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Licinio Chiavari

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Posts posted by Licinio Chiavari

  1. 3 minutes ago, Old Crusty said:

    A single hunter in Le Requirement that attacks a newbie in a Mercury is most certainly a ganker.

    Aside @Crow's fair words, attacking an Indef or an Agamennon with a R.Adm. on board is ganking/sealclubbing? Because hunters in proposed situation are called sealclubbers and gankers... Even if then a couple dozens of Baywatchers join the defender around attacker.

    And then, when the Requin does the miracle of disengaging thanks to a mix of speed, tactic and utter crappy enemy gunnery is then called "coward". From people NEVER seen alone NOR outside safezone.

    • Like 3
  2. 13 minutes ago, NethrosDefectus said:

    Stop complaining about it being unfair that there is somewhere for people to start the game with a bit of "protection".

    If you REALLY wanted actual PvP then you would attack the other hunters in the area when you see them, but that very rarely happens. Instead we get constant complaints of "We have to go to the safe zones because it's the only place to find PvP" yet you nearly always sail past the other hunters to look for the easy kill.

    I don't blame anyone in particular, it has just become the norm in the game. In fact last week I was hunting around La Habana and saw a Polish Herc so I tagged it, it created all sorts of drama because I attacked another hunter instead of ignoring him.

    Honestly I always do zero dramma in any circumstances.

    Still I follow the unwritten rule "wolf doesnt eat wolf".

    It's not matter of fear or preferance on "seals". It's common sense: we are both in enemy waters usually alone usually both on fast ships: tagging each other with high stakes of also a bunch of "locals" randomly joining on side or the other is what it looks: pretty stupid.

    That said, reinforcement zone is quite balanced already... And "always open" mechanic itself put quite a pressure on attacker: time matters a lot.

    The downside is that makes even more preferable to focus on small targets.

    Having a closed battle let hunter choosing a bigger target. Otherwise the hunter will be often disturbed in the middle of a long sterncamping...

    Above suggestion (less incentives to stay in Capitol areas + more incentives to leave and so spreading population) has been repeatly proposed and probably the best solution to end Capitol camping where newbies end up to be in the wrong side of gun simply being there.

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  3. 2 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Thanks for the report.

    Looks like spain was outnumbered by the french, am I correct?

    Looked like.

    Spain surely aside failing to conquer Penzacola, surely lost (and I think will lose) more ships. But also France paid the toll.

    I was making some sum up... I think the "lovers" burned some 200+ millions worth shipping.


  4. 17 minutes ago, Admiral Horatio Hornblower said:

    Any screenshots? 

    Forgot to do. Sorry (I rarely do).

    Surely there'll be plenty posted.

    First informations:

    - Spain screen fleet attack one French screening fleet - no idea of outcome.

    - Another French screening fleet + 2 Pirates tagged Spanish PB fleet. Spanish Fleet superior. Ended 1 spanish bellona lost vs 5 1st rates

    - Light ships of Spanish PB fleet disengaged and joined the PB fighting it like 9v11 - I think they got repelled.

    - my PC crashed and I found alone out main battle (LoL). Spanish PB fleet came in OW and 3 OW battle opened.

    - in mine Spaniards were 3 Oceans + 1 Mortar v 8 1st rates. Ended with 3 Spanish 1st rates lost to 1 French

    - Other OW battle 14 French 1st, 1 Buce + 3 5th v 7 Spanish Oceans + 1 Bellona. Losses French 4 1st rates 1 Buce and 1 Belle lost to 2 spanish Oceans and 1 Bellona. 

    - Another 1 OW battles are still raging. I'm sure of losses on both sides.

    - Surving Spanish fleet would probably be tagged again.


    Consider these the Breaking News from Penzacola Front.


    Bloody Stuff.


    As a sidescreen before battle I lost another Ocean today doing a bit too proudly alone the sailing from KW to San Jose.

    Intercepted in front of San Jose by 1 Hercules and 1 Belle, I sunk both... but got tagged again out by 1 Ocean 1 Santissima and 1 Victory. My ship has been captured.


  5. 32 minutes ago, Christendom said:

    We’ve been at war with KoC for the past year.  Nothing new.  He just sunk a fleet of ours 3 weeks ago.  Shit happens.  

