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Cetric de Cornusiac

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Everything posted by Cetric de Cornusiac

  1. server has no ping showing, relogging attempts in queue result in red notice telling you that you failed.
  2. In civilized societies you don't need to "control the masses" in order to keep them from "speaking on social media to millions of other people". We don't have totalitarism. And I believe we can defend those our civilized standards, such as free speech, against those who would like to have it suppressed, as it constantly gives sexy example how it could be in their countries... Isn't Ukraine a great example for getting free from that totalitarism of the past, as she links up with the West? Be more confident in this.
  3. Busy with cheap labeling? Okay with me if your world is so simple-structured. You will never learn the difference between being constructive and destructive.
  4. Noble idea. Let's assume for a moment among the delinquents there are some who are able to appreciate the offer and learn better conduct. Nevertheless... If I would be admin, I would exclude guys who are on a retaliation crusade in media, spreading disinfo and actively damaging my reputation and that of my game development studio in the hope to reduce my sales. There is a 'point of no return' willingly crossed by someone's hostile actions. Admin isn't Jesus, to forgive anything and offer his other cheek for more slaps to come.
  5. This is just one of many examples of content for the message board I proposed last year for every port. So people can describe there a certain ship they want to have built, and shipwrights advertise a certain ship they built and want to sell for X numbers of Y currency.
  6. No open communication will result in another source of frustration: experience of not getting heard, getting ignored. Imagine people saying "devs don't care what we want/say/feel/eat as breakfast..." I think open communication is an asset. It needs to be defended. Meanwhile, we see here negativity has its destructive effect on everyone. - On players who ventilate their demands opposite devs and expect always to get what they want, and with becoming familiar with devs over time increase their disrespectful tone as they feel entitled as "recognized member of the community" or even "celebrity" within the NA scene. When overstepping red lines and getting rebuked by ban, they turn to other media, youtube, and do revenge campaigns against devs and the game in hope to "punish" them by another heap of negativity which is believed to cut down sales. In my opinion that only confirms admin's handling of their toxic character, by banning them for bad behavior. More toxicity isn't the way to prove you are not toxic. Obviously. - On developers because they are artists with sensitive characters. All creative persons, artists, need appreciation for their work and can suffer from constant nagging on it. For example take the composer Rachmaninov. He was heavily criticized for his first compositions and in response to that, stopped to write music for years and focused on a career as concert pianist instead. He was shocked by criticism and discouraged. Much later he overcame his frustration with critics and returned to composing, with very impressive pieces of music we know today. Game developers are taking to heart what you tell them here on the forum in a familiar, hurting, aggressive style. They are not made of wood. That is being forgotten too often. This game, like all war-themed games which involve fighting and shooting, attract partly a clientele which isn't the nicest on the planet. You see them become ganking heroes and seal clubbers, they enjoy defeating others and 'killing' them in game. You can even see them sport a gif as avatar on this forum with a real seal clubber doing his disgusting work. Empathic level is low among them. They boast about their victories and salt is their nourishment. You cannot avoid them, they are part of the gamer community. Unfortunately, they are the ones with bad manners and abuse.They enjoy their ego by being salty and toxic. So they populate your forums and do behave not much different than they do in game, regulating their testosterone level thereby. You can't ban all of them. You got to live with them in a game like this. Asking them to honor devs more as the artist personalities they are will not work, bullies will just laugh at that and continue. No, you need to control them by a social behavior rule set. -- So, the solution could be to introduce a public warning system which isn't hidden to users but visible to everyone. Else it won't work. For bad behavior give warnings, first - second - third warning in increasing orange - reddish color. And the warning level will be visible under the avatar. After third warning, if another aggression/lie/flaming is done by this person, he gets banned. Second and third warnings can be accompanied already by short term bans, like one week and one month respectively. By being public, you deny them their revenge campaigns outside the forum while they spread their different version of what happened and why. You counter lies by transparency. Anyone reading their rants can receive a link to forum where it is written how and why the toxic person got banned. The End. Open communication with all others will continue to work fine, bring the valuable ideas and hints, ease the feedback and testing results. Don't close that source down by reducing the communication exchange. At the end, it will not be good for the game or any other projects coming.
  7. I don't understand the function of a "yellow flag", signalizing you are agreeing to get attacked but can't attack yourself. That is nonsense. Either it has to be mutual or nothing at all. A differing between 'full risk duels' with ships being vulnerable and 'insurance mentality duels' with ships staying secure after battle is more rewarding and interesting.
  8. How do you know? I disagree. Purpose is 'fast delivery of fighting readiness without having to spent much time' - or 'instant action'. For that simple purpose an average ship, not quite as good as a shipwright's result, is by far sufficient. Everything more means to discourage crafting.
