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Everything posted by Jorge

  1. Lo de los smuglers y los deliveries te suenan de algo ?
  2. Well...3 vs 1 today ????. But it's fine. After fighting all this time I think we are learning to respect each other.
  3. Last 3 days you and british bought +-35 flags to spanish ports...yesterday we fought 2 times in Barranquilla, 1 vs brits and 1 vs dutch, another 1st rate fleet screening...tonight brits and dutch bought flag to Barranquilla again, USA bought Cayó de Sal and they Lost PB, brits bought some flags more, only took Jagua (undefended), we won Barranquilla PB (good fight dutch and brits o7)and after Battle we sunk too many 4rd rates outside port. In fact your allies are helping you a lot actually.
  4. Límited british help...25+ first rates and many 4th.Dutch players have L'Ocean and rattle hvy.... The spanish is the only nation Who haven't any new blueprints. PD. A few days ago some spanish Captains captured a dutch L'Ocean.
  5. Lo repito por enésima vez, cada uno pone el precio que le da la gana...el que quiere compra y el que no quiere no lo hace. Los que estéis en un clan no tendréis problemas para conseguir barcos, el resto puede hacer dos cosas, hacerse ellos mismos los barcos o ganar dinero para comprarlos.
  6. Decid lo que queráis pero es imposible ganarle una guerra económica a los británicos, simplemente son como mínimo 4 veces más que nosotros, juegan en todas las fracciones horarias y, esto es un hecho, siempre tienen los recursos más valiosos a 10 minutos de su capital. Además los jugadores que solo se mueven por Cuba nunca irán a esas zonas.
  7. From spanish player...well done. You are doing the same we did in Mantua a few months ago and Robras 2 weeks ago. Bravo.
  8. Y por fin una idea brillante... Editado: ....pero, quien va a impedir que el Patógeno de turno los haga papilla ? Como se impedirá o limitará la entrada a los jugadores veteranos (y con acceso a upgrades más eficientes) a dichas zonas ?
  9. Dejando a un lado los países que están o debieran estar, a mi me encantaría jugar ese mapa.
  10. People like you who defends such comments did not care when we salute your German friend with a "Hi nazi"..... is the same trash talk you say, I do not think he likes ... but it's true, not it is racist.
  11. Pues deben de estar muy ocupados rezando el Ángelus...
  12. Ok, I agree with much of what you say, but you have to understand that we are tired of comments like that. It is true that moderators are not responsible for the education of the players. But from my point of view should refrain from making certain comments that cast doubt on its function within the game. Certainly there are terms that may seem culturally offensive and even racist depending on who has the say.
  13. How long will be the moderators abusing our patience? Is it not enough to tolerate racism ignorance and contempt of some players? Now we must face not only the acquiescence of some moderators with this kind of attitude, in addition some of them rejoice in such comments. For the record, i will publish these facts in the comments of Steam, for Spanish speakers know what kind of game will buy. Thank you.
  14. Jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja jajajajajaja Translate: Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha Hahahahahaha hahahahahaha hahahahahaha
  15. 8 (ocho) puertos más para la colección, incluido uno holandés.
  16. Jajajaja, in your better dreams
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