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Licinio Chiavari

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Posts posted by Licinio Chiavari

  1. 7 minutes ago, Hethwill the Harmless said:

    Exactly. Our "character" is the ship we sailing at any given moment. Not the captain.


    On EVE players create character look too. And dress him. And some rare drop clothes are worth more than a ship.

    In a far far away future, not a bad feature for NA too.

    PS: I am not interested, still could be good marketing wise.

    • Like 1
  2. In italian is weird.

    Ship ("nave") is female.

    A lot of ship type are female ("fregata" frigate, "corvetta" corvette, "goletta" schooner), others are male ("incrociatore" cruiser, "brigantino" brigantine).

    A ship name is male or female not based the name but on ship classe/type gender: Bismarck is female because battleship - "corazzata" - is female as Prinz Eugen is male because cruiser is male.

    • Like 1
  3. IMHO I think best median solution could be:

    Approximate position (sextant idea) pointed on map every 20 minutes with an error like 30-40*k.
    Available perk "Navigator" (1 pt?) get extimated position every 10 minutes with an error reduced to 20*k.

    Delete F11 coords, and port distances from trade tool at sea. 


  4. Lol. Made my morning...

    Still... making male and female gender ranks could hurt others within the LGBTQIA+ framework.
    Better finding totally neutral ranks... Being not english motherlanguage I have some difficulties thinking about them.

    About nation... there're other minorities requiring representation, like American Natives too.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, John Jacob Astor said:

    What about starting everyone on the PvE server and allowing a character transfer (below a certain rank).

    Possibly simpler to code?  I don't have an opinion on that but it might be an alternative.  Then the Caribbean server could be wide open.

    The most probable critic is pve server should allow full farming activities, being people playing and staying there.

    Then transferring would be quite an head start (far easier getting rich and farm stuff without having to deal pvp?).

    IMO it's a no issue... People even rich and geared with zero pvp experience will be massacred. Formally you'll make pve server the "noob server".

    Coding wise, no idea which is the simplest way: we had a Bahamas starting area, so I do not think difficult making a new one may be as proposed in the Gulf to leave Bahamas for shallow game.

  6. 37 minutes ago, John Jacob Astor said:

    If you actually want zero crafting in the green zones, new player activity in the open world needs to be less dependent on clan membership.

    New player activity in OW is already not dependant from clan membership. And it would even less dependant if coupled with above trading/crafting and (smaller and not exploitable) true no-pvp safezones.

    Even if I keep thinking better to let new players starting with neutral flag in no-pvp starting area with only basic loot/craft/ships. As they leave (and they can level up there to man a 3rd rate) with 1 free forged paper, only one way trip.

    And rest of the map full PvP/RvR and therefore far more meaningful economic wars to cripple enemy efforts.

  7. 6 hours ago, Flakbait said:

    You really want them to change it by a whole 1%?  There really isn't much of a difference.

    But it' s a -50% and -33% nerf respectively. Not a small nerf.

    That said... @admin:

    Will other trims (aside the most standard ones) be available and happening on crafted/redeemed ships too?

    I think they would add a nice chance to pushing some different ship set ups.


  8. 2 minutes ago, Sir John said:

    I also feel like there should be some real value to ladders, and that ~100 crew on a first rate should be able to defend against 220 in a hercules (and a requin with 350 crew) easily...


    Yes, the time period is way off, but this is a great example of what it might look like... one cannot expect the crew of such a small ship to scale the broadside of a ship of the line and carry the day

    Height difference works in boarding, and quiet a lot.

    Still I could agree less than It should.

    Like we got some a bit (lol) too precise (aka laser guided) balls flying around, magically hitting from the rolling deck of a ship sailing full speed... Exactly the mast 200 mt away of another rolling ship cruising (and turning too!) at full speed. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Slim McSauce said:

    Rock paper scissors ship combat, gee sounds like fun.

    Boarding is hands down the worse part of combat, it should be vastly improved because it drags down the good stuff with cannons, which is all pretty much good just needs balance. Boarding on the otherhand needs some serious coding and until they some quick fixes and improvements would be great.

    Longer pull range with less power is a great idea, same concept we tried with chain except in reverse, very simple to try and test.

    Never said boarding mini game is good as it is now. Surely it needs a rework.

    Still, being, as stated, the most realistic and historical part of NA combat, it has to be a big part naval combat.

