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Cetric de Cornusiac

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Everything posted by Cetric de Cornusiac

  1. Amen. Suddenly well known names from PvP server surface on PvE server. And you guessed the reason. ^^
  2. And while we are at it, why not a poll about 'consensual duels'? Now that would be something avoidable by those who don't like it - opposite to the Loki experience. Well, you read it all. No need to repeat stuff here...
  3. OK boys - dev will do a survey on the topic. Please attend this opportunity and vote!
  4. You rejoiced too early about not getting a negative feedback about Loki Rune on PvE Peace Server. People are upset now that first reports come in about other players ruining their ships out of the blue... And remember, it has been you who in the past always maintained that "principle" that there should be no PvP whatsoever on this server. But there is a way how to bend this so you also don't drive the population on PvE server away: make it so that Loki Rune ONLY allows players to enter into fleet ships of human captains, so all they can do is help those. That would be in the spirit of this server which you previously helped create. And of course those 'guests' should not be able to sail away and steal that ship. Then, and only then, I can imagine Loki Rune could be fun without making people angry.
  5. I just learned today that Loki works on peace server. Could not trust my eyes when people wrote about it on global chat. And it's not funny losing ships by sudden takeovers of NPC by players. Isn't that hurting the principle devs defended all the time: "No PvP whatsoever on this server"? I suggest you change this system in such way that Loki user enters into fleet ship of someone, so he would not fight against him, but help him. Of course he would not keep this ship if he just sailed out of battle. How's about that version? -- So if the defenses of "No PvP whatsoever on this server" are broken, why not the "consensual duel" thing? At least that is fair towards participants. Loki in the present form isn't. At least for PvE Peace Server.
  6. I refer to your distraction attempt and meet it. Blame yourself if it doesn't have to do with PvE port battles. <<Just saying they were asked for by the pve server, and now we got them all, yay >> But you got them for another reason, for curbing dominating superpowers.
  7. Not really. There are mechanisms which are exclusively for PvP war server. And it's possible to have others which are exclusively for us on PvE peace server. There is no automatism that the two servers have to implement the same rules and that they would exclude themselves because of rules here or there. The opportunity to attack human players or not is the best example for this diversity. But there are others as well.
  8. That (or similar) was the original idea in the last months, PB on international basis. But devs ignored all of us players hinting and arguing in this direction. Thus my new initiative about "Make NE fleet approaching in OW = enable intern. Screen Battle". Hostility missions meantime are alright as they are, because international players can join them like any other OW battle. This has been tested.
  9. OK I get it. Devs don't want international cooperation in Port Battles on Peace Server. Either it is a holy cow that PB should only allow nationals and their befriended clans, or it's the standard argument "but the alts" which ruin the idea. We have stressed often enough the fate of small nations or small clans, or the combination of both (sic!) namely Poland, Russia, Prussia, when they cannot defend against 21 neutral ships attacking their ports, if... IF THEY EVER WERE ABLE TO CONQUER ONE AT ALL, in the first place. So we are reduced to small numbers in PB. But what about the attacking NE fleet [raiders], could they not be stopped in open world? - Nice try. I have done the effort and positioned myself next to a port owned by national AI which was to be attacked by NE attack fleet. We saw nobody coming. Suddenly at the appointed time, the crossed swords appeared in front of port and the battle was (mathematically) waging: 21 attackers versus zero defenders (!). Suppose the same come when this port would be in human hands. What will Poles do, when they have maybe 5 people of various rank available, if at all? But there is a solution. Or at least a hope. This suggestion. It's rather simple. I don't think big deal in programming but would be so much help. We know from PvP War Server Port Battles the custom of setting up a screen fleet which tries to take out as many attackers as possible before they reach the port. Often this is done by befriended nations or at least some befriended clans in other nations who sent an auxiliary force. Nice. But why not the same on PvE Peace Server? You don't allow us international cooperation in Port Battles, so allow us international cooperation in screen! For this you have only to change one thing: don't let NE attackers miraculously spawn in one math calculation at port, but let them spawn physically at some distance from port in OW and let them sail to their destination, so any players can attack them. Yes, any player. Defender nation or international supporters they have summoned. Like it is possible in any OW battle. Fact that NE are neutrals even does not exclude a single faction. So allied forces do the screen battle and what comes through nevertheless the national defenders in Port Battle will have to deal with. Problem solved. Theoretically now EVERY LITTLE NATION or clans without friends can defend their ports, asking other nationals for help. If all will be coming, is another question. Leave that to diplomacy.
