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Licinio Chiavari

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Posts posted by Licinio Chiavari

  1. 1 hour ago, AeRoTR said:

    Thanks for the answers from a xebec elite.

    Duty mate.


    2./3. The problem could be balanced having Requin going in rigging shock losing bowsprint even without sail damage; making her losing foremast with bowsprint could be a bit too punishing.

    4. Locked, single shot, aim center sail. A reason Requin raiders avoid other Requin: being both speed capped (usually) it ends being a very long grinding battle (you saw my long duel) with very limited reward (5 marks) and definately very risky in enemy safezone.


    8. Depending on luck you can farm the same. Still higher chances to be sunk.

    9. I got side to side to push. I get a broadside. I board. You are prepared with barricades+axes. Boarding ends soon with you alive and get another broadside. I (maybe) board again you (there's the 60 sec timer): rise and repeat. Without time problem (safezone) a Requin will sterncamp more to be sure to kill. But time is limited. So Requin is in hurry and he'll board as soon as possible.

    10. A light Requin has like 200 hp more than a teak privateer. Cutting another 100 will change nothing. Cutting more will be no-sense.

  2. 14 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

    * Thing is most of the upwind sailors can escape the bigger ships. Problem xebec can also espace other small ships, now that is a big difference.

    * Can somebody tell me, how an xebec can break bow spirit of Hercules, yet Hercules can not damage the xebec bow spirit?

    * Xebec model has problems with hit box. I aim at xebec bow spirit from the side, I come full speed. I arrive my intended point exactly at tip of xebec, yet I keep going into it, no collision ! He keeps passing and I keep going, and I hit and make the collision to it's stern, I travell inside the xebec with my ship until I hit it is stern. 

    * Still there is problem with sail hit box, most shots fly through it.

    * What other ship can farm reinforcement aside (it is a 6th rate !) , last night I remember like Luici bros farmed around 100-120 pvp marks in KPR greenzone. Can they farm same pvp marks with Hercs ? Is this normal , aside from being DLC, aside from being it a 6th rate, for any ship, is this normal ? (1st/2nd/.... most try, very good players yet they mostly fail)

    * Can somebody tell me, how all the ships benefit and suffer from Rig Refits, like spanish and pirate. Elite spanish +30 downwind -30 upwind etc. yet Xebec only benefits from rig refits +30 upwind or +15 upwind, as it  only has staysails, it this fair ?

    * A ships which can bypass the Determined Defender magic perk, you can not fight it with small ships. As it will turn you into wind, cause it speeds up into wind, can board you instantly and does not give a shit about your DD perk. Is this fair ?

    * I can beat a Le Req in a Prince, but it is not easy. I have to risk ship with lots of mods, to beat a standart pirate rig fitted free to redeem Le Req. I can not play boarding as it has at least double crew. Why would I bother? 

    * In which ship 1st/2nd ...... 7th rate, you can tag players in their reinforcement zone with such a reckless manner? There was only prince only when captain was exceptional, and he has to work hard.

    * Aside from defenders of the Red Sail who owns the ship obviously, no body will defend this ship, we all know this ship is P2W and OP with or without OP mods..


    1. running upwind has been historically the escape route of privateers and pirates against hunting fleets.

    2./3. For Xebec losing bowsprint is not an issue. No sense discussing about making her losing hers.

    4. also chaining schooners sails is tricky. Best advice on both: go sigle shot.

    5, any ship able to kill in few minutes and able to outrun revenge fleet... as it was in the past. As Palatinose pointed out he sees no difference between xebex and previous 5th rate firfir meta.

    6. As stated billions times: NERF ALL MODS, especially force mods. You'll get a Requin going at 9 kts running with the wind and barely doing 12 at broad reach. And no more Flying Bellonas, Ingermanlands, etc...

    7. Determined Defender is pure crap.

    8. Do you think majority of raiding Xebecs in KPR arent costly modded? my Requins costs a medium value of 5mil each. The same goes in any 5th rate duel: you will have a real hard (or impossible) time trying to beat an experienced captain (not skilled, only experienced) with 5-10mil worth mods with an un modded shop ship.

    9. Boarding is the fastest way to kill a target. And time matters a lot in enemy safe zone. Requin is only a perfect boarder. And defending in a boarding is buffed so hard from the past making boarding attack ludicrously nerfed. Next step could be deleting boarding at all.

    10. without mods she will be nothing exceptional: repeating no. 6.


  3. Just now, Aquillas said:

    Evade, yes. Attack, no. A defense fleet must attack!

    Correct. Use better what GB "Baywatch" has: numbers (and free and tactical, if well used, spawning).

