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Dalai Lama

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Everything posted by Dalai Lama

  1. I could be wrong but I think redeemables are bound to your steam account so they should stay with a new character. But maybe there is someone who can verift this. The Christian for sure is not eternal tho but has to be redeemed within these 5 days. Still could work on a new account.
  2. Jede Region hat unterschiedliche Arten/Grössen von NPC Schiffen. Um rauszufinden wo man welche finden kann, kann man einfach eine passende 6th rate oder 7th rate Mission (hunt z.B.) annehmen und in der Beschreibung steht in welcher Region man die Schiffe finden kann. Trader findet man eigentlich Ă¼berall. Bei welcher Nation spielt ihr denn?
  3. I said it can be abused not that they intentionally did. sorry didnt sink...
  4. I don't know if it has been mentioned yet but the current reinforcements can be abused in a silly way. We were attacking a single brit player near jamaica in reinforcement area while other nation players joined our battle on our side and left after sailing away leaving us with all their newly spawned reinforments... we were forced to abord and bailed as we faced 6 ai defenders instead of 2.
  5. 1- get rid of the OW instance and shrink the size of the map accordingly to play everything in one instance ( would solve many problems with ow engangement/ganking etc. and increase immersion) 2- add more to the current very basic rpg game featers (skills ship knowledge etc). character creation with character visible on the ship, skill tree with more overview over leared books, skills etc... 3- to increase immersion add a character instance... accessable towns, ships cabin and decks, characters, fight the boardings rather than playing a minigame.
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