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Scorpio Shirica

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