    This is a plain issue of rich vets not adapting.

    US Coast guard had to adapt in DarkWasas time (I usually sailed taggers, often fir/fir - fast but expendable - but always with pino ocote+winged out).

    Jamaica Baywatch has too.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Aquillas said:
    • Privateer (slower upwind and downwind than xebecs, the ship I lost the most to xebecs)
    • Prince de Neufchatel,... Niagara...
    • Traders Lynx...

    1. A pirate rigged privateer is speed capped close haul even if teak/teak, and can be done capped at beam too in combat, and faster in OW. I am doing some tests in these days. And Xebec missing chain ball on bow chasers... Cant really chase a skilled privateer. Real limited usefulness of privateer is she would require a serious crew buff (around 100) as historically they were used as boarding pirates.

    2. Niagara: other tests ongoing. She Can be fitted to be speed capped at beam: so able to keep distance with Requin and flee anything else. Aside being faster than Requin running with the wind and faster closehaul than any other 5th rate.

    3. A trader is 99% in any case dead (especially if loaded).

  5. 2 hours ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    A good point on that data would also mean who did you fight?  Was that Requin some casual or some one of equal skills to Rover members?  Remember the game should be balance upon the skill of a casual player not the vets.  I have killed a few myself and while I’m an average player the ones I beat where casual and way below average players that didn’t know how to sail the ship.  The only time I have beaten one against an equal skill player I was in one too.

    I will give a fast reply to this before (I'll try) another more elaborate reply.

    The sunk Requin was a veteran I consider better than me. And as far as I know well fitted too.

    He was caught between Fort, 2 princes (not engaged but still locking an escape router) and at close quarter with 1 prince and 1 privateer (Hethwill). 

    He got too much damage to sail to run so being slowly dismantled.

    I raid a true lot on xebec and I can assure that I (and my mates) have zero fear to be joined (as usual) by 10 Bellonas: they are terrible shooters and cant catch. The only risk is a bellona lucky spawn + a couple of lucky (again gunnery skill very low usually) broadsides (as I lost some Requins); I read from Aquillas of Requin soaking a bellona broadside: if the Requin lost the mast and some side means the broadside was aimed too high to damage the side (otherwise how losing the mast?).

    Otherways we will disengaging laughing hard.

    Majority of Requins I lost was due staying in combat against impossible odds... For that one more kill... And before disengaging getting surrounded.

    One I lost stupidly accepting a boarding from a more crewed Requin.

    But I lost one to 2 smart Brit newbies I "trained" a bit that joined with belle+2 priv and prince+2 priv.

    They were able to stick close to me and 4 privateers damaged my sails top much. Cheap and smart setup.

    That said. Hunting a Prince with a Requin is pure pain... Because prince is adequately fast upwind... And far nimbler than Requin.

    But British vets want to sail "real ship", joining with 10 bellonas.

    If they'd join with 10 princes they could be able to hunt my mates and me.

    And not repeating that a Requin can be countered... If you know her: VIXIT are using her a lot... And none would fear one on any other ship

  6. 1 hour ago, JG14_Cuzn said:

    What's even more poetic is the VIXIT guys who camp KPR in their DLC's... And are damn good in them.... Decided to kill Rookie Snows and Trader Brigs outside KPR instead of helping in the PB :)      #thanksjags  


    We sunk anything afloat. Also a couple Bellonas. And anything smaller.

    Sidenote: Yordi was in battle. Some of us unable to log at that time, others, not advised yesterday for the PB, used (like me) the tow already. Nothing so weird.

  7. 7 minutes ago, jodgi said:

    What about good suggestions trying to generate more pvp?

    I'm not happy with neither quantity nor quality regarding pvp in OW.


    Quality (aside having to define it) in any PvP sandbox ends in a lot of ganking and counter ganking.

    Quantity is first a population issue... and "accessability" to PvP issue: in the end there's no point to sail around on a sub par ship with limited experience. Even finding a single enemy, a single rich veteran will win. So or you have cash to get a good ship properly fitted, or you'll end fastly raped.

    The two issues are strictly bound. The less access to PVP, the less people trying, the less quantity... Aside people never getting experience.

    And dont make me reading "DLC ships are free crap": for a decent pvp ship the real cost are mods, not the ship herself.

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  8. 18 minutes ago, Hethwill the Harmless said:

    We talking about such difference in construction ( and purpose of build ) that it silly being brought up.

    Xebec must be what she was. Light, fast and dedicated. And suffer what she must.

    I agree completely, also super frail.

    But I look forward to other issues... Like the famed hullhugging allowed by frigates/corvettes withstanding 42pd at point blank.

