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A. P. Hill

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Everything posted by A. P. Hill

  1. Not like the real event wasn't 'kinda impossible' too.
  2. Okay, I agree with this. Build all the battles first. As to your second point Sir. I disagree. I'm a purist. I want to follow historically accurate game play.
  3. For a truly in-depth read about the Army of Northern Virginia's command during the war, I highly recommend reading Douglass Southall Freeman's three volume "Lee's Lieutenants". In contrast, while I don't think as in depth, Bruce Catton's three volume attempt for the Army of the Potomac ... volume 1 "Mr. Lincoln's Army", volume 2 "The Army of the Potomac, Glory Road," and volume 3, "A stillness at Appomattox." (If you want to know about the eastern theater of operations.)
  4. Again, I'd like to see campaigns created for both theaters of the war. And all subsequent battles of that theater relegated to that campaign. True, I know there were great and wonderful battles fought in each theater, but as a player, I do not feel the need to have to fight battles my troops didn't fight in as the troops in real life didn't fight there either. PLEASE, divide the campaign into theaters so one can play a realistic campaign if he so choses.
  5. Regarding your first and quite possibly your second points, (and you may already know this, but just in case ...,) the unit identification bar at the bottom of your screen, if you click the top most bar, be it corps or division, it will not only highlight the units under the bar, but the corresponding troops on the field are auto-selected. This will allow you to click on a command and then select a rally point on the field and all troops belonging to that selection will then advance to that point. With regard to your third point, Yes, I highly agree. Get the game working flawlessly first. Cease the commando operations of routed troops behind enemy lines, get the playability of the game more functional, etc. As for the cosmetic uniforms, not so much. By the second or third big battle in either theater, the governments had become savvy enough to weed out and order all militia style uniforms out of existence. Yes, this means, the Zouaves didn't have pretty pajamas, the sharpshooters lost their greenery, and all state associated uniforms became obsolete. It literally became a battle of blue vs gray. (However due to variances and qualities and quantities of materials, the South's gray often became butternut, or tan, or some average homespun.) By 1862 the South had manufacturing facilities working on standard style uniforms, including all state produced uniforms. So I'm kind of against the "pretty" and "varying" uniforms after 1st Bull Run/1st Manassas.
  6. I'm pretty sure that's why they create Posts like this one! Where they probably look first. :)
  7. Thanks for at least reading. In the mean time I went back to my Tables of Fire and double checked and indeed those numbers are correct. Like yourself I found it strange as well. Maybe there's a typo on the charts I'm using, I'll have to see if I can find other tables to compare these numbers to. For the record, these "Tables of Fire" were placed on the inside of the Limber and Caisson ammo chests covers to help the artillery man pulling rounds from them to set the fuses for shell and case shot. Along with the yardage down range, these tables also list the time duration it takes for a round to get that distance. The artillery man would then puncture / or cut his fuse for that duration of burn so that it would explode at the given range.
  8. Agree with this, there should be a shift left click selection process when brigades stand on top of each other. Please. Or some kind of way to cycle through the group.
  9. Sorry guys, not sure I like the new Rank emblems for the confederate officers. I liked the earlier version better. Can we bring the old ones back?
