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Everything posted by Lordicious

  1. Increase OS speed. Keep normal speed inside battles. You are hurting your game and it's population. Wake up! This issue is real guys, take a look. http://steamcommunity.com/app/311310/discussions/1/1471967615848958503/ Let people with limited time enjoy this game. They supported you.
  2. 14 or even 7 day trial will not cause alt problem. I can see you grinding for 48 hours non stop just to get into frig and then you have only 5 days left to play. This will actually force some to buy more copies. Always good.
  3. 14 day trial sounds more reasonable and Naval Action will need content that will make sure players stay after it expires. Also, there will need to be Invite a friend (get free item) promo as well as Emails sent to all current customers with free ship offer and nice list of new content that will make them return. Strong marketing and lots of good content is the only change Developers got.
  4. Moving to Unity 5 or adding Ui won't make much of a difference here. Naval Action does not have a solid progress foundation and it is not new player friendly. Time sink here is too big with no tools to help players enjoy this big world. Learn from Albion Online, rocking with 300 000+ active players and growing rapidly. Simple yet ingenious system that was suggested here many times and was ignored. In the end, you are admitting you could not create the product you wished for and already predicting short life span right after game release. Once again all this was predicted 1.5 years ago , but back then no one payed attention. It's nice to see you guys still working on this game even though there is no future ahead at this point. I myself learned one lesson - do not invest in Indie games/devs, instead give money to known game developers who know what players need. I wish you all good luck and fair seas. So eventually everyone will leave to new games (ours included). And its ok. P.S. I am still waiting for World of Warcraft people to leave the game with no end to it.
  5. Could you also add them to OS sailing (B --> 50% speed) key. Very useful.
  6. You just confirmed that there is a huge amount of new players who don't care about RvR, and yet you work on completely new RvR mechanics (war companies). Instead you could add content to keep them playing, help them learn and reward them. How can this strategy promote population or health of your product?
  7. Question is how are you going to make them move from temps to Full timers? 11 000 of players still hoping you will create what they want before they leave for good. So, they log in to see if there is any changes and log out providing 0 benefits to the rest of Full time players. I call them Ghosts.
  8. It would be great, but many things remain unchanged. We have so many better titles releasing soon and they will take most if not all content interested player base. 300 Spartan PvPers will remain and keep the server alive. Unless, Devs preparing a surprise mega patch with all the goodies for pvp and pve crowds, then there is still hope. Personally I am hoping to see that mysterious final Patch before release.
  9. I agree, since this game won't be able to overpopulate it's servers any time soon, merging servers will do only good for those who still play. P.S. final server merge could mean only one thing - last final attempt before game is dead.
  10. Once again, 300 pvpers including you won't be able to save this game. You are talking from a different perspective where you only pvp, but not everyone is the same. Developers must focus on casual and pve players else we are in trouble. Eventually even you won't be able to find any fights. I hope they stop ignoring these problems and fix them once and for all. The best way to deal with the "grind"? Don't grind. - Worst suggestion ever as you can't exist without grind in this game as new player. Imho, Vets should stay away from this topic as they don't help with anything new, this topic should only exist for new players who see and experience the real problems.
  11. Personally what stops me from playing or coming back is time required to do things in this game. No matter if it's a mission grind or cargo haul or pvp attempt, all these tasks take too much time. If there was a spawn point that I could sail to and jump to another side of the map and go pvp it would keep me in game. Until you guys repair this issue, I won't be playing much. I don't have 5 hours per day. Also, many recent reviews point to the same issue. People want quick action, but get boring empty ocean sailing and quit. I am surprised Developer did not realized this after so many years, this is the source of all problems and must be rooted out from this game asap.
  12. No, all they need to do is finish the product and have everything people liked about it. Then send Emails with gifts to all people who purchased the game and get them back in the game. We don't need anymore testers, game has suffered way too much damage at this point.
  13. I agree, time it takes to travel will not benefit this new addition. Devs need to speed up OS travel or add tools to quickly move between world.
