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Michel de Toulouse

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Everything posted by Michel de Toulouse

  1. I heard that Swedish players were getting attacked, so that is why they "declared war".
  2. I should set up an outpost in Ile-a-Vache it seems.
  3. It is a head-scratcher. I am afraid it is another case of the big boy on the playground wanting to go push around the little guy. We all know how well that tends to go.
  4. I think the Swedes are tougher allies than some of the British clans anyways. I am sure a few days of rough handling by the Swedes and OMG will convince more than a few Brits to go elsewhere. If past trends hold, all you have to do to stop a big clan is to bloody their nose a few times and they seem to lose interest really fast.
  5. I don't know why you are getting all hot and bothered rice. You know we are fighting the pirates very close to our capital. When they first starting attacking I PM'd you asking who their leader was so I could talk to them and you didn't answer my question. Just because you don't see French players up there constantly doesn't mean the area wasn't used. The ports are really spread out up there and it takes a while to travel around. There could be 20 ships between San Luis and Mobile and you might only see 1 or 2. If I knew who these americans are that are taking the northern ports, I would love to talk to them, but currently I don't think there is a way to find them other than asking around in global chat or asking people in the same nation.
  6. Most of those ports were taken during primetime, while we were in fights with pirates.
  7. It seems that the US and Britsee are fairly evenly matched. Then it should be all the more important to make sure you have friends to tip the scale in your favor. Just an idea.
  8. The Brits and US are at war in the Yucatan. The pirate nation should try to profit from this war like a real pirate would. Intercept trade and supply ships. Attack lone ships. You don't need to sail in Trins and 3rd rates to do this. Privateers, cutters, and snows could pick off lone frigates and mission runners.
  9. Compared to most nations, you are totally the "zerg".
  10. Nope. These guys are the USA players that have been playing in western florida. Like I said, they just really like the color green and want lots and lots of green dots.
  11. I don't think it was a sucker punch. I think it is more likely just a group of green painters decided the area was a little too bleu for their liking. I think it was pretty obvious that the Yanks were going to attack and If they read the forums they know the French always intended to fight the USA once the pirate troubles are done. Very soon I think PVP 2 is going to be Brits, France, Spain, Dutch, and Sweden versus the USA. We shall see, but I think that would lead to the most interesting PVP. If the pirates had a clue of what they were doing the would have allied the French and brits against the USA a long time ago. That is why OMG switched sides. The knuckleheads in CF, SIN, I, BSO, FC, etc wanted to live in a PVE fairy tale land instead of facing the real zerg on PVP 2. The French weren't prepared to defend that area yet, and I would insist that if those dumb yank green painters are true PvPers, that they wait till the pirates are dealt with before continuing their march. It would be much more fun compared to boring as hell Player v Tower.
  12. http://imgur.com/WjoICzq Another stalwart defense. Not shown here is the sterling work of Bach, Sam, and one OMG guy who managed to kill three undercrewed third rates in their two frigates and a snow. Vive la France!
  13. Congrats on figuring out the point of different ship classes. Frigates are designed to be big enough and heavily armed enough to destroy pirates in Sloops and Schooners. They are designed to screen ships of the line. They are not designed to kill ships of the line. Frigates are maritime patrol vessels. Ships of the line are designed to kill frigates and face off against ships of the line. It is not important for a ship of the line to be able to chase down a cutter because in real life ships of the line would always have frigates to support them and deal will the enemies screen and skirmishing ships. So yes, unsupported ships of the line, can be harassed by very tiny ships
  14. The French were getting destroyed by the larger pirates for two or three weeks. It is entirely possible for a small nation to hang on and fight a war of attrition. All you have to do is do piratey things like raiding traders and attacking bigger ships with large groups of cutters. Unfortunately the pirates seems completely incapable of doing actual pirate shit and insist on using big ships and dying to small french attacks.
  15. Well I better start apologizing to all the OMG guys I have BM'd in chat. Things tend to get pretty heated
  16. A little birdy told me the same thing. Are these rumors true? Is OMG returning to their old PotBS faction?
  17. Just like I said in the battle, that was my first fight of the night. I heard on TS that pirates jumped a few ships and had the tech advantage so I came up to do some PVP. Three of you attacked a lone unaffliated french player in the reinforcement zone of Fort Royal. He called in his AI friends so the fight would be fair. We saw him get attack and came to help and then you proceeded to throw your toys out of the pram and have a hissy fit in chat. While I wasn't exactly a kind soul in chat myself, you can't yell at someone for running away, as your bloody run away yourself. While you were disadvantaged slightly, even if the odds were more in your favor you still would have ran. EDIT: Literally every player I have ever met has run away from a fight before. There is little value in going 1v8. But when two Belle Poule's and a constitution are attacked by a couple Renommees, a Cerberus, a Snow, and two AIs, we expect you to stay because that is pretty damn even. Everyone there could see it, but you were just too scared at the possibility of loosing your precious little ship. I have died in fights where I was in a bad spot. Just ask BSO. I know I impressed a couple of them last week. I doubt you have ever stayed in a battle where you didn't have at least 2:1 BR...
  18. 18E split up and some of us are now LMN. We have around 20 actives. Purge has around 10-15 actives. 18E is probably closer to 10 give or take.
  19. Be careful out there mate. I hear some AI are coming your way. Better head back to Camp du Roy before a couple of Snows attack your Connie
  20. Shoutout to Grizly for staying and fighting us in his Belle Poule with a AUSNZ guy in a Renommee. It wasn't exactly a 100% even fight. 2 French Renommee and 2 Snows vs 1 Belle Poule and a the Renommee. Unlike some other whiny constitution sailors.. he didn't whine and BM in chat the second he didn't have a 2:1 BR advantage..
  21. Shit, I wish I could have been there Been too busy with school work!
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