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Licinio Chiavari

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Posts posted by Licinio Chiavari

  1. 5 minutes ago, admin said:

    Upgrades have no influence to rules of engagement. And fast ships will be always in game (some ships will be faster or slower). And will always disengage at will even if they attacked.

    Thus they are irrelevant in the ROE Discussion because a Simple ROE change will remove the desire to fit for speed for an attacker.

    Are you kidding?

    Let me know how is espected to fit a reasoning lone raider.

    For thickness and HP? So unable to tag fleeing enemies (being too slow) nor out run gank/revenge fleets (being too slow - again)?

    Every game feature is relevant as soon as you're touching the most relevant feature of a PvP server: the ROE.

    Or do you think that fast and light raiders are a fact like LO/WO+Kiritimati Surprises in PZ too by chance?

    • Like 2
  2. 3 minutes ago, admin said:

    How is it relevant to increasing kills per hour for new player (30 real days in game or less)? How is it going to reduce fake battles? How is it going to reduce ganking?
    Here is the simple guide
    In the suggestion you propose is explain how it is going to address those 3 issues (we are interested in). If your suggestion does not address those issues - do not post it.

    May be it's relevant because a 5/5 t/t v.fast Constitution with Clock+Copper+NHR+AoSH+Loodsman would outrun any casuals' fleet and catch and sink any casual's frigate?

    • Like 1
  3. 16 minutes ago, Sir Texas Sir said:

    Can't remember who suggested it a few days ago but it could be a tier thing.  If your at Battle sails you get 50% repairs.  Full sails you get 10-25% repair.  Your slow/full stop you get 100% of your repair.  This will stop the running and put you at advantage than some one going full balls to the walls and repairing 100% of the damage they took.

    Me. 😎

    • Like 1
  4. 20 minutes ago, Hullabaloo 'The Thief' said:

    No one has ever explained to me why the control perk is simply not used all the time for every ship? If you are too far from an enemy ship then you or it can simply leave.

    Very simple idea.

    Control perk for all. No tagging to keep people in battle.

    BUT... The higher the rate (or the BR) difference the closer you have to stay?

    So a Prince will have to stay very close to a Bellona (200? Less?) to keep her in battle. That's exactly (TBH even closer) he wants to stay if wishing a battle. But infinite tag griefing will immediately ends.


    • Like 2
  5. 49 minutes ago, staun said:

    I have no problem with a NA where there was no upgrades, Wood type ore knowledge slots. Only skilled matter. 

    My point is all have acces to upgrades, Wood and ship knowledge. This things is not imo the reason we have players better than others, imo the reason is this is a skill based game.

    Still access to some stuff is very limited to casuals... Due to cost. Time involved.

    And especially acceptability of loss.

    Anyone can farm 200k to get an Elite rig.

    Not everyone can afford to lose a couple elite rigged ships in a row.

  6. 2 hours ago, staun said:

    Well I think you are right if the same skilled  player fight each other, ofc the one with upgrades have a better chance of winning. But plz tell me what upgrade an average player don’t have acces to. But that not what we are debating. You claim upgrades Make fight unballanced. I say no, what favor the best is skill matters, as it should be. You can remove all upgrades and knowledge and the best will still win 9 of 10 battles.

    You example is the same to say one side is only allowed 9 pd cannons and the other will have 32 pd. What is next to balance fights. All ship have to have the same stats, maybe have auto aim and firing, remove manual sail.

    Not to speak that fitting a ship for a combat style, and then forcing enemy fighting YOUR game while not letting him forcing you playing his is... Skill (tactical superiority, higher combat awareness, better forethought - call it as you prefer).

  7. 1 minute ago, Wraith said:

    Draconian measures to punish the attacker for attacking don't make any sense.

    Making attackers... Attacking less and less. Only when 99% SURE about the situation.

    Not to forget you see a ship, even the same of yours, but she could be far better geared/modded/gold/armed (poods)... And in case of similar skill it would be a plain suicide keep fighting.

    So leading... To LESS PVP.

    • Like 2
  8. 5 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    What needs changing is spotting range currently I can tell from trillion miles friend or foe and run away.


    To judge friend or foe should only be possible within tagging range. That would bypass the need of ultra fast tagging ships.


    6 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    Then structure dmg slow down effect is so weak that some ships can still escape with 20-40 structure. Start making it a penalty. Repairs should only repair structure back to the point were it can't sink 15% or so. But never 100% that would make this fake looking circle of death so unnecessary.

    Infinite repairs issue. Almost all the same.

    7 minutes ago, z4ys said:

    And I know it's skill but this I angle my ship and bounce broadside is stupid.

    Like mast snapping. It's skill. But definately unreal like so effective bouncing (that leads to bow rakes being 90+% totally un-effective).

    • Like 1
  9. 12 minutes ago, Wraith said:

    Again, my impression from most of this leaves me with the feeling that developer time should be spent on the disease, not the symptoms here: We need more content.