  10. I think I'd prefer a white range indicator and unit facing ... that black is kinda hard to see against the greenery.
  11. It's really no wonder. When you compare a 12lb Gun to a 24lb Gun. All the 12lb Guns have a 4.62 inch bore, whereas the 24lb Guns have a 5.82 inch bore. That said, according to the Table of Fire for each: 12lb Howitzer uses a 1 pound charge of powder for shell, and a 3/4 pound charge for spherical case, whereas the 24lb Howitzer uses a 2 pound charge for shell and 2.5 pounds for spherical case. At 0 degrees elevation the 12lb sends a shell 195 yards down range. The 24lb sends a shell 295 yards down range At 1 degrees elevation the 12lb sends a shell 539 yards down range. The 24lb sends a shell 516 yards down range. At 2 degrees elevation the 12lb sends a shell 640 yards down range. The 24lb sends a shell 793 yards down range. At 3 degrees elevation the 12lb sends a shell 847 yards down range. The 24lb sends a shell 976 yards down range. At 4 degrees elevation the 12lb sends a shell 975 yards down range. The 24lb sends a shell 1272 yards down range. At 5 degrees elevation the 12lb sends a shell 1072 yards down range. The 24lb sends a shell 1322 yards down range. At 2 degrees 15 seconds elevation the 12lb sends case 485 yards down range. The 24lb sends case 750 yards down range. At 3 degrees 15 seconds elevation the 12lb sends case 715 yards down range. The 24lb sends case 1000 yards down range. At 3 degrees 45 seconds elevation the 12lb sends case 1050 yards down range. The 24lb sends case 1100 yards down range. Canister is used at closer ranges than this, of course with the difference in bore diameters, the 24lb will send more balls down range than a 12lb. But I'm sure all you guys knew this already.
  12. Sorry but I think the AI already has way too much ability to do this, if anything it should have been hampered, and possibly a focus on the commando style of skirmishers behind your lines. Yesterday I was playing and I ended up with a single skirmisher unit behind my lines and they chased down every supply wagon they could find. Can't like it. BUT! Thanks for the update, can't wait to upload it.
  13. In UGG, we had the ability to control ammunition types, and the range graphics did change with the ammunition type. I'm thinking since UGG has that ability it will only be a matter of time before that mechanic gets incorporated into UGCW.
  14. Are you sure you're not missing the fact that your command unit just got obliterated on the field? I've seen command units disappear when gunned down. I've done it to a few yankee command units.
  15. Ah yes. The internet's self righteous syndrome. Who is this O.P. and what makes him think he's so special? (other than himself?)
  16. As an older guy. I remember a military strategy game put out when Microsoft had a gaming division. It was called Close Combat. With graphics much like the current U.G. I would love to see someone take the whole of WW1 or WW2 and make it into an U.G. scenario. Of course ONLY AFTER the entire Civil War is done.
  17. A suggestion I'd like to throw out would be to divide theaters of operation for game play as well as campaign. Give us the choice in the front of the campaign to fight in either the Eastern Theater, or the Western Theater. It's very disorienting to finding my Army of Northern Virginia, out fighting battles it was not involved in.
  18. Actually, in campaign mode, it would appear that you're in charge of all armies and that your armies are to fight in every theater of the war whether they did or not. I'd like to see this divided up in the future where you can pick to be in either the eastern theater or the western theater and only fight battles related to those theaters.
  19. Hard for anyone to say reasonably without a list of your specifications.
  20. Believe it or not, I was playing Gaines Mill last night, my first Corps was first on the map, and my second corps came in on the northeast, and oddly, my II Corps commander is T. J. Jackson. As they pushed in from the northeast, it seemed like all the Union supply wagons decided to bolt for the rear. I took Jackson's command group, (the only horse mounted units I had, (besides my I Corps commander, but he was on the northwest side of the creek,) and with Jackson's command unit managed to capture 3 of 4 wagons bolting for the rear.
  21. Most likely, and they do show up in your Armory after the battle so I'm told, While I'd like the ability to drag/send them off the field, that's not a mechanic yet. I do know that historically, when infantry was taking a battery many times they shot the horses of the battery to keep the current owners from pulling them off the field.
  22. The point is ... that as Union, you don't attack Mayre's Heights. Send all your forces to overwhelm Jackson's Corps.
  23. I try to build my batteries realistically. I even attempted a whole "division" of artillery (would equal more of a Battalion.) So I basically had 3 Corps, Two totally Infantry, and One nothing but Artillery Batteries, I went into my next fight and selected this Corps for the battle since it was fresh, but when I chose that Corps to play I got the two infantry divisions but my artillery was no where to be found!
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