    We’re both just focused on Spain at the moment.  We’ll go back to hating each other again soon.  You guys managed to piss of both of us at the same, which is impressive.   

    Yes. An impressive feat of Spanish leadership I will never understand.

    And for what?

    Defending another Alliance (with USA) as it could be new for Spain being allied with two countries at war. USA not being able at the moment to defend themselves... So definately not able to fight.

    And when?

    After opening a new war front against Sweden and just to be sure Poland. And just to be perfect with Russia initially cancelling all its treaties.

    Impressive feat.

  6. On 8/22/2018 at 11:15 AM, Crow said:

    Be very careful about asking for this to change.

    Its so easy to make it so the better quality ships/mods/captain will win very easily if repairs are reduced.

    Repairs can help keep an excellent player in combat for an age and may seem OP at first look,


    Repairs also allow a newer player or average player the chance of escape or redemption for a mistake he makes.

    The system as is works well enough. Maybe increase the weight of repairs if you want to add further limitations but 10 min cool down works well and I seldom use or see more than one  or two repairs popped during an average battle.


    إذا اجتمعنا في البحر ، فربما تمتلئ سفينتك بالثقوب وتحول طاقمك إلى قرصنة.

    Assalum aleikum wa Rahmatullah.


    I sincerely have the opposite opinion of reducing combat repairs to 1 per kind per battle.

    Yes. Super modded ships could look even stronger. But... They are really expensive ships, and/or very rare (purple/gold). Losing them is not pleasant.

    So I am on the way to overpower the inferior enemy... And I get a very bad hit in hull («the damn "noob" got a perfect side of double balls!»).

    What would do the veteran on a 20 mil. ship? Will repair. And then? Will he push the fight? Or not?

    No next repair after 10 minutes. No second chance if "shit happens" again (and it could).

    Other example the lone raider.

    Often better geared and more expert can push a 1v3 to the limit, looking for opportunities to kill the isolated weak.

    But one single rig shock, repairs... And then? Would he keep pushing to the limit knowing that the next well placed chain will cripple him for the rest of battle?

    I bet that he will disengage immediately to not risk his precious super ship.

    And this could lead to less super ships around, more mid ones... And so more chances for casuals on normal ships but in group

    • Like 1
  7. In appreciation of above bid, and getting closer to Auction expirance, to spicy up the selling of this marvelous miracle of spanish engineering, the ship will be delivered already fitted with following Upgrades:

    - Cartagena Caluking Refit;
    - Navy Structure Refit;
    - Bridgetown Frame Refit;
    - Northern Carpenters;
    - Bow Figure - Rattlesnake.

    Therefore adding a bonus totalling over 4 mil.

    Waiting for further interest on our ship, best regards.


    VIXIT clan Captains, after US ship attacking and sinking a spanish ship in spanish waters, fact far more outrageous considering the hostile situation with France caused by France-USA strife are by now authorized to attack in sight USA shipping.

    They are furthemore allowed to retaliate also in USA waters at their personal call.

    At political level VIXIT clan will stick with RAI clan alliance in any other respect, so not engaging in RvR full war against USA ports.

    VIXIT wishes that ongoing hostilities with France can be solved negotially in a close next future.


    Best regards.
    Licinio Chiavari.


    PSAt a personal level, I will stop any offensive action against French shipping by next server restart.

    • Like 4
  9. 2 minutes ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

    I'm not talking about either of those ships in particular.  (I don't have them)  I'm just talking about how players often do not using boarding mods/knowledge in general.

    Same as Hercules goes with any small 5th rate (like Surprise).

    On bigger 5th and 4th. Use Determined Defender, run with the wind... may be Requin will try a push after sterncamping you.
    The reply with Barricade+Boarding Axes will be always the same.

    The bigger your are, the more Requin will be damaged every broadside, the less chances to try for you he'll have.


    Only differences on bigger ship from Hercules example:

    - you'll not be able to follow the boarding push to tack

    - requin will usually need to work your sails too missing sufficient push to turn you from running with the wind.
    You'll never get hull damage: use your sail repairs wisely. Do not repair hull to close your stern. Requin like any sterncamper will simply switch one time to ball to reopen it.

    - requin will sterncamp until 4:3 crew ratios (out of DD protection). Use rum wisely.
    The bigger you are, the longer time for Requin, the more chances to get damaged... too much and have to retreat.

    It works.