  9. 15 hours ago, Aquillas said:

    Today, yesterday, and the day before, the Requin ganks were 4 Reqs + 3 Hercs big.

    Denying all fights, and attacking all ships including basic cutters… LOL.

    This proves that, and claimed by them, Req captains are poor lonesome captains, obliged to use OP ships because they are so alone...


    Only solution: all use Reqs. Lets transform Naval Action in xebec action!

    Devs eved did it! 

    Yesterday 4 nation raiders (just to underline not perfectly coordinated) 4 Requin + 4 Hercules engaged in 2 battles in KPR area.

    BR ratios were totally in favour of Brits... Who lost a bunch of ships including one of two bellonas (aside LGV refit, Surprise, Hercules...) Raiders losses=0.

    We were definately not avoiding the fight (I clearly remember a Wasa leaving as 2 Requin and 1 Hercules turned menacingly to him).

    The problem is the utterly disorganization and terrible level of skill of too many Brits in safe area. Especially among too many top ranks. Not to talk the plain stupid idea (as rightfully stated by @z4ys) of trying to flee in place of fighting.

    Aside them keeping trying to counter, Requins in particular, with SoLs.

    When some (usually young and very young players) Brits asked me how to fight a Requin, I gave them suggestions, as when someone else asked how to fit her I sincerely replied.

    And I lost 2 Requins to these not top rank Brit that mixing my suggestions (like again barricade+axes books) with some their ideas (like having 2 privateers as fleet ships chaining me) got me (as too often) overconfident. The sweetest losses in these months: I was happy for them as they were satisfated of the success.

    Higher ranked Brits are too pride to discuss tactics, too pride to look of youngers' ideas, too close minded to change playstyle (as far more kindly pointed by @Palatinose) to fight a new meta... As the game (unluckly still like majority of MMOs) has now and had in the past.

    They look too busy mocking an outnumbered and utterly outgunned retreating Requin... Or whining.

    Meta (ppk requin?) that CAN BE COUNTERED without using requins... As @Hethwill the Harmless and @huliotkd battle noted.

    PS: the more you'll call Requin users "coward" (still I have to know what you'd do on a Requin vs. 5/10 enemies the smallest being a Trinco) the more mocking and cold hearthed they'll become.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Lovec1990 said:

    With DLC permit this would would induce P2W again.

    as for ruing game economy what economy?

    Besides if my theory about Constitution Refit is correct it could shine diffrent light on DLC ships

    Please note, mate, I wrote making DLC ship "good or particular" (the latter could be rightfully the xebec or, looking at the past, the Gunboat). I did not write "OP".

    A general rebalance of all ships (AND NERFING THE DAMN MODS) is REQUIRED imo.

  11. 4 minutes ago, Lovec1990 said:

    Actualy this would break economy more DLC permit will not sell nearly as much as DLC ship would, second DLC permit ship would need too be good to be worth buying and that means ship performing alittle better than peers thus DLC permit owners will be able too craft better ship than non-DLC players could thus asking more gold for the ship and we will go again for pay too win and will be new meta everyone will want to sail her while DLC permit owners will be earning gold and non DLC crafters will cry here.

    DLC note is better just ship needs too be balanced and have proper cooldown timers 


    I could agree from one perspective.

    Still having the notes could lead that adding more (as a more than reasonable way to keep a cash flow for GameLabs... and so allowing us to keep playing) will completely destroy the game economy.

    Moreover a fair old and successful game like EVE... has been always PayToGetInGameCash and worked well.

    Matter is making DLC good (or particular) enough to keep selling them... but allowing all ingame content (so also these ships) available to DLC and not-DLC buyers.

    And I stated elsewhere I was thinking a redeemable permit with a longer CD (like 48-96 hrs).

    • Like 1
  12. 21 minutes ago, Lovec1990 said:

    A DLC  ship should be balanced against crafted ships but not worse DLC 12pd frigates should be balanced with crafted 12 pd frigates.DLC ships will always be popular becouse of reward system we have now

    This is correct. Balanced with pros and cons.

    People keeps complaining far more about Requin than Hercules not understanding that the latter is a far more balance breaker than the first.

    From ingame economic perspecting, first and foremost DLC should be (even tradable) permits not full ship to allow even adding more without ruining completely crafting economy.

    And ship should be balanced giving each one pros and cons and therefore a use.

  13. I cant not agree totally with @Crow

    Yesterday I had a long (1h15+) and hard fought (both sides used reps on CD; I lost 2 masts, just to give an idea) duel Requin v Requin in front of KPR.

