappen, while Indef, Endy and Trinco being decently balanced with different pros and cons (and indeed all 3 are regularly used) as Agamennon and Ingermanland (one sturdier, one faster).

    On the other hand, Wappen ends being only a great turner but being frail (and a damn big target impossible to miss) she has big issues as a brawler, requiring heavy builts... So becoming even slower, and with even more difficult to find a role both in RvR and OW PvP. Still @admin said that a Wappen buff is underway, so we can wait and see.

    So we are back to the Constitution. That should be a great ship but has limited uses in NA due to a mix of low speed (I repeat daily: 0.1 base speed inferior to Agamennon!) and crappy turning (inferior to Bellona).

    It has been plainly repeated for one year or more: Constitution requires a (small) buff. Or to turning (to be able to fight bigger stuff like a - sturdier - frigate) or to speed (to be able to disengage superior forces). History/realism wise, most reasonable solution is giving her approx +0.2/.3 more base speed (as said a billion times), so being still slower than all frigates (Indef is now at 12.1 and Constitution at 11.7), with (far) inferior turn rate of them, but at same time a speed buff allowing her to have more chances to break off from superior forces and not making her suitable to engage 1v1 2-deckers lacking turning, but, as she is, sturdy enough to have a chance side to side.

    Again, my 'a bit more than' two cents.


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  11. Dear @admin

    Is there any plan to debug Gunboat?

    She is already super rare and useful only in right conditions.


    - She doesnt repair guns with hull repair.

    - She requires a (proportionally) bulkload of crew during fire (being at higher risk of explosion).

    - I cant put some mods on her, like Kiritimati.

    - and especially she doesnt sail straight

    I think it will be not a lot of work to solve these bugs allowing to use her time to time.

    Thank you.

  12. 4 hours ago, Black veil said:

    Hey John u sure it was 15 Spanish ships? Outside Kpr to be honest last few months it was just a requin destroying Kpr wasn't it? I've only ever seen 15 or more Spanish players once and that was at habana when 23 ships came out to kill 4 of us but 11 of them sunk and then the rest ran away? 

    When I today FENIX (at that time VIXIT) were Spaniards surely @huliotkd and I camped Jamaica daily. So I'm speaking last summer. We moved Pirate in Fall.
    But Spaniards came also in numbers with Bellonas squadron (I have some pics of them in line "locking" KPR channel). Still rarely we got a fight. So we kept mainly raiding in 1-2 requins and some frigates.

    So yes. It happened.

    And Hawkwood is right. Till collapse of Spain (and reduction of France) and so until HAVOC arrival, GB was the most smashed nation.

    There's still the mindset among a lot of raiders "A BRIT! ATTACK!". I never got so tagged in sight when I was Pirate :D


  13. 1 hour ago, Beeekonda said:

    kamaa and LaHire are in the same clan btw ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


    And I fought them both in Bahamas in last days... and they didnt look like exceptional captains (and I am saying that... not some super elite one).
    Honestly only good at, trying, running from a (smaller) enemy squadron (2 Requins + 1 Hercules and, later, 1 Requin and 2 Herculeses british hunters vs. 4 French Herculeses - them plus a couple more friends).

  14. 23 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    It still is handicapped by a terrible turn rate. Base speed of it sucks big time too, so you need quite a lot of speed mods to make it "work". Vanilla Connie is just very weak as it is about same speed as light Bucentaures or Bellonas and get obliterated by them.

    It has been often pointed out (also by me) that Constitution is a subpar ship having a speed 0.1 kts inferior to Agamennon and a turnrate sitting at 2.8 (so inferior to Bellona one - 2.9).

    As I said, she could be great (as IMO Wappen) only with high slot count and good trims, being able so to compensate her weaknesses (speed and turning) with bulkload of mods upkeeping her strong ones (sturdiness first and foremost).

    More balanced solution would be keeping her pretty low on turning - like now, but making her base speed around 11.8-12.0, so still inferior to all 5th rates (Indef is sitting at 12.1) and still inferior (2.8 I'd repeat) turning wise to any 5th rate (Endymion sitting at 3.1 - and Indef at 3.2).
    So able, as realistically, to smash a similar geared 5th IF she gets side to side, with a weakspot in slight inferior speed and inferior turning rate. BUT making her to, usually, outrun bigger ships (SoLs first and foremost - that she can now outrun only close hauling - may be).

    • Like 1
  15. 12 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    She was purple and had fast "trim". Her 13 knots was pretty average, I've seen Connies pulling about 14 knots and faster. She was built for speed and brawling. Makes it look super fast, super tanky, great DPS monster, perfect ship all around. Sadly I didn't have boarding hack when Yordi pulled me for boarding.

    Connie indeed (IMHO), as Wappen, is a ship usually (and weirdly) subpar ingame that, granted high end quality (4/5+) and mods starts becoming a true powerhouse monster in right hands.

  16. 2 minutes ago, Banished Privateer said:

    I felt a bit funny when Yordi asked me if my Connie that escaped FENIX 1v7 had Elite Pirate Rig Refit, while it didn't have it! On top of that, the ship was teak-teak, making them think it's super tanky and asking if it's LO/WO, Teak-WO with Cartagena, WO-WO etc. (Connies are naturally super-tanks). My ship was not gold quality sadly and its top speed was 13 knots. This shows how often misleading is player perception, players see "barricades" in every boarding they get beaten, they see elite spanish or elite pirate rig refits when they chase ships etc. etc. Even I do that sometimes, I felt on the stream that @OjK Christian had elite spanish refit, running away so fast from my speedy Bellona... After capturing it I realized I was wrong. When I get beaten by a better player, I simply know that I hello kittyed up, never considered that someone is hacking really. 

    I wasnt there.

    Still I decently know Connie. Yes, she can look very tanky often. Moreover people is not used to fight them often.

    But, on gear matters topic, a 13 kts Connie with guns+some repairs means a Connie breaking 13.5 unloaded.

    So a Connie with (at least) +15% speed bonus. Less than 4 (3.75) from wood. 3 from AoSH.

    Then we have to look for another +8% speed. On 3 (was she 3/5?) available mods. Copper+NHR and we are still 2.5% short (v.fast trim?).

    Gear matters. A lot.

    Because we are speaking about a Connie running as fast as a nice Endymion (not superior one). And we all know what happens to an Endy ending side to side vs. a Constitution.

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  17. @MassimoSud and I had clashes in the past.

    And I got too called cheater for how nicely I handle a Requin. Or how brutal (sometimes) my boardings were.

    In a lot of cases is people having (almost) not a clue about what can be done by a ship nicely fitted and well handled.

    So I am usually VERY suspicious about players seeing cheaters around. And therefore I am not supporting these statements 'ex ante'; usually the contrary.


    I am far less raiding and more often engaged in more 'competitive' PvP (with all related higher expenditures) and I (with other FENIX) crossed ships that looked too good. Too high speed, tankiness, reload, repair and turning (and having a musket mod too!).

    Nothing strange finding a ship with one, a couple, three of these characteristics. It could happen (just to remember: gear MATTERS; it simply doesnt matter - almost - between a total noob and a veteran, but between two seasoned PvPers matters. A lot).

    It was all these together that we felt strange.

    Missing any proof I will not make any name nor I will call cheating around. And I am speaking about PvPers vastly superior to me, so I can suppose I was unable to see the skill in place of the gear (still reloading can be influenced not a lot by player, neither repairing).

    Still there's something suspicious.

    We will see with more proofs, video, practice.

    So, in short: I do not say some cheating is around. But on other hand something weird does happen. Too often facing the same captains.

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