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Everything posted by Crayon

  1. I propose a penalty to reload speed in the rain. Been awhile since I've been in a pvp situation in the rain though.
  2. It would be really helpful if we could see the server time easily, especially on OW. If it was part of the drop down menu of your ship, that would be fantastic!
  3. Request!! An API method to search contracts and ships!!
  4. function getAllTowns(){ var options = { "contentType" : "ContentService.MimeType.JAVASCRIPT", }; var url_ports = "http://storage.googleapis.com/nacleanopenworldprodshards/Ports_cleanopenworldprodeu1.json"; eval(UrlFetchApp.fetch(url_ports,options).getContentText());// Ports var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet(); var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("Ports"); sheet.getRange(1, 1, 368, 4).clearContent(); sheet.getRange(1, 1).setValue("Id"); sheet.getRange(1, 2).setValue("Name"); sheet.getRange(1, 3).setValue("NationId"); sheet.getRange(1, 4).setValue("Nation Name"); sheet.getRange(1, 5).setValue("ConquestFlagTimeSlot"); sheet.getRange(1, 6).setValue("LordProtector"); var index = 0; var Nation = "not set"; for(index = 0; index < Ports.length; index++){ switch(Ports[index].Nation) { case 0: Nation = "Neutral"; break; case 1: Nation = "Pirates"; break; case 2: Nation = "Espana"; break; case 3: Nation = "France"; break; case 4: Nation = "Great Britain"; break; case 5: Nation = "Verenigde Provincien"; break; case 6: Nation = "Danmark-Norge"; break; case 7: Nation = "Sverige"; break; case 8: Nation = "United States"; break; case 9: Nation = "Free Towns"; break; default: Nation = "not set"; } sheet.getRange(index+2, 1).setValue(Ports[index].Id); sheet.getRange(index+2, 2).setValue(Ports[index].Name); sheet.getRange(index+2, 3).setValue(Ports[index].Nation); sheet.getRange(index+2, 4).setValue(Nation); sheet.getRange(index+2, 5).setValue(Ports[index].ConquestFlagTimeSlot); sheet.getRange(index+2, 6).setValue(Ports[index].Capturer); } } man, those breaks are ugly. But I dig the google doc. Those case statements are not even necessary as all they do is provide a name to. (pseudo code fix for break statments) for(int NUM; <= portsList.size; NUM++) sheet.getRange(NUM+2, 1).setValue.arrayOfPorts[NUM].Id); sheet.getRange(NUM+2, 2).setValue.arrayOfPorts[NUM] .Name); sheet.getRange(NUM+2, 3).setValue.arrayOfPorts[NUM] .NationID); sheet.getRange(NUM+2, 4).setValue.arrayOfPorts[NUM] .Nation; sheet.getRange(NUM+2, 5).setValue.arrayOfPorts[NUM] .ConquestFlagTimeSlot; sheet.getRange(NUM+2, 6).setValue.arrayOfPorts[NUM] .Capturer);
  5. First of all, I want to clarify my intentions. First what I mean by idle gameplay is mainly time afk, after 30 minutes of doing nothing and the timer boots you. When you are logged out for all intensive purposes. But Crayon!? Why should we let people make idle gains?? My answer is to this question is not a superficial one. The actual answer to this question is to address the issue of players not logging back in. Keeping a stable population so to speak. I refer everyone back to the steamcharts located here: http://steamcharts.com/app/311310 Very nice post. I read the whole thing! First of all I think there was a miscommunication on my part. Sorry! My intent for this poll is not to spoon feed people, but in fact give incentives to log back in, to go out from port as well as do more pvp. I also put these polls up with the upcoming patches and what the developers are planning for us in general. 1) I really like the idle gains increase by rank/rep idea. I had something similar in mind! 2) I'd like to avoid the topic of fleet farming, but you are correct. It detracts from the overall value of the game in a qualitative sense. What I mean, is its not readily definable. Im sure theres a statistician I can hit up real quick. but nahhh 3) Alot of your response has to do with 'epeen' and 'ego stroking'. You are 100% correct, and with the dwindling playerbase, that will only increase. 4) This one was great: "If there was a series of scoreboards people could aspire to being on with special benefits like custom prize ships, custom artwork etc then at least there would be a reason to do things beyond the gloryof winning a battle. ie top 100 land owners get thier own fleets to command. more land better ships. etc etc. it only is for use in OW but that makes the epic fleets accessible to attack more regularly. make it so that there is competition for status as well as PBs." I have no idea about the upcoming designs and plans the devs have in store for us. The only way I see to combat the 'ego stroking' and 'epeen' that is being demonstrated, is to implement something "Official". Something like, as you mention, a scoreboard. That way the 'Ego lords and ladies' can be directed at the scoreboard. 5) To address the rest of the statements you made, I simply want to say nothing in a game is trivial. Anything and everything works in tandem with its pieces and provides some different value to whomever uses that functionality. Some people want to see dolphins where others want bigger guns, or just more 'stuff'. There is never a single thing that is more trivial than another when it comes to making a game. Its often the little things (thinking of Gandalf here actually lol) that keep the game moving forward. Its also the stuff that keep the people coming back on. For example: Crafting hours. How often have you logged in just to craft stuff for yourself or someone else!?! ^^^ @Devs We need more like this. Edited for readability
  6. Logged out is idle time. Logged in and at port, and not actively pursuing something (in queue), is idle time.
  7. I don't like how governments will be similar to other governments. Britain, Spain, France, etc. should have a king (or queen) who makes most of the decisions unilaterally Lord Protectors would claim land in the name of their ruler... anyone who claims land for someone else leaves the port open to attack internally. United States should have a democratic system of sorts based on individual land holders. As for the others, I dont know! Just something different would be nice!