  14. What do you think about: 1. Seasonal pass to Chartered War tools for your Clan. Clan leader will be able to purchase seasonal pass for his clan and participate in war and help other Chartered Clans without disbanding. 2. Permanent Chartered War Company. Build from the ground up only for war purposes.
  15. Dear Devs, great idea, but you need to allow War Companies to pick 1 ally during port flip/port battle. This means this 1 ally can send members to help and reinforce War Company numbers if needed. This will make sure Small Clans can participate. Without this small clans will get left out and only Giants will clash in Port Battles. Also, allow regular Clan to purchase temporary War Company Status without any disband or Clan rebuild.
  16. I agree with you, but just by giving rewards you won't fix the problem. Game needs Visual representation of rewards, achievements and goals. World of Warships can teach us how to do it the right way. Clean UI, all ships with specs and easy to compare. Players can take a look at locked ship that he is going to unlock. Naval Action is empty, very empty. It has the foundation , but everything else is missing. For example 1 dura ships + open world pvp don't go together and is the worst population killer known to date. However, making NPC capturable and re introducing quality chance system when capturing them will quickly restore the popularity. ex. every time player captures a ship there is a chance to get ships with 1-5 slots unlocked. Let's say after I capture 25 ships I finally cap the one that has all 5 slots unlocked and is very close to Player built, but still not strong enough to make NPC ships even with Player built ones. This gives players a chance to spend time and get rewarded with better ship after many hours in game. Right now game punishes players left and right, grind for a week, collect enough money, purchase player built ship and finally go pvp. Loosing a ship is a huge kick in butt, here is your Thank you for all that time you spent, start over you looser.
  17. Dumbest? Well ok. Keep playing with 300 people online. I won't say a word as you know better. I know how to fix this game, but I don't care anymore. You PvP guys got it well in control now let's see where you will take it next.
  18. 2 completely different things and you did not try potbs mechanics, so please.
  19. I am glad you finally understand one of few problems that cause game failure. One of them is long grind and another one is time problem. Average player has 1.5 hours and it takes 1.5 hours to sail from 1 port to another or 1 fight takes 45 minutes. Get it? Anyway. The Grind -Repetitive missions with no safe zones. 1. Introduce more content and make missions interesting. 2. Open world pvp is bad, really bad. Learn from Potbs red zones, but it's too late now at this stage. -Long sailing and 1 dura boats can and will kill your population (check your numbers). No matter if you get more players or not they will quit shortly after they die. Guaranteed. 1. Increase OS sailing speed or introduce spawn points. 2. Bring back NPC capture up to 4th rate and protect new players. Give them 'Neutral' flag up to certain rank. 2 hour per day 'Neutral' Flag will do it. Want to recharge it? Use marks or other drops. -Too few NPCs on OS, too little gold and drops. Gun problem is real. 1. Increase gold drops. 2. Make guns available everywhere, make them scavenge active. 3. Add more NPC targets -Resource hauling takes forever. 1. Once again time issue. 2. Open world pvp issue. 3. 1 dura boats issue 4. No one will start over if they die. They will quit. Latest new player reviews prove this problem. Also, those 300 pvpers who defend this forum from any PvE content suggestions is all you got now. I think you should ask them how to fix this because I believe it's their fault this game lost it's popularity. Reading through old people posts I can't believe how much good content is lost. This is a tough one to fix at this stage, so I don't even know what to tell you. Good luck. P.S. best option is to go with potbs red zones and remove open world pvp, increase travel time and introduce more rewards. This could bring people back, but anything else you change won't do much of a difference at this point. Sorry.
  20. This game title tells you it's a real life sim, but instead Devs do what they want with it. Pirates never sailed 1st rates, but if Devs remove them they will loose players, so ... figure. They trapped themselves once again.
  21. No worries, it's a part of this game design. The only down side here are bad reviews and refunds. Also, Recent reviews show that Devs picked the wrong developing path again and this means we are not moving anywhere. Even if they do introduce content it will be too late anyway.
  22. They can't implement anything because of Unity 4, so I think it's just a waste of time here.
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