  10. 4 minutes ago, MassimoSud said:

    They do not accept to be defeated with the methods that I said in previous posts (chain, push, board, kill) in a few minutes. There is no fun in this (apart from the pro @Licinio Chiavari that has fun always and only in the same way!).
    Why these captains never complained about your sinking when you came to KPR in pirate frigate or Bellona or Trinco? Have you ever asked it to yourself?
    You offered a "fulfilling" experience even to those who you defeated, there were people who would face you to learn from you (I remember three duels I lost with you). 

    I do not accept Bellonas being running at 14+/15+ kts.
    I do not accept mast sniping.
    Etc... So?

    If you (in general, not you personally) dont learn after being boarded and sunk 3+ times from the same requin in the same way... you'd not learn nothing even with with enemy explaining you every manouver and counter, minute by minute.

    PS: honestly the most "fun" part is being able to kill a prey (usually the "smart" alone upwind) and then being able to dodge a dozen bigger ships trying to kill you.

  11. 1 minute ago, Barbancourt (rownd) said:

    The point is that boarding is the final stage of a loss, not a goal.  If they're boarding you they've already got the advantage and are finishing you - either having more crew to begin with, stacked with mods, or having graped your crew down.  So...a lot of people won't put on boarding mods/knowledge because they don't want to get to that point.  They don't want to put on mods/knowledge they'll only use in the process of losing, when they can put on ones they hope will keep them out of that situation. 

    Negative. Hercules is considered a fast prey for Requins: no Determined Defender, already a good crew edge (let's say 3:2 - more than sufficient to overcome a not prepared nor geared crew).

    Therefore a Requin will aim to insta-boarding it.

    This means she'll get for sure one full broadside in her. Then, if Hercules is unable to use the push to tack and run on the other side, there'll be aboarding. That Hercules can end safely in 2 rounds being prepped, with Axes and Barricades.

    Then Hercules will fire a second full side to side broadside... and Requin will be already without a side and some structure damage too.

    I can assure that Requin will be giving up... because he'll know that he has to do it all over again and get another couple broadsides. And all the same will go after repairing.

    Only solution would be stern camping the Hercules to then board with a huge crew edge... that's impossible on a Requin: Hercules turns better.

  12. 2 minutes ago, Lovec1990 said:

    see this is an issue too players expect no boarding so they do not put any skills on boarding

    Correct. 99% doesnt expect a boarding, 90% has no clues about it. The funny part is that a Requin will be ALWAYS a full boarder: so you'll have not to guess the fitting/playing style, it's already stated by the ship herself.

    Yesterday I got a duel against an Agamennon. I got the [G] while sterncamping when he was still at 400 crew. I decide to give a try to the boarding... and won (it was a damn long and bloody work).

    He said that it was a duel so... a GUNNERY duel and he was not especting a boarding.

    Both parts of this short story confirm the points.

  13. 4 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    there is one strong tool against any xebec "boarding axes"....

    We all know the xebec meta ppk (push pull kill) if certain to encounter a  xebec which is at kpr equip it

    First round

    Use defend in first round. (he might use fire deck guns or muskets as fast response or will wait for last sec) If he does a last sec command the xebec captain might even use attack. So never use grenades or brace....

    2nd round (last round)

    In order to secure the kill he HAS to use attack. So if your prep is high you can do a last sec defend. Even If fires guns or whatever he can only kill crew but not win because to win he has to attack

    3rd round is disengage

    if you command a big ship (its unlikely that your guns will hit and dmg the xebec due to height) So better load grape  while in round 1 in boarding and shoot. Reverse (if pushed into the wind) get distance in the 60sec he is unable to board again

    If you command a ship with low gunports shoot double or ball give him  hell and get distance.


    Distance to xebec is key

    Perfect guide "How to save your ship from a boarder".

    But you know. They should drop a couple (using Barricade too: useful to survive a couple rounds on a far inferior crew ship) shiny super books.

    So how in the hell they will be ever able to sail without capped repairing, aiming, reload and speed?


  14. 3 minutes ago, Hethwill the Harmless said:

    Was not 4 princes ;) ( if it is the situation you describe )

    Was 1 privateer and 1 prince on his heels, two in the rotation perch ( wind ) some 500m to the wings. The Russian Empire frigates were going downwind chased by the GB frigates.