    PvE content. Meaningful politics, economy, EXPLORATION, active fishing mini-games/battles. This.

    PvP server spicy up everything. Plain and simple.

    Quite a bunch of not so hardcore PvPers (like me) choose a PvP server in any game simply for the thrill.

    Pure PvPers often looks after instanced arena games.

    NA should not reduce its OW to something like a loading screen of an arena.

    • Like 7
  10. 2 hours ago, admin said:

    This discussion is getting useless due to lack of focus on issues. Captains please focus and don't wobble like cows on ice.

    I made a list of proposals in the very first page.


    3 hours ago, admin said:

    I still do not get it. Demasting was easy and was made harder and then was made impossible (with some mods) and you say it was granted? You are not making any sense. 

    It makes sense.

    Simply because, still now, it's viable and working.

    The original issue is the possibility to even think to purposely aim from the rolling deck of a tall ship running full speed to enemy masts with single balls with any chance to hit them.

    That leaded to have to introduce mast strenght mods... And buffing masts as game stat.

    As long as it will be possible to snipe shot a mast of a 100% sail ship (so no rig damage) with any chance so to break it, the issue will stand. People live with it (mast mods, protecting masts with tactically weird manouvers etc) doesnt mean it is ok.

    Make mast thickness function of sail damage (so a 50% sail ship mast has 50% the thickness - as a simple example - therefore simulating growing rig damage) with base thickness simply not penetrable even at close range by any reasonable enemy gun (it could be fine a 42pd still penetrating a 100% sail Surprise. Not for a 18).

    And I wrote similar proposals 2 years ago.

    But skillZ lobby (those hating boarding and considering mast sniping "realism") defended this crap all the time.

    • Like 1
  11. FENIX defense at Corrientes.

    Spaniards joined quite afar (so, I suppose, good job screeners).

    One circles was not captured purposely to get a longer PB and having time to fight.

    Escaped 3rd rate, Prince and Mortar sunk few minutes later by pursuing Agamennon+Hercules+Requin.



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  12. 3 hours ago, BuckleUpBones said:

    So far forcing PvP content has gone sideways, so do the opposite, adding freedoms for new players to roam and see what happens.


    Freedom to engage. To fight. To try to run. Everywhere (almost).


    3 hours ago, BuckleUpBones said:

    to brainstorm on ways to "increase new player kills per hour", this is my idea on a "long term" solution to do so, it has everything to do with this topic.

    More kills per hours doesnt mean better, more fair, etc... PvP.

    And first and foremost "long term" is MORE PLAYERS. That usually play "sandboxes" games... TO BE FREE.

    • Like 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, BuckleUpBones said:

    Incorrect, view any post of battle results and you will see Rear Admirals sailing ships of very class, e.g. Rear Admirals sail the Requin but now they won’t be able to demoralize new players.

    A - usually Captain's name demoralizes. Not the rank: NA community is pretty small, like a village. Majority of veterans are well known.

    B - rank has zero to do with PvP skill. That mainly comes out PvP experience and practice. There are skilled Commodores (a few) and a bulkload of unskilled R.Adm.s.

    C - Alts? Very often top players have got quite some, directly buying, or getting use of retired ex-mates.

    7 minutes ago, BuckleUpBones said:

    Correct, groups can only form up with a 3 rank spread. If your rank is lower than Commodore it would be best to forum up with players of the same rank, then you could attack a groups within a 3 rank spread. Most important, you will only be able to attack players of a similar game level, the exact reason for this mechanic.

    So a group of veterans cant bring with them a less experienced captain to make him learning group battle combat, to test him, to correct his errors and in general to train him.

    Nice. Isnt it?

    10 minutes ago, BuckleUpBones said:

    Incorrect, long term will see far more player reaching Commodore and creating PvP content. Realm is also the end game where this mechanic will have no effect. 

    Granted the above it will ADD rules limiting group formation and tagging.

    Therefore LIMITING PVP.

  14. 5 minutes ago, Macjimm said:


    Is there consideration for small trade ships?  Like the T Brig.

    Sounds like if those who wish to trade are unwelcome on the war server.

    The war server is more exciting, and currently there is a possibility for a small trader to escape, by fleeing.  One tactic is to tag first, for a position advantage, then flee in the battle instance.  This tactic is used for defense when a small trader has no hope of outrunning a hunter in OW, but has a chance inside the instance if he can get the right point of sail.   What you propose would remove the option for a small trader to tag first, when combat is unavoidable, because to tag first would result in suicide if no escape is possible from the instance.

    Are small traders not wanted on the war server?


    Looks like I am not the only one fanatic about "defensive tag".

    As often, a feature, a change, even small updates can have consequencies not intended and even against the first intention.

  15. 4 hours ago, Lars Kjaer said:

    Carefull mate - last time I suggested slavetrading/liberation I got a permanent ban point..

    Is playing a wargame meaning being in favour to real world wars?

