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Licinio Chiavari

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Posts posted by Licinio Chiavari

  1. 5 minutes ago, Archaos said:

    The simple fact is that the whole ramming to slow down and board is brought about by the games requirement that ships have to be going at less than 3.5kts. What it should be is a lower speed for boarding but this should be a relative speed. That way someone could come alongside without ramming and match speed in order to board.

    THIS. Thank you Sir.

    BUT... too many people will start whining so aloud to make the Heaven itself crying if you' allow this VERY REALISTIC and REASONABLE feature.

    With this feature... adn then put heavy ramming damage both to hull and masts (THIS was the main way of mast falling): especially in case of a smaller ship against a bigger. And then Boarders will have to stay well cautious to not break their frail hulls against a 1st rate (it should be like hitting a pier).

  2. 47 minutes ago, Farrago said:

    I know simulating collision damage was tried and failed, but with our current unrealistic boarding capabilities or sometimes lack of (determined defender), perhaps it’s time to relook at some options.

    I hope you mean that's weird to get a boarding start... contrary to reality that, granted no rough sea, a boarding could start as the 2 ships were side to side... even running with the wind.

    Make starting a boarding not REQUIRING a ramming... and boarders will not ram anymore.

    Boarding has been overtly nerfed in last year. Let's be clear: or it should be (and IT HAS TO) part of a 1800 naval simulation... or simply sincerely say "we do not want it".


    Brace and Muskets resisting vs an attack with Marines and bonus, Barricades... plenty way to avoid a board... Determined Defender crappiness (EVEN WHEN BOTH SHIPS ARE READY AND ANGER TO START A BOARDING).


    Now also extra collision damage (I agree that shhould be nice... BUT FIRST MAKE POSSIBLE TO BOARD WITHOUT HAVING TO TURN ENEMY INTO THE WIND BY SHEER FORCE).


    Gents. Make it simple: "We do not want boarding being a feature OF AN AGE OF SAIL NAVAL COMBAT SIMULATOR" - please: read this again.

    Then go around speaking of the beauties of a NAVAL WARFARE IN 1800 SIMULATOR WITH MAST SNIPING, SUPER REPAIRS IN COMBAT etc etc...


  3. 6 minutes ago, Le Raf Boom said:

    I don't know to me it was automatic, it was pretty obvious you were going to haul it to whatever that port was. You running your mouth and flapping around trying to sink it was sort of pathetic though. So that's one, two, I don't usually read comments by people sailing in requins around safe areas, it's easy to, you know, get that seal clubbing bias going, so I think you're a scrub.

    The only reason you survived is because you guys bored me and I attempted a tack with 180 crew at which point I got boarded by a guy with stacked marines, muskets and crap, both were at 60% sails and missing large chunks of their hulls.

    That aside, I don't think we should be polluting this thread with our little squabble, hope to meet you soon in a safe zone near you.

    Didnt you say that you come in safe zones with a 5th to have a chance to run?

    Now understood!

    Using a Belle in safe zone isnt sealcubbing. Using a Requin is. Got it.

  4. 32 minutes ago, Le Raf Boom said:

    You mean people don't hunt in Bellonas? Or is this specifically about 1st rates? I can't speak for everyone else but I do not hunt in a SoL because most PvP happens in protected areas and I simply want to have a chance to survive the encounter, that's one, two if I come in 1st rate I will mostly likely be never tagged,

    What's weird so doing the same on a Requin?

    And waiting for seeing you coming alone in 1st rate in KPR or Havana. Let me know when.

  5. 1 minute ago, Le Raf Boom said:

    I'm a North American player, no worries, I thoroughly enjoy whooping Spanish players in my xebec, if you actually joined one of those PBs we had against the Spanish I'd definitely whoop your ass too.

    Or do you just hang out at KPR in your xebec with your bud? Are you still upset we took the Belle Poule back?

    I had to enter 3 PBs with Requin. Something I totally dislike.  All 3 won. The last I got sunk quite fast. The first I used my raiding fir requin... And survived doing my part.