  8. I agree! The vast majority of the players leaving never make it to even captain level before they get worn out from the grind. Many of these players are also in a clan where they just can not participate in the major ops because of the grind stands in their way. A squad in their big ships go and do the PB in their firsts. While people in B and C squad in their mercs/frigs get to patrol on the screen. Everyone knows that once A squad gets close to each other B and C squads gotta do their own thing so to speak.
  9. Theres alot of changes coming up, and there are also lots of players leaving the game. I personally think its because the nature of the game requires people to team up in groups, to have any sort of OW function, even when it comes to missions. What I mean is that, there are no solo players, and if there are, they are traders. The game has lost many of its players since it went live on EA, many of whom probably did not have the opportunity, or time, to play with others. To look how many players are leaving the game, look at the steam charts here: http://steamcharts.com/app/311310 Most of these poll questions are there in regards to improving gameplay while alone especially. Some affect the games' feel while offline as well. Its just bad design to punish those who cannot be online 24/7. Something needs to change to promote singular gameplay, so that it can rival that of a small groups' game play.This will obviously include more input from the singular player. At least this way, theres something to keep them coming back. Especially for those who are not able to contribute to a larger group due to time constraints or others. What can we do to promote people who cannot contribute many hours to this game, to log back in and play?
  10. The decline is steady. If the trend continues like this, there will be a player base half life every 3 months! In March alone 1/3 of the playerbase signed off for good. It would be nice to see some reward while not sailing such as rested bonuses, or even static income while in port. Maybe a server merger too please!?
  11. They are losing players because they are making too many changed at once. To be a good experiment, you need a control. Not test two theories at once and remove the control's purpose in the process.
  12. Should flags be able to be traded at port (free towns) from one faction to another and remain active?
  13. 2 characters limited to parent faction only. If parent goes pirate, so too does child. Child account can be played by human or bot and added to parent's fleet.
  14. Is the Le Gros Ventre above a Mortar Brig?
  15. Yes! Very good suggestion. Add one thing: Allow for more deliveries, as well as some form of CoD mail orders.
  16. There needs to be a way to allow other nations into a group. Not all the people I hunt with are US.
  17. Green on green friendly kills will result in demotion to midshipman if the number of kills reaches 2. The pirate who will get 3 kills will get his XP reset What is the difference between these two? Why do pirates get 3?
  18. There needs to be some form of warning before chat bans take place. Its a major source of fun in the game, and to be shamed in such a way as to not speak is quite the offensive retort. If a mod is about to ban someone the person they are about to ban should be warned before the ban action takes place. Not saying it happens often, but mods can be quite biased and act in the favor of their friends rather than the community.
  19. actually i just sink pirates all day. Dont care a damn about the east coast. GG And if you dont like the suggestion, then heres a new one. Remove pirate on pirate battles. Its a privilege other nations do not have, and its a perk that shouldn't be allowed if your a black nation. Not to mention its pointless. Or better yet just remove nations, and port battles. Problem solved. Its just a game right?
  20. Actually I did. Pirates would actually haul their ships onto a beach so they could scrape barnacles off. Pirates didn't trade with ports under a national flag. However, they would sometimes raid the ones on the outskirts if the party was large enough, but that was a rare occurence, and it was usually ports that had little to no value to their governments, or werent worth the time. I'm not saying there were no ports that dealt with pirates, but there were VERY few.
  21. This is going to be unpopular but knowing how everyone likes their history, I think its appropriate Historically, pirates could not get resources they desperately needed. If resources were acquired it was usually through plunder. The plundered goods that were not consume would usually be sold to various merchants they had dealings with, for a fraction of what merchants of the time would pay for from whichever port(s) they would be traveling to, and the merchants who made those types of deals profited greatly. In fact, pirates had so much trouble acquiring resources they needed to maintain their ships coupled with rare port access, they would often swap ships with their victims or salvage those ships and enslave the crews to maintain their own. This leads me to my suggestion, which I leave open for further suggestion. Instead of having pirates able to buy resources such as repair kits, and trade goods, have them plunder it. Enslave their victims' crew for labor hours, and generally, make it so the pirate life is not relative to the national one. Pirates were able to trade with merchants who in turn did business with the ports they had their contacts in. Also, historically speaking, foreign trade ships were generally welcome in ports not flying the same colors as their ship. For example, Britain and United States had quite a bit of trade between them. So to did the Danes and French. Edited for clarity.
  22. Yeah I understand. It would require two seperate hosts with redundant data behind firewalls, and authentication ofc. Within my skillset, but let me tell ya, I hate double work =\
  23. Yeah, I know. In that regard I don't understand why it cant be updated by users though. I could easily create my own database tables, make a simple web app from the given API, and allow updates that way. I think my Uni servers are still available to me... the only thing is I have no reliable, easy way to get the data from the game into a form on the web. Even if I could just copy pasta chars into a form somehow I could get it to work!
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