    He wasn't going anywhere. His choice of going to the fort wouldn't be the one i'd choose though.

    Prinzapolka - GB xebec sunk by 1 privateer and 1 prince. Was tough build but went down. Wind was offshore.

    Batabano - spanish xebec sunk by 2 princes. Was not inside myself but xebec was bracketed ( very air combat simulator )

    etc ( a lot of xebecs fall to 1 privateer 1 prince combo )

    Good to know. I was not there and it was reported to me by another clanmember.

    Moreover you're underlining my point. Thank you.

    • Like 1
  15. 25 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    I boarded a fully preped 100moral  fully crewed aga with my prince 188 crew at 75% moral and survived.... I was outnumbered 3 to 1

    A surprise captain vs a xebec is only outnumbered 1,5 to 1......

    99% of Captains have simply no clues about boarding.
    I already wrote that adding a more insight on it, rebalancing it a bit and adding it more to tutorial could be useful.

    Rebalancing STILL it has to remain as it is: the most realistic in game feature:

    A better lead (better player experience), better trained (books&marines), better equipped (books again) crew will keep overpowering even a bit bigger crew but with inferior leadership, experience, training and equipment, during a boarding.

  16. 26 minutes ago, Palatinose said:

    Well I have to disagree on the Requin Massimo. As I said imo it's a question of experience. Any skilled captain in an average square rigger can escape Le Requin (also consider the amount of chains she is able to shoot). Considering the ability to catch her - a comparison. Will you catch a fast 5th with only ohne fast 5th? It's not that likely imo. Why so coastguards outnumber their enemy? They want to catch him/her. So transfer this to a Requin and you will be forced to sail schooner's (that the correct term?) to catch it. One may not like that, but to me there is actually not much of a difference to very fast Hercs, Endys or any other ship being trimmed to hunt in capital waters. 

    It's a question of how far people are willing to adjust their playstyle to new metas. I used to "hunt" in capital waters and had to quit this style after battles stayed open for 90 minutes - it probably hasn't been fair before and after the changes it wasn't fair either. Okay the perspectives changed. It's a constant up and down in capital areas. And it's in the same way double standards to want hunters to be always caught as it is to be able to hunt down proper targets and be able to always escape if it gets too much. 

    So imo that's a question of RoE of reinforcement zones, but that's another topic. 

    Overall that's not an issue of  Le Requin, but players willing to adjust their hunting styles and being honest about that.

    Thank you Sir. Really.

  17. 41 minutes ago, MassimoSud said:

    Only 3 things, from the historical point of view i can remember:
    1. This type of ship was not able to absorb a single broadside from any frigate, if it happens it tooks the risk of going literally to pieces (this requin can instead absorb a full Bellona broadside, with the only indication of change course and escape, but I repeat it is almost impossible to hit, different is the hercules who has a hull profile high enough to be hit!). This requin can even bounce the shots if properly angled! Very historical indeed!
    2. This type of ship could not absolutely put itself in T position in front of 5th rate or higher, otherwise it was broken in half!
    3. This ship was designed for seas and winds other than those of the Caribbean.
    So perhaps it is better to focus on the aspects of playability rather than exclusively those "historical".
    Last but not least, does it seem right that the most powerful ship in the 6th rank is a paid ship? had the @admin always assured us that this game would never have been a PtW?

    1. if british captains keep firing in the water, it's pretty normal that the Requin will keep "soaking" a Bellona broadside.
    For sake of correctness: a Requin can be 2 shotted by a Surprise.
    For further sake of completeness, all ships can angle... and there's nothing historical in such a manouver. Still it is used and teached.

    2. In game boarding problem. Give boarding another reasonable (I didnt write "easy") way to get started.
    Again from historical perspective, boarding was NORMAL in age of sail. So normal being the end of majority of engagements... and by the way, a great share of success of Royal Navy came out the valour of crews and marines during boardings.

    3. and already I wrote from an engineering perspective, lateen rig limits were technological. No real limits for profile... not by chance, lateen is modern rigging daddy.

    As a PS: do you know raider/privateers/pirates almost never used anything bigger than a Brigantine. Usually Schooners... why? being able to run Navy frigates upwind. So weird.

    As a secondary PS: do you know some privateering/piracing schooner crew numbers. Read and get shocked.
    No: far more than 60ish.


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