    No worries at all with your Belle. It was funny what you did to get her back ,😂😂😂.

    As usual I was right preferring to sink her.

  6. Let's try otherway.

    «Dear Devs,

    Yesterday me and a bunch of friends hunted down a lone Bellona.

    We were sailing a mix of 10+ 4-5th rates all firfir. We were unable for the majority to catch him. Only three were able to close to the Bellona but he turned and sunk all three with a few broadsides.

    Please devs, delete the Bellona: she is too powerful, she is OP and she makes smaller 4-5th rates having no uses.

    Thank you in advance and best regards

    Signed: A random causal player»

    • Like 3
  7. 9 minutes ago, Le Raf Boom said:

    It would make all smaller ships useless and there would be packs of 1st rates sailing around... Not sure you realize that the only reason why you don't see many 1st rates in the OW is because of this. Your suggestion fixes one problem and creates a new one. You also seem to have a problem with determined defender, and I don't think you understand the consequences fully.

    I don't think testers are supposed to find ways to improve the game, we provide feedback and devs do the rest, and besides that, whatever you said it's not something that hasn't been said a 1000 times already.

    Broken Logic.

    Arent vets saying it is simple to counter a smaller ship?

    Arent vets saying that SoLs should not sail alone?

    Still I see hunting packs going around in 5th rates mainly.


  8. 1 hour ago, Wraith said:

    In the current game, modules are life. And they do create interesting opportunities to purpose-build ships, so I think they should stay. It’s their availability and min-max potential that needs to be rebalanced.

    Just saying. 

    Some tweaking and purpose built is fine.

    But we have chance to overstack them and some, mainly sail force one totally break ship speed balance (again: Requin at 15.5 at 130°, 15.5 Bellonas or Ingermanlands).

    So they need to be totally nerf/rework them.

    With less powerful mods will be also far easier to balance ships not having to bother too much about Perm/books effect on them and how they buff more or less a single ship.

    Elite Pirate is a good example. Even totally broken as it is now (+30%!? Are you modding!?) it was not the total game breaker it is on a Requin.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Rabman said:


    Personally I love determined defender and hate the whole rage boarding mechanic. It takes a good fight with skill and excitement and turns it into a last second click fest of who has more men.

    Boarding is far more historical and realistic than a lot of this game stuff (mast sniping, infinite in combat repair, Enterprise like crew teleport in OW... setting aside manouvrability of ships).

    And that a better trained (marines, Nassau boarders, 5rings) and better geared ( muskets and grenades) crew will overcome another (often fewer) is the most single realistic feature of the game.

    I'd note that a boarder is devoting almost all his slots to it. Giving up reload, precision, repair, etc ... Easy going only gunnery fully modded for it against no mods. Right?

    Secondly if you get boarded not being prepped is your fault: there is plenty counters.

    Thirdly you can devote 2 easy books (axes and barricades) to be a pain to board. Ah, right: you have to give up some fancier stuff.

    Fortly you get the determined defender crap... 2 boarding ships so unable to board eachother even if both wishing to do so: happened to me in a weird LGV refit v Requin battle.

    Fiftly you consider stern camping a SOL or hugging to her with an Hercules more real. Long way to get a grasp on 1800 naval combat.


    OT suggestion is well reasonable. Even too soft. I'd rework DD to make it having boarding timer / pulling longer function of crew ratios: the more defending crew the longer, the more attacking crew the shorter.


    PS: personally I cant hear anymore speaking about "rage" boarding.

    There is no last ditch rage in my boarding and in majority of other boarders.

    Everything from wood choise passing with mods then tagging and the very first manouver is aimed to it. Well before ever seeing a single enemy. So definately cold blooded.

    And I raided mainly the very same way well before Requin. So no P2W crap please.



    Would you ask a more interesting boarding game? I agree.

    But realism, again, calls that a better lead, better trained, better equipped, better prepped crew will still win over an inferior one. I would add, even if the latter is in higher numbers.


    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Sir Hethwill the RedDuke said:

    This can be removed as it is not a reason of no success using a close haul rig in game, even solo. 