  10. Just come over to us on PvE peace server and you are all set. And the trade winds do fine here...
  11. Check on the map "conquest information", there are a lot of NE ( means neutrals) attacks planned on various ports and those will become free for human conquest afterwards, in case NPC attack is successful (and I guess it always will be if it's no human defended port). Suppose that will happen on a daily basis.
  12. PvE Peace Server: SHORT REMINDER Small nations - Poland, Russia, Prussia, even Danes, Swedes and maybe Dutch - are currently de facto EXCLUDED from conquering any neutral ports for themselves. Why? They can't field sufficient forces due to low player numbers (need certain rank, ships, and availability in time window). Because devs, against repeated hints by players who anticipated this, did not enable international alliances on this server, so clans from larger nations could help those nations in need of ships. Server is all about cooperation between players, right? So implement this tool for equalizing chances for everyone! Else, on the long run, you will see just the mistakes of PvP war server repeated on PvE peace server, and that is accumulation of players in one, two larger nations and the rest will dwindle away into obscurity. We found out at least hostilities can be done internationally, as they are OW battles like any others. But port battles are not. Tested and found obstructed. Please enable international cooperation in port battles.
  13. Meanwhile, I hear in PvE server chat that international coop in port battles isn't possible. For hostility missions, they can join. Very disappointing, given the warnings we issued here weeks ago, as we know our server and related problems to field enough players for PB.
  14. Both could live side by side nicely. Port ownership and all those tasty port improvements for those who can afford to conquer a port, *plus* random port boni packages as crafting ingredient found in premium loot. So anybody who never gets a port of his own still can hope he finds the loot and can use it on a standard non-augmented shipyard. Should not be a random package either. So, for example, loot is: crew bonus +1 gunnery bonus +1 etc... He may collect them as he likes, use some of them across his ship creations, or even combine *ALL* to a maximum of +4 bonus in every category on a single ship, if he dares (ship is still mortal, so don't cry when all collected looted boni packages sink with a single ship = your risk). *AND* I can think of combination of the two methods to implement port boni. A ship with home-based bonus due to port improvement still could get further advanced by one or several of the mentioned looted bonus packages. A versatile system which could please everyone. Port owners and just shipyard owners.
  15. Hopeless, then. Insufficient help to come close to 100 % within time frame.
  16. PB hostility noob question: Do acquired hostility percent survive maintenance so I can continue tomorrow or have to start all over again? From zero?
  17. It would help tremendously if hostility battle markers would only appear on the map when time window allows to fight so hostility is counted. As I did not know this, me and a couple of French fought in vain 3 battles which aren't counted in the 'conquest information'. Maybe PvP people know that by heart, for me on PvE server it's new.
  18. I suggest trade winds would be found mostly out on the ocean, and becoming rarer close to coastlines.
  19. Nice that they (wind events) differ in effect, both speed boost and duration, but I think they are too many. We are wondering on PvE server if the number of occurring trade wind events has to do with the type of ship you use, trader or warship.
  20. No word if players of different nations can team up for PB... Most important for PvE Peace Server so it will become enjoyable for everyone else besides big English nation.
  21. Admin, you should in fact be more concerned about a player seeing your game related to Disney-fantasy, than me using sarcasm once. meme shows my degree of alienation now.
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