    At that time owning a slave in the New World was as normal as owning a smartphone today.

    If we had a detailed economic management (like Patrician serie) slaves should be fundamental part of it, if realistic.

    Granted it is not our case, it can be considered not necessary, and not adding "slaves" as trade good, a good idea.

    Still I am missing something about the ban.

  16. It was strange I had to wait 11 thread pages to see the #blame_requin (or #blame_dlc in general) protocol being finally executed.

    A - Requin "uncatchability", so being able to hit and run in R areas, and therefore nobody defending the poor victims and "ruining" others' game, is defenders' errors, not ship OPness. As nobody would hunt Privateer with a Renomee, why in the hell people complains being unable to hunt a Requin with an Agamennon?

    B - the legend of Requin uncatchable and unbeatable by any ship... It is that: a legend. As ROVER showed, as I showed, as other Requin specialists showed, as  US Coast Guard (sometimes) showed, a Requin can be hunted and killed as any other ship. It requires, as ALWAYS, a proper hunting party. Would you hunt a fast Surprise with a group of Spanish rigged Renomee? No. Coast Defense has plenty time to join... And having intel of ship, sailing the proper counter. If they join with wrong setup it is their fault.

    C - Hercules is a far more strong and dangerous enemy for more ships. But we know, she's a "real ship".

    D - looking at target met, I found bulkloads of Hercules and a few requins around. Not last because Requin is an highly specialized ship, requiring a total different handling. And specialists are really few.

    E - about general use of ships, still, a good share of models are regularly used. Especially by veterans. Hercules spam is simply easier for casuals. Being "free" and good.

    F - CoD still allow fast fore-aft ships to kite up to end battle timer. The problem, again, is people countering a schooner with a 1st rate and than complaining being unable to catch.

    That said, back to Topic.

    1 - the more unescapable (potentially) the battle, the more ganking to assure victory and superiority.

    2 - the more unescapable (potentially) the battle, the less battle started: because a reasonable captain would start a battle even more seldom. Only being sure of undisturbed victory.

    3 - the more complex RoE, the more potential ways to abuse them. Example: baiting was less needed without R Areas... A blockading fleet simply came and attack all shipping while blockaded fleet started to prepare. We got R areas... And then baits with a bulk of Bellonas waiting behind the horizon.


    Therefore, aside off topic (and out reality of game) discussions, I keep thinking (and I am not the only one) that supposed/proposed new RoE would give LESS PVP, LESS FAIR PVP, and LESS MEANINGFUL OW... AND MORE ROE ABUSES... Giving more and more upper hand to bigger groups better organized against... All others.


    Edit & PS:

    Sincerely I have no troubles finding some battles/targets/PvP in general every evening/night logged. Even with a bunch of people around running as chased by the whole Hell when seeing a single enemy sail.

    But it's the thrill (and so the pleasure, with ups and downs) of the hunt.

    • Like 1
  17. 4 minutes ago, Simon Cadete said:

    I might actually come back into the game to try these changes out. My last battle was vs 2 us players in 5th rates that attacked my afk santi. When they started getting beat up they ran away, wasting my time and some repairs. At least now if they make the attackers not be able to leave and with a circle of death if possible it would make all battles intense and with a winner at the end. Nothing worse than a tie...


    A frigate will be able to kite a 1st rate in CoD.

    Why an undecisive fight is bad... It's beyond my comprehension.

  18. 1 minute ago, AeRoTR said:

    Let's try it, admin has strong points, let's bring the server Democracy, sorry pvp :) make NA great again.

    It is still a beta, so let's try the options...

    It will be a bloodbath.

    A bunch of LO/WO + kiritimati ships with a couple fast scout/tagger ahead or even bigger fast hunting parties.

    More massacre of traders (due to higher riskes for lone raiders), more massacre of casuals (being unable to bring at least numbers superiority).

    More massacre of small teams/clans/solo players by bigger/more organized groups.

    This is my bet. We'll see if I am wrong.

    • Like 1
  19. 59 minutes ago, Slim McSauce said:

    The point is if every captain had  the luxury to choose then we wouldn't have a game, would we?

    You said a no-sense statement.

    Because it's impossible for all to have such a luxury because if everyone can pick fights, means that nobody can.

    Not speaking that if everyone has a luxury, it's not a luxury. Plenty people lacking basics in logic in these times.

    To be able to OFTEN (NOT ALWAYS) pick your fights you are giving up other strenghts.

    Do you think real pirates used mainly schooners (and even smaller boats) due to aestetics?

  20. 6 minutes ago, Castañon del Rey said:

    It's part of combat, also part off combat preventing an opponent that is loosing to be able to retreat. That sometimes require just as much (if not more) skill then sinking your opponent. Calling it "fake" combat is just silly.

    You know.

    Retreating is for skilless cowards and losers.

    That some of greatest and most complex military actions were successful retreats is a #fakenews.

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