    I am unsure of what you meant, mate.

    That said. Sorry for heating up me too. Getting a bit upset if someone saw Requin broken and not the whole rest inbalanced that makes a broken Requin not only viable but even preferable.

  11. @no one


    Really. Look around what I wrote.

    I always said she should a 5th rate (allowed in shallow). Nerfing mods you will get a rebalanced Requin LIKE OTHER BROKEN META SHIPS.

    Like I repeately said "no DLC in all PBs".

    I never said she is balanced. I said she is almost un-usable without basic pirate being too slow downwind to be used effectively.

    As I proposed plenty of fixes, still NOT ONLY TO HER. Without a general rebalance mainly of mods, we had Surprise meta then Wasas meta, then Bellona meta, then Requin meta. And Hercules meta.

    Without a general rebalance you'll swap Requin Hunters with even worst Hercules or Trincos ones. You were not here with Wasa stardestroyers. They were far worst than any buffed Requin. Because you would not safe even on a 1st rate.

    With an even worst point. These Wasa are only and uniquely for super rich vets. Something you would never get.

    The Requin requires 10 bucks and a 500k Perm.

    Again. You miss too much of the past and of the general picture and about me.

    Like me proposing to get back to only one Rep per Battle. You would think it will help Hunters. No the contrary think more.

  12. 8 minutes ago, Dibbler said:

    Perhaps the answer is to release a new DLC (twice price of Req) that is better than the Req in all ways. 😂

    Good one. 😂

    As another sidenote: IMO DLC ships should be "ship permits" not ships. Making them free crafted and adding more will ruin more and more the game economy.

    Rolling back DLC to permits and not ready ships (that I'd accept) would make adding more DLC ships (permits, again) more viable for the ingame economy on the long run.

  13. 2 minutes ago, no one said:

    Excuse me. I lost quite a bunch Requin taking too many risks. So I assure you: she can be sunk. I bet you have , you only sail in the fckn Requin 24/7. Why is that?

    Seals? I tag anything up to Bellonas... if I have a tactical situation making me thinking it'll be a 1v1. Inside KPR channel I have obviously to prefer lighter ships I can board and sink in a matter of minutes. Being smart is forbidden at the moment? Bullshit. My buddies in KPR tell me everything you do there. The moment you see a little challenge you runaway because you know you can't be catch.

    Seals (2)? I tag anyone. Lietenants and Rear Admirals. Usually I see more courage from the firsts. Or are you saying me that a Commodore on an Agamennon is a seal while sailing a Requin? In this case: take a Requin, and tag a lone Agamennon. Let me know how it will end. More lies. Tell more hypocritical.

    a) because I usually hunt alone. So I need a ship able to run from the revenge fleet. I come to get marks, not to give away them.

    b) Please define "little challenge" being on a fir requin in enemy safe zone. And if you buddy is a newbie, well, I attacked him too. Like plenty r.admirals.

    c) Please get better information. If you want I'll screen you any killings. Better?

  14. 1 minute ago, no one said:

    "Now it's a plain suicide."

    And why is that ? Maybe it is because the all the Requins and Hercules in the OW? Oh wait what ship you sail in KPR?


    Excuse me. Should I come to KPR or anywhere with a LO/WO (just to be sure to be caught even by a swimming man) Connie? Are you kidding?

    Just to be fair. Come with something in front of Habana... and let me know how long you live.

    Sidenote: I am not the Dev. I do not created the Requin this way - AND I AM REPEATING THAT SHE NEEDS A REBALANCE LIKE A LOT OF OTHER SHIP AND ESPECIALLY MODS.

    Still: something wrong if I use the "meta"? Or only Rich Brits Vets should?

  15. 9 minutes ago, no one said:

    Tell me hypocritical. Can you be catch sailing upwind? Nope.

    Let me know with which ship (spending less than a gazillion) you think to catch a 5/5 super geared Ingermanland.

    Let me know about Requin speed downwind. If you try to run a Requin at beam, it's your fault, not mine.


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