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Everything posted by Mrdoomed

  1. Its on a Thursday! !!!! Any bad bugs can be hot fixed on Friday hopefully! !!!
  2. Stay away from her ! If she sails with anyone it will be me and my mates, and it wont be off into the sunset it will be into the smoke and flame of enemy fire. Shes to fierce a pirate for sunset sailing. She is built for piracy and im saving a spot for her.
  3. Thats a brilliant idea !! As a curse I would NEVER have to buy another crew! !!
  4. Im so ready for it im going to take enough pain killers to fall asleep till its released so it dont seem long to wait.
  5. 100% pvp and that encompasses the rest.
  6. Shwing shwing shwing ! This week is half over shwing shwing, no way will it be released on a weekend so that means tomorrow or Friday shwing shwing.
  7. Seems like we are FINALLY gonna get ow battles all over the map!! Im most excited about this. With the only way to conquer ports is to raise hostility and that is only done by battles and missions thst stay open. That means tons of players in all regions to fight instead of the same old hotspots. I might have to use some of my old outposts. Only thing that worries me is all the battles will be 4 or more ships which will make piracy hard. Oh well more transport to attack !!. Next they should implement a mechanic that raises or lowers hostility by trade being done. Or maybe thats what the war goods thing will be.
  8. Hey "ping doesn't matter in this game" to quote all those pvp1 players who want us to play with them.
  9. I totally agree. I really hate that big brother has to step in and tell pirates how to act like pirates. These warrior pirates are tremendous fighters and so good at nation building, that i dont understand what drove themnto want to be a pirate. As anyone who knows me and our tiny clan can tell you, we act as close to true 17th century pirates as the gane allows (much to the anger of many ) and capturing a port is something we could care less about BUT i hate the idea that we are non longer going to be able to do that. If a pirate had the erge to capture a port and declare himself lord of that port it would be so nice to have that ability but why someone with the pirate mentality would want the responsibility of managing a empire is beyond me. In the end it is what it is and we will roll with it but i still wonder what drives players who obviously make good leaders and lords to play pirates rather than a emlire.
  10. I didnt say money cant postpone that erge. DREAD pirates do work for cash. Im not toxic im just honest
  11. Then whichever one of your alts has the ship in question then lets your other alt capture it then vice versa since you will always get 1 durability thus ensuring you will have the bp in a few minutes every time. Great idea.
  12. Since rats can join any battles and help or attack whoever, exactly who do they get pulled into with in the new roe?
  13. Or you could simply escort that transport ship and protect him. You could use the global and national chat and see where action is happening or where guys are being chased then go and help them.No idea what server on but im guessing its the server of Gods choice pvp1 that is full of people. You should not have to wait more than a few minites to find action. Im on the server of horror and doom and i can find a fight with 100 or less people on in usually 5 minutes or less. Rare days it does take 15 minutes. Your suggestion will simply cause even more people to just sit in port waiting for a battle they want to join and soon nobody will be in OW because they will all be in port waiting for a battle.
  14. Ive been waiting for port huggers to suggest this for 10 months. For to many reasons I say no no no no. If you want to see people in the open world then change things like missions (being done) take away instant teleports (causes people to just pop from port to port to see whats outside then leaving ) so players would once again be in the ow moving around. Have rewards for sinking or beating xx amount of enemies etc. Encourage open world combat and travel and exploration. I can think of dozens of things that could be added .
  15. I never see any of these brits or US guys pvp EVER . Seen a few of them in twitch doing empty pbs but i dont consider that pvp as much as a shooting gallery. I sail US and British waters when in on. I do NOTHING but look for people to take from. Ive never ever ever seen any of these guys in ow. This is exactly why the pirates best everyone. The pirates are NOT toxic at all ( least toxic online community ive seen in 4ever) and they pvp the others??? They never leave port exept to do quests or to do pbs. Even the gank squads who wait in port to jump a bs come out to gank. There is a huge difference between players for the 3 factions. If after pirates change and certain clans join a national faction that faction will take over the map ( psst my clan is for hire to raid shipping) and i wonder if there will be this much bitching then.
  16. I dont think im going to like it either but not because of players getting pulled in since they would have to leave port for that to happen. Im worried about the million ai fleets that are EVERYWHERE. I haven't seen how big the circle is yet so ill save judgment but i have a feeling ill be pulling in 5 plus ai with every attack.
  17. Lol rubish.Ok believe what you want. Those of us who saw it will remember the truth. P.S You have zero idea what my cause is which further proves my point. Why dont you ask the big scary pirates what i think of thier wars and what a big participant i am in them. Them taking all your ports hurts me more than it does you but hey believe what you want.
  18. Ha ha ha you guys have been best friends since the ow started. Making "deals" to take a few ports back and forth in mexico for the free drops . Dont even try and act like you two have ever fought other than a few squabbles between clans. The entire reasons a few pirates decided to wipe you out and give you a good spanking was because you relentlessly attacked pirates over and over again because you were scared to fight a fight with each other.
  19. The entire UI is a nightmare imho but its supposedly a placeholder. Im hoping with release there are way more settings and options and tabs and more.
  20. Hey bud. Yeah same thing here. Discectomy on L4-6 but both blew back out do to manual labor so had to get the fusion. My neighbor had to have a fusion and she is 20 years older and had even harder time than me but is now doing good. Ive got my fingers crossed because like you i haven't heard the best stories. My doctor is the #2 surgery in country for this surgery and says he thinks all will be just fine but its gonna take time. Thank God for naval action or id be crazy bored lol. Good luck with your surgery and keep me posted.
  21. Pain. When i do strength tests im fine and when i was eating steroids like pez i felt great. My pain seems to be inflammation related but damn this is over a month.
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