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Dalai Lama

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Everything posted by Dalai Lama

  1. Well isn't our society is based on that "mere word of mouth type thing". No "coded feature" in real life from preventing you to insult, harm, rob or murther other people...
  2. I dont like the proposal. The current way of diplomacy, the good old unregulated social engineering way, works fine for me right now. We are allied with certain clans and nations due to common respect, don't attack each other, not even traders and help each other out. Still do some PvP if its consensual and fair. If in your clan diplomacy is failing you maybe you should replace your diplomat? Why overragulate things like we are doing with RoE right now, I like it sandboxy and unregulated.
  3. möchtest du denn joinen? muss ja nicht gleich jeder wissen...
  4. off topic aber schau was ich noch gefunden hab @Makrian wegen dem posts ich werde mal das mit Spielinfo noch anpassen/mal nen post machen aber viel macht auch kein Sinn abzudaten da sich ja auch viel gerade ändert.
  5. Kann eigentlich jemand von den moderatoren die völlig veralteten threads unpinnen die auch gar nicht mehr stimmen? Gerne kann ich auch bei Bedarf mithelfen paar Threads upzudaten. z.b. @Makrian
  6. with the permits, marks and balloons required to build ships now (lets assume you dont get those back) it will be a huge waste and very expensive.... of course requires a bit of balancing. I think it will be way more effective to sell them and build another from old-school mined resources...
  7. PvP ist nicht so böse wie man denkt... komm halt zu uns nach dem wipe
  8. Gibts nur im zusammenhang mit RvR und hostility bei einer Neutralen Stadt soweit ich weis. Aber auf Openworld hab ich noch keine gesehen... aber auf dem PvP sind auch 99% der Städdte vergeben.
  9. I want to suggest a better and more accessible way of communicating upcoming changes, updates, changelogs, to reach everyone playing the game. As there might be a lot of people out there playing the game but not reading or even knowing about the forums, I would like to propose a little window on the login screen in blog style new's bulletins giving the latest information about changes regarding the game. This would reach everyone playing the game and at the same time (with embedded links to the forum threads) encourage players to get more involved into the discussion and the community. What do you think?
  10. mit der kommunikation nur über threads ist im allgemeinen schon echt schlecht, warum gibt es keine informationen in-game die dir solche upcoming changes ankündigen? Ich lese mich nicht durch die 500 seiten des letzten update threads und filter die infos aus den ganzen einzelnen posts
  11. I don't see people going in 1sts to Capitols connected to seal clubbing... People are just sick of empty server and are looking for an easy way to get PvP and not necessarily an unbalanced one in their favour. If we went in 3-5 1sts to KPR we expected to die but have some fun in the meantime. Sitting in front of someone's Capitol is like delivery service for pvp. They have game mechanics in their favour. We gave them time to form a fleet and tag us... they just have to leave port and they know what to expect. Going there in requin or similiar to jump guys in cerbs different story.
  12. All I could find in my 1st in font of KPR last week was a pure boredom in shape of couple of basic cutters...
  13. Isn't that clan exclusive? So changing nation won't be of much use unless you infiltrate that clan, too.
  14. Sure I am not justifying their actions... but ruining other peoples gameplay over it... the neewbies are the last ones who you can blame for some miscommunication?
  15. Wouldnt mind those toxic players leave the game tbh... Some might be overreacting too right now... calm your horses!
  16. Not complaining about the wipe but you might have missed that in my lengthy post... just pointing out that new player will still be facing vets in frigates after an hour in their cutter and there is no mechanic to prevent that.
  17. Well do the Tutorial in an hour, jump on your herc and farm noobs in cutters... wheres the difference thb?
  18. Agreed, if the only intention is to give everyone the same start why not just delay the redeemable ranks for a month or two? (Sorry cannot keep up with the speed of posting here🙄)
  19. Bei uns bekommste nix... viel wichtiger, du darfst was behalten: deine Integrität.
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