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Augustus Charles Hobart H

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Everything posted by Augustus Charles Hobart H

  1. and the trinc and the surprise that stayed after you sunk? Will you argue that they were engaging? If you read the tribunal Klooth linked you would see that the British ship did engage the french AI so clearly they did shoot. So if you want to argue on the technicality go ahead, but don't tribunal for it then. You will also note that the mods sides in favor of it being greifing in that case.
  2. i dare say you will be unhappy when its done to you, if you don't have anything to add as you were not in the battle then don't post here. Also funny from the guys who cry about the time of port battles but then delay them till they are night flips rather then fight our fleet. All i asked for was a ruling on if this acceptable from the mods, if it is then i will simply start using it my self and let it go.
  3. had we left they would have simply killed the AI santi in there for points also they were sailing upwind and tagging our sails to keep some of us in.
  4. When grinding up a port battle at Castries our missions was joined by 4 french players who after a moment of fighting proceeded to run away up wind for the full hour the fight had remaining despite requests to leave if they had no intention of fighting us. They ran away dragging our mission out for the full 1.5 hours despite repeated offers and requests to leave if they did not want to fight. I would like a ruling on if this is acceptable behavior, as if this is ok then we WILL start using the same to prevent flips at times we don't want. As it stands the result is the french get a battle late at night instead at the target time of 20:00 as i will not call of my hostility fleet for griefing. pics http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=880904905 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=880905081 video (45 min long of them running away until we slowly catch and kill them)
  5. I can confirm that it is fixed, but after asking around that the duped were not removed. This is in my opinion a lot like stopping a counterfeiter from printing but letting him keep all the money he made. To me at least this sends a clear message that cheaters won't be punished. Maybe i'm jumping the gun and action is incoming, but right now that's how I feel about it.
  6. if that's the case why bother with the game, early access should not be a shield that protects cheating
  7. are you talking about Trinidad? Because Spain has a full fleet in that battle...
  8. to be fair you had a lot more then 22, they just did not manage to get in despite logging out in-front of the port
  9. LV was not in command at Basse-Terre, so your happy so is misplaced,
  10. Wail i don't have any alts myself I will say this, Alts are reality i do not believe you will be able to talk the devs out of them. I don't really have a problem with people who buy alts for more crafting hours i have thought of doing it my self. Alts in enemy nations cause most of the issues i have so i would not mind seeing them limited to the same nation as the parent account. However i think even this is unlikely to be a realistic goal. And wail your calling out @Anolyticabout this I know plenty of people who have more alt accounts then him and if you don't have evendence of real abuse i don't see the point of a name and shame about buying extra copy's of the game,
  11. they do need more content, but you can join all of it, you just refuse to because other people "gasp" might have expectations of the team
  12. nothing so far as i can see i don't like it unless they re-balance the map, live oak for example you can join any PB you want if you have hostility points, but don't be surprised if the other players on the team get mad if you did not participate in the organization and want to just do your own thing. RvR is a team game, Your not on the outside because of mechanics, your on the outside because you ignore the social rules of the game.
  13. a surprise vs a vic is not a decent fight unless the surprise is asleep at the wheel or the vic is good at demasting
  14. Some problems i see so far. 1 - how dose this help 4th rate battles at all? People already screen those with 1st and second rates, a curve will not save them. 2 - how dose this help with player involvement? The bar to be in a screen just became a first rate or a second rate, and in addition rather then small battles to delay or funnel you will simply get in a big battle and never make it to the port. - An example of my own, french fleet approaches Castries, my screen cant tag them, I undock my fleet and tag fleet to fleet . Their screen can't stop me as only their PB fleet can tag my PB fleet, there is now no port battle unless they bring a screen large enough to tag my fleet. so in this scenario the french need more screeners to enter the port not less 3 - why cant we try raising the BR rate for a tag to 1/3 or even 1/2 first rather then trying whole new system Also if this is supposed to "stop gerifing" i really hope cutters are not going to be able to tag in vics because that is the height of gerifing I would really like to know the formula rather then an exaggerated example though before i make a final Judgement
  15. Knowing snoopy he was there to play world of warships with us, he is in our clan on there.
  16. i trust the french and swedes will show, a pity you wont, the OW battle was at least fun
  17. and then you got or objective based play so there would be no running and you don't even show up any more, and when you do you cry about how we won on points, its not hard ship goes in the circle, its right there for you to kill if your so epic
  18. you got in to all 5 Bermudas and at least one Bridgetown with the RUS fleet, you just logged off under the swords
  19. what do you know this whole round of port battles is on Saturday, intentionally i might add for you to be able to be there, im sure ill see you in one of them
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