    Simply making order secret and not change-able will be a great step on (no more ping wars).

    Replacing with a schematic of ships where the player with a simple interface commits fighters to different areas of enemy ship (attacking) and different sectors of his own (defending) being able tochoose different groups actions etc... Plainly dream-like

    • Like 1
  10. 17 minutes ago, AeRoTR said:

    Why not put a timer ? Requires enemy ship speed to be less than 3.5 kts for minimum 4 seconds to succesfuly finishing the grappling phase and to maintain not more than set amount of distance ? So you can not instant grapple and get into boarding game in 0.3 seconds.

    Also why not change DD as increasing grapple time %50 (6 seconds instead of 4 sec.) and option to cut the grapple ropes with a cooldown of x minutes ?

    Good one. The same proposal I wrote a couple months ago.

    I added that timer should be in relation to attacker/defender crews. The more the attackers, the shorter the timer (aka: more hooks hitting than ropes cutted), the more the defender, the longer timer (the contrary) with DD perk adding a plain 50% extra time for example... So against a bigger crew with DD attacker will need really quite a lot time at low speed and at close range to start the boarding.

    • Like 1
  11. Just now, Sir Loorkon said:

    I think it would be better to leave it as it is and wait till the whole boarding system gets reworked completely. I like the DD because it secures me from the horrible rock—scissor—paper thing.

    if it's so easy like rock-scissor-paper game... how's possible so many people has NO clue about it and its management... aside being so scared of it?

    Of two, only one: if it's noobishly easy, how no one handling it properly?
    If it's not, why banning it and not other skilled stuff like mast sniping?

    Putting aside that it's the most real stuff in this game: a better lead (more experienced player) better experienced (marine and other buffing books and a couple mods) better geared (other books like muskets) crew defeats an inferior one in the most usual outcome of an age of sail naval combat: a boarding

  12. 3 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

    But practically it isn't right. Sails don't raise and ships don't come to a screeching hault because it's been grappled. If sails simply didn't raise automatically alone it'd be a whole different game , you could probably still get away before the 15 second timer because you have the sailforce to do so. To just be locked in and forced stuck is lame when practically speaking, you would've gotten away hadn't your sails magically been raised.

    In  this case you would have to carefully subdue your opponent by reducing his sailforce, you wouldn't be able to easily ram up wind and secure the kill or hault  for others to come and shoot his sides. This is not realistic nor accurate, nor does it make sense that we have it this way.

    Let me grapple a slow running downwind ship at my same speed (pretty easy, in theory, having very close speeds) and I will not ram you to turn / push upwind.

    Nothing to say about DD crappiness.

    IMO DD (or anyhow antiboarding perk) should work making the pulling timer longer... giving more time to defender to get free before boarding start.
    If you got pushed into the wind (especially by a Requin being on a far bigger ship) is usually your fault, not enemy OPness nor skill (aside opportunism).

    • Like 1
  13. I totally agree about adding meaningful exploration as another good pve activity (as I read about serious and active fishing/whaling).

    I think could be far better reducing (even by a good 50%) in map ports and adding hidden anchorages that could be seen only passing by at very close range in OW.

    Upon finding, it will show off in player OW map and he will be able to open a (limited) outpost, like no or only 1 building, limited berthed ships etc...

    They should be seen also, if already occupied by a player, by passing close other players and should be attackable (with result of destroying it - temporary settlement v permanent ones) in a simplified way respext of PBs.

    This will give sense to exploring (like adding and so finding deep ship passages into shallows) and chances to dedicated explorers to find potential hideouts for themselves or "selling" location to other players.

    • Like 1
  14. 9 minutes ago, Old Crusty said:

       None of this is Surprising or abnormal. I think that everyone would expect a Buc to blow you out of the water if you let him get a broadside on you. None of this has anything to do with what we have been saying about the Le Requin. It is a 6th rate DLC ship that has no equivalent 6th rate craftable ship. 

    I did a Buce 1v1 😈 with Requin.

    And Buce + others in Requin group


  15. 1 minute ago, Angus MacDuff said:

    Yes, I get that there would have been one or two xebecs in the Caribbean.  There were not the percentage of them that we see in our game.  They were not successful in our waters and that is why the majority of ships in our waters were "European rigs". 

    I would like to remember that the daddy of modern rigging, the bermuda one, was created by some dutch from lateen one... In Bermuda. So a bit some more than a couple were sailing in these waters.

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