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George Washington

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Everything posted by George Washington

  1. Let's see what happens. Back to the topic, why do we need more islands? again...
  2. No, my pixels going to 'delete' bin after 01/01/2018. You reminded me this:
  3. No one will wait until the end of 2018, trust me. It will be empty.
  4. As far as I know they said game will be released by 2018. There are screenshots that can prove that.
  5. Any more public delays will undoubtedly kill this game. Reviews at 61% (somewhat recovered) , announce delay and they will go down again. Releasing game with 3 start is not something you would want to do.
  6. I wish this game will get released this year, but it won't happen. I keep wishing though....
  7. Today is 10/22/2017-----> 01/01/18 Developer promised deadline is near, but so many things are still not even touched. Sailing still takes forever, it will still kill any new player population who will try the game. They need to boost OS speed even more, no matter is there is tow or not. In addition, Players need action marked on world map. End result - Only vets will sail providing no new income. More clans giving up on game as we speak.
  8. Wasa is weak vs Agamemnons Carronades? 160 vs 618, still Wasa 797 beats everything Agamemnon can carry.
  9. They all will have to be perfectly balanced , so we don't have Wasa scenario again. Where Wasa made Inger, Constitution and Agamemnon obsolete.
  10. Sometimes I think we should think with our heads and not with our sterns before introducing new content. Changes like these are almost impossible to implement because of what you say. People will cry and get angry. I agree. Any changes to Wasa now will cause outrage.
  11. Loot sucks, it should be similar to Potbs where it drops for everyone and then Roll Dice spreads across all group members. Outsiders do not get loot. Sailing to sunken ships , trying to stop and search for X is simply BS. Please fix this Devs.
  12. You don't get it, no one wants Agamemnon to be a top 4th rate ship. We want it to take Wasa place in pve Tab. Wasa should be pvp mark exchange + craft ship. Leave everything as it is, just switch places. Agamemnon is a good starting 4th rate for new guys and not Wasa.
  13. Devs could give it some nice buff to one of its qualities and make it desirable. -Extra Thickness -New top deck etc... I think it's fairly simple to resurrect these ships.
  14. Can't do it, it will hurt the game. Less used ships should be PvE mark exchange. Always. Craftable? Sure, but Blueprints should cost 300 PvE marks for those PvE exchange ships. PvP ships should remain where they are. So you can go grind , get 300 pve marks and start crafting / selling. Those who do not want to buy ships from you will be able to get them for 150 pve marks with work involved. If I am lazy and have money I will go buy a ship from you, but if I do not have cash and have time I will grind for that same ship myself. That is balance.
  15. Not all ships, people have right to Fleet and get rewarded. Crafters make enough cash.
  16. So, we need a pre 15 knt cap line set for each ship. Pre speed cap line will reduce speed increase by 50% once it's crossed? ex. Conie pre speed cap can start at 13.5 while wasa at 13.2, we will then add same speed mods. All of them will have -50% effect after speed pre cap line is crossed. This can result in let's say 14 knt Conie and 13.7 Wasa max speeds. Basically, after speed threshold line any speed mod or build will be -50% effective with hard cap at 15 knt. These threshold lines can easily balance speeds on all ship rates 1-7th. For example, on Frigates 5th rates - Threshhold line would be set closer to 15 knt, at lets say 13.9 compared to 3rd rates - it will be set at 12.2 or so... Will it work?
  17. I feel like they don't have a formula to balance ships yet. How would you balance 4th rates if they asked you? Starting from Wasa as base and moving down to Conie. I know you said boost BR and turn, but what actual values would you use to bring them back to life.
  18. So, I feel like every time they add new ship they will need to re-balance all previous ones. Something is wrong here. Why did they nerf so much that people abandon them?
  19. Some players suggested nerfing Wasa as it is OP, and I say why not just make it a PvP Note ship and do not touch specs. It's good where it is and it's a beautiful ship. This means it does not belong in PVE content. PvE content should use all less used ships, so new guys can sail them. Make Agamemnon 150 PvE Mark ship and move Wasa to a regular PvP Note shelf. After long testing we can already witness that almost no one, and I repeat no one sailing Amamemnons. They are dead or dying breed. Wasa has became a new easily acquired pvp, fleet ship, and I believe if you look from game balance point of view you can't make the best 4th rate ship PvE mark exchange. So, please let Agamemnon take Wasa place and balance the game. Let new guys sail good 4th rate , but not the best one. Don't let ships die like that, Agamemnon deserves to be a PvE starting 4th rate. You could even make Ingermanland 150 PvE 1 PvP exchange to make it somewhat easy to acquire as well. Thanks and please vote.
  20. If you start stretching BR on 1st rates you will open up huge gaps that still need to be filled with ships.
  21. Then Devs need to just limit PB to 10 vs 10, and add bonus unlock for 15 vs 15 and 25 vs 25 as I suggested earlier. Clans then could customize PB setup using the pyramid that I posted.
  22. Line ship PB: 7500 BR = 11 Santisimas (maxed out BR) Frigates PB: 3500 BR = 14 Idefaticables (maxed out BR) Shallow water PB: 1100 BR = 15 Mercurys (Maxed out BR) So, let's split these values in half and try to see the remainder left and what other ships can be used to fill it. 5 - Santisimas (3750 +- BR left) 7 - Indefaticables (1750 +- BR left) 7 - Mrcs (550+- BR left)
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