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A. P. Hill

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Everything posted by A. P. Hill

  1. You can also use the Corps/Division/Brigade identification bar at the bottom of the screen as well.
  2. I'll tell you what I think about the complaints coming out on the last two battles, (Stones River / Murfreesboro & Chancellorsville.) I think the dev team was under a bit of pressure from the community for some new content, and because of that pressure, they rushed something out the door to sedate a hungry clamoring crowd. In that rush, certain "IF/AND/OR" statements were not properly programmed as they are in the earlier battles like Shiloh. Where if you push hard enough and are victorious enough, that the program opts to give you the victory or the defeat depending on your play. I see These last two battles as possibly incomplete works due to the pressure by the community. I think everyone should step back a pace or two and give the devs some room to actually put together a finished product before releasing it too soon. Developers, take your time, your community will be here when you release a properly finished product ... Get it right the first time out the door. Please.
  3. Yes, maybe we can have an exceptional Doubleday event?
  4. Not really so crazy. I've said all along that I want an overview map of the entire part of the U.S. where the ACW was fought with all the battlefields as selectable locations that once selected take you to the maps that exist in game to battle it out.
  5. Good Points. However, during the actual conflict due to officer attrition, later in the war, late 1862/early 1863, the officer corps of the Southern States started reaching critical states whereby many times a Major was the highest available rank to lead a brigade, sometimes a division. But along your lines of reasoning, since we have the ability to make corps, divisions, and brigades, all officers of appropriate rank should be immediately available and not come as a reward. At least a beginning pool of sufficiently ranked officers.
  6. Yep, Wallace's reinforcements came in from the northwest, and just as I annihilated those forces, that's when the trouble started ...
  7. Earlier yesterday, (January 22nd 2017,) I started the battle of Shiloh in a new confederate campaign. The battle was going great ... I was taking the works at Pittsburgh Landing and had about 12 seconds of action left before the FINISH would pop up. That's when it went to crap. For the first time ever, I have experienced what others had mentioned about "freezing". However, since this happened around 17:00 or 17:30 hours, and one of the two title championship American football games was under play since 15:00 I figured just for giggles and grins that I'd let the computer run and see if it couldn't chew out the freeze while I watched the play off games. Here's what I did. At the first freeze, I clicked randomly on the screen until the screen went opaque and the dialog box came up about the game not responding and the two questions of ending the game or letting it continue. I consistently chose "Continue" each time it came up, went back to watching the games, rinse and repeat. I did this throughout both 3 1/2 - 4 hour games. My observations is that the game doesn't "freeze". There is apparently some code or math that causes it to choke the processing capability of the system, yet with time, the processor was capable of chewing through the build-up, and revert to a clear screen. I was unable to actually move troops at that time, but as I clicked to make troop movement efforts, the screen would again go opaque and the dialog box would appear. During the course of this effort, I managed to get the clock from 12 seconds to 1 second by consistently clicking the screen until the dialog box would pop up and then chose continue. I also found that as the game "progressed", and it did ... troops actually moved on the map as the time changed. Troops that I had assigned a path to pursue just before the 12 second "freeze" occurred, continued to follow the said path, troop casualty rates, kill rates, moral, and etc., continued to fluctuate based on the timer counting down. Troops retreated, troops charged etc., but it was done at such a slow rate of action. I say I got the timer down from 12 seconds to 1 second ... when that actually happened, it was 01:00 Monday morning and I needed to hit the sack because in 4 1/2 hours I needed to get up and get ready to face a day's work. So, if this can be of any help to the dev staff, I submit it here. I couldn't get F11 to work in game, and as I said at about 01:00 Monday morning I called it quits. I never did see the Finish Button, I have no idea whether the database will show me having won Shiloh or not yet as I haven't logged into the game. I'll post those results as soon as I find out. Respectfully.
  8. Pretty sure winning accounts for the exp. Not much handed out when you lose.
  9. Ah! My bad. I only spreadsheet historical stuff, not necessarily game related, but if Devs can use the information I'm good.
  10. WAIT! ... WHAT? ... When was I made a tester?!? Sorry, I'm just a guy that, like you, just bought the game to play. But thanks for the vote of confidence.
  11. I guess I should start recording more of my losses and posting them eh?
  12. Oh! So you want to incorporate battles in this? Well I'm afraid Manassas hanging out with that thought!
  13. AND ... some of us being really anal, want to command every last man if we can.
  14. I suppose based on the employed game structure, Brigades, Divisions, Corps, & Armies ... Putting a Brigadier at each brigade level makes sense instead of using Brigadiers to command Divisions where Major Generals should be. So I see a possible flaw in my mode of operating where the brigade slots are used as regiments.
  15. Sherman, anything you say ...
  16. Well ... IF the Pope is coming, I'm hiding and he'll have to Hunt for me.
  17. Yeah, I remember, I told you to start with. The point is, the numbers shown are representative of what a working battery would include, not just the men to man a gun. So let's get over the fact ... when the game includes a battery of artillery, it's numbers represent numbers of men in the battery not just gun crews. So I think you're point is non-existent.
  18. Just kicking this one back up ... in response to the point that the dropbox link didn't work. I couldn't find anything that would allow me to produce an "artsy" type of file from an excel spreadsheet other than a PDF ... so ... Try the attachment below for a download of a Union 6 gun Light 12lb Gun-Howitzer Battery. (Also known as 12lb Napoleons.) battery components.pdf
  19. Historically, the battle did last several days. April 30th, to May 6th. So to make the game similar in a historical setting ... yeah it needs multiple days. The point being that on May 2nd Jackson's flanking move took so long to execute and align, (thanks to the woods,) that it never really got rolling until late afternoon, around 4 or 5 p.m. giving him only about 3 hours of fading daylight. Less actually while in the darkness of the thickets of the forests. So the flanking maneuver was called on account of no more daylight, the troops rested on their arms, during sporadic shooting all night, and by the time they got leaders in order, (Jackson, Hill, and several other competent leaders injured in the first night's attack,) a.k.a. J.E.B. Stuart, the battle was resumed. So yeah setting you back is more historical despite your ability to beat out the game. That said however, I've also seen battles such as Shiloh, 2nd Manassas to name a couple end a day early based on the player's achievements. Again the point is this is still early release, I have no idea how rushed the Devs might have been to get these other two battles out and haven't presented enough coding to over-rule game play based on player results.
  20. Well .... You know, if you've seen one Johnston, you've seen them all.
  21. ^^^ THIS ^^^ Or at least limit numbers to historical limits.
  22. I've said before, I'll say again, as a purist on all things ACW, I'd like to see every major battle provided.
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