  9. Interesting idea. Every ship obtainable in two three possible ways: by DLC, for the fast use and throw-away, by crafting and by purchase from the ship market. However, a crafted ship should always be better. When the idea is to encourage fighting by easy DLC redeeming, we also have to encourage crafting by giving shipwrights better results than DLC ships will ever be. For honoring the efforts done by the shipwright. It's not only his crafting experience being invested, he has to collect all materials, permits and may have lost a trader while acquiring and trying to bring them home. The time saved by a DLC consuming player is spent by a shipwright player, or double the time. So, if DLC ships are meant to encourage fighting, concede advantage to the (results of a) shipwright so ship building will not get discouraged. After all, some of us take a lot of game fun from that part of activities.
  10. No excuse for irresponsible behavior which does damage to your nation. All Captains in the age of sail had to answer charges back home if their deeds were getting known there and found contradicting to their nation's interests. Or why you think William Kidd got persecuted for what he was doing... far off... at Madagascar? After he left the legal path of his letter of marque and started attacking english and allied ships instead of just french and pirate as he was entitled for? This idea of the Caribbean being a lawless region where you could do what you want and it had no consequences with nations involved is a myth founded by novel writers and then Hollywood.
  11. You will see this in continuation with the duel idea being implemented, but switched off for you personally. Wake up. It's not a nightmare you dream up, it's a chance for the server and its future. Another attraction feature. We even don't have to change the name of the server. For people having it switched off, it will be "PvE" like always...
  12. Doesn't help. Your equipment, your character's rank, his money, skillbooks and warehouse content etc are different. Even the community is different in mindset. Why this stupid black/white thinking? PvP War server has seen this "grey toning" already with various attempts to protect noobs. Has this found the criticism of "either this or that" black/white thinking proponents who comment here? Nope. So now give PvE Peace server also some "grey toning" which is perfectly done by my consensual duels concept. If PvP server can change and lean towards the other side in efforts to make life better for people who are not exactly the pro gankers, why is PvE server prohibited to do the same in opposite direction?
  13. I heard about Pirates of the Black Sea having something similar. I should say on this occasion, I did not know they have. I was no POTBS player except I downloaded it and went into tutorial intro, that's all I did there. My idea was born independently from POTBS content.
  14. PvP is a general concept, applied on all server or in some region of the map. And no choice as to participate or not. My duel idea is toggled by game settings, thus not applied to everyone sailing around, and even if switched on, you can still say no. Any more questions? I understand you are no PvE Peace server player, so why bother about our affairs? Afraid you lose your "seals" for a clubbing?
  15. Fake Info from your side. Proposal had a ten minutes cooldown timer mentioned. It's no clickaway fest, if we ever had so many duel applicants lined up for this as in your nightmare. We don't.
  16. Don't think it will happen as often as you imagine it to. Plus a cooldown time of ten minutes. Are you so easily getting irritated? Click the request away. Finished. I may even add an "future ignore" option if you are definitely sure you don't want to be asked by the same guy ever again. EDIT: You remember I wrote in OP your status related to duel availability is visible to any player you meet in OW? If there is no crossed red or white pistols/swords, it means this player is not eligible for a duel request. Result: nobody will bother this player (PG Monkey) with a request. Peace with you, brother.
  17. With this being a server problem and not yours, it is a fine move to offer compensations.
  18. After introducing this feature, in the first weeks, you would see those. Maybe. Then some PvE players would have tried their luck with them, got "farmed", made their experience and spread the word about those guys who would have to face an increasing number of "duel denials" (I hope you remember I wrote any duel still can be denied even when you switched on your symbol for readiness) and their farming grounds would dry up. In the result, PvP gankers visiting our server get disappointed in their hope for "easy prey", bored and leave again. Problem solved. Our global chat functions in many interesting ways. One is, you get warnings about sociopathic people. If someone enters duel with a known bully guy, it will be entirely his own responsibility. And he knows it.
  19. You are missing the fact this initiative is done from within PvE Peace server community. Not by someone living on PvP War server plotting to ruin their alleged idyll of pinky unicorns.
  20. Don't think we are completely free of negative people of the sort PvP War server is overflowing with. We also have from time to time stories about loot-stealing in global chat, or someone emptied a clan warehouse and disappeared, or bullies in chat. We can bear that. Trust me. The overall better atmosphere isn't touched by a few weirdos. Meanwhile, I like the roleplaying aspect (I do that myself with my character talking about "greedy Englishmen" and such) and that can include a little teasing of adversaries. No problem. So forget about the notion of Peace server being a place where pink fluffy unicorns are dancing in circles and do group-huggings. We are normal people.
  21. Exactly this happened last summer with France. And I went back to PvE Peace Server.
  22. Alts... alts... alts.... As long as this cancer isn't fought against, a game like this cannot prosper in all its glory. How often ideas get obstructed with that argument (not your fault obviously, but system-related) and die. As the first thought is always "but the alts" which destroy everything being good.
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