    In the end I won. I got 5 PvP marks. The same prize I got from a lone trader brig insta-boarded for a total 5 mins battle.

    I enjoyed pushing a bit to the limit the ship... but economically wise, it was wrong not speaking about the risk of losing my ship.

    As noted by @William Wade very rich and skilled veterans can consider almost any loss "free" but for more casual players every loss (especially taking into account mods) it is not "free".

    So in the end this situation could lead and is leading mid richness but smart players, missing plenty time for farming (or humanly bored of it) to... prey on any weak target that is giving the best gain/time+risk ratio.

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Lovec1990 said:

    try to tell them this in topic where we talk about ship usefulness when i just said she needs alittle speed buff everyone pretty much fliped

    She was a great PVP ship hot nerfed multiple times to void, now. Almost no one uses her.

    It is possible we will get a super Connie by DLC... so a new meta incoming.

    Not right way of making stuff working imo.

  15. 6 minutes ago, Lovec1990 said:

    i agree hercules should be fast, agile and have current firepower if its realistic but nerf its armor HP bellow 3000

    In the end it's always the same problem of a lot of broken ships at the moment.

    Constitution is nicely sturdy but slower than Agamennon, with less broadsides than other 4th rate and turning like a Bucetaure = simply not usable.

    And about Hercules we are not talking about 4 chasers that with today chainballs damage, make her able to almost stop any ship with similar speed.

    PS: but the balance breaker is the Requin...

    • Like 1
  16. 4 minutes ago, Hethwill the Harmless said:

    She tanked the spanish line in montevideo. Like the vic did in trafalgar. Straing to break the line and to hell with caution.

    Given the "scaled down" rates of ships i'd say she was a tough but to crack. Her pacific roving campaign was pretty glorious as well.

    nerf/buff mmo style feels like fleas all across the wood...

    Due to balance issues... Or a ship is fast and nimble (and Hercules is... Even too much) or a ship is great tanker (and Hercules is not totally frail) or she has a great broadsides (and Hercules has).

    Having two edges is already top much. Having all three is game breaking.

    • Like 1
  17. I think that repairs at the moment are a(nother) mechanic in total favour of more experienced captains with better ships against casuals.

    As long as repairs stay as now we will get always kiting battles... that's a technique mostly used by experienced captains on very good (fast mainly) ships. Subpar ships cannot kite and less malicious players do not know how to do.

    OT proposal looks even too harsh.

    Personally I'd say:

    - Get back to repair kits (to make it simpler loadout) rebalancing production cost both LHs and material wise.

    - 1 Hull, 1 Rig, 1 Rum use per battle.

    - In OW a ship can repair but on a CD (like 10 minutes) using each time 1 repair kit: a very damaged ship will no be able to instantly get back to full.

    - In OW a ship can repair multiple times (so without triggering CD) if it's still and in shallow water (so going to the coast, stop, then repair multiple times).

    - Moving crew (Enterprise like crew teleport) in OW at sea should be totally banned.


    Someone keep saying this will hit casuals even more.

    I think exactly the contrary: raiding vets sail expensive ships, and unlikely happy to lose one.

    In combat probably they will disengage after the first heavy hit on sails (having only one rig repair... a second bad hit will cripple them for the rest of battle) or very soon after being badly damaged to hull (at risk at sinking if unable to disengage).

    Moreover in enemy waters the limits to OW repairs will oblige them to take into consideration their conditions when leaving the battle.

    Furthermore being in high seas and afar from friendly ports will become (as reasonable) an issue.

    I arrive to say that even cancelling AI reinforcements from safe zone, but keeping safezone battles opened for defending side, above changes to repairs will be frightening for raiders: being damaged could mean others will come and you'll be dead... and being too damaged will mean than even if you disengage, you'll risk seriously to be attacked over and over until sinking.

    Skill as usual will matter. BUT there'll not be possible anymore for a single (or small group) of skilled and well geared players overcome far bigger fleets.

    The "usual" 1v3 that now can end often with the single veteran smashing the 3 casuals... will end with 1-2 casual dead, but the veteran too.


    PS: demasting could become a serious issue. Some rebalancing in masts thickness/HPs coupled with reduced mid-long range precision (as it should be) would solve the problem.

    I suggested in the past to approximately double all masts HPs - making demasting between same size ship not really viable - but mast HP reduced as per sail damage% (simulating the growing damages to lines, ropes so having a more and more unstable mast).

    This way demast would work as now (still with may be increased mast thickness) IF target sails are at 50%


    PPS: banning crew teleport will have another balancing effect: boarding ships will be usually able to handle 1-2 battles... before to have to get back home, having lost too many men to be able to properly board again.

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