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Everything posted by oldcrankyman

  1. Another post by a player who thinks that his style of play is the only valid one, so therefore the game should be tailored to suit him. Jerome, there's no right way to play Naval Action. Your style of play is NOT the only valid way to play, nor is it the most popular way to play.
  2. Does anybody know if Kidd's Harbor is still a 4th rate port battle?
  3. I guess I missed the announcement, but I noticed that my 4th rates Battle Ratings have been changed. I don't currently have an Ingermanland, but my Constitutions and Aggememnon have been changed to 250. Does this mean that the Aggie can now join 4th rate port battles?
  4. The premise of the OP is wrong. The new system is making people build and use lower grades of ships, and the system hasn't been implemented long enough to have any sort of a clue of how it's going to affect gameplay. Testing is great and I like doing it, but we've barely started testing this system. Trashing it in favor of something else is a little premature.
  5. Don't think so, I've seen PBs where the guy planting the flag drove on to plant more and the attackers joined quite a bit later.
  6. No, it has not been that way. It used to be that once a flag was planted, we had 40 minutes to join the battle. It didn't end just because no attackers entered immediately. Your memory is not accurate.
  7. If the mechanics have changed, it would be good to know about it. My understanding was that one would be able to enter a port battle for the duration of the battle. Where did you hear about this rule change?
  8. The fleet screen still says, top center, hard to miss, "Fleet ships are not available in Port Battles". You'll always run across players who believe rumors, don't listen to em.
  9. I don't think we're hearing the whole story. Hard to imagine that the defenders could win a battle by leaving it.
  10. Then the devs need to get somebody that has a better handle on English. "A bit misleading" is like saying that having AIDS is being "a little sick". Who exactly is "we"?
  11. Port battles can't be scheduled during those times. Since a battle happens 46 hours after 100% is reached, that means that the cutoff time for reaching 100% is 04:47, NOT 02:47.
  12. No, we had/have one battle scheduled for later today. We reached 100% at about 03:30 or so, since PBs are 46 hours later, the cutoff time should be 04:47, not 02:47. .
  13. The US hit 100% hostility on PVP2 against the Pirate region Andros last night, but a port battle was not scheduled, and this morning the hostility level is back down to 78%, I thought I'd read that it reset 12% on server reset. We should have a port battle scheduled for about 00:20 on Thursday 10/27. How are we going to fix this?
  14. A couple of issues, one is that the moderator says that 10000 points are needed to set a PB, when according to the math, it was 12500. I got 150 points for a kill, and it set the hostility to 1.2%, 150/.012=12,500. Another is that it seems really logical to base the points awarded according to the BR of the target, it's silly to get the same points for sinking a cutter or Constitution. Thirdly, I don't understand the logic behind no points for destroying a trader fleet. As a few have pointed out, awarding more points for PVP combat might seem logical, but it makes it impossible for some of the far flung Spanish holdings to be captured. It seems pretty bizarre that the best defense for an area is just to not be there, which is what the current system encourages. This system is just screaming to be exploited. Lastly, why in the world have we changed the weight of fish meat? It's totally illogical for dressed fish to weigh twice as much as the fish do.
  15. This all needs to be rethought. The devs are changing rules to suit 1000 players. We're not even close to that, and total stagnation is going to set in within days.
  16. From the Developer's post: "Flipping a port (reaching the maximum hostility level) will take approximately 1-2 days (the hostitily rates will be adjusted during testing)". That's a totally meaningless statement without some sort of context. One would assume that it would be a bit quicker with 30 players attacking everything in sight than it would be with one guy driving around attacking traders. When you're explaining things, it helps to explain all of what you're talking about. Don't forget that the rest of us aren't in on the planning, so a lot of your statements don't convey any real info. Also, I"ll ask yet again, will we as players be able to see what the hostility level is in a given region? Maybe the 3rd time will be the charm.
  17. What's most likely is that the hostility level will reach the maximum during the time frame that the attacker has the most people playing, which may or may not be when the defender has the most playing. This doesn't make the time zone problem go away, just changes the scheduling of the PB to the time most convenient for the attacker. I think this system is designed for a much larger game population than we're currently seeing.
  18. No, that refers to the regions with the highest level of hostility, not the level of hostility in each. The top ten zones might be at 10-15% or 95%. The timing of port battles is going to be determined by when a region reaches 100% hostility, so it would be a really good idea to have some idea of what the level is. Without that, there's no way to know what time of day a port battle is going to be. This is the thing that's always bugged me about the proposed system. Personally, I don't think it's going to be workable.
  19. I'll ask the question again, since I think it's a crucial point. Will we as players know what the hostility level of the regions are?
  20. Will we be able to see what the hostility level of a region is?
  21. I left because everybody went pirate. I'll see how things work after the patch, but the way it sits, it's not enjoyable. If the new mechanics work the way I think they will, the pirates will be essentially untouchable. Oh well, X^*$ 2 is fun.
  22. I don't think you understand how the new mechanics will work. Any nation will be free to start increasing hostility in any area they can sail to. The US will only be bottled up if everybody does a lemming rush to move all their stuff back to the start area. I intend to keep all of my assets spread all over the map so I can start creating as much havoc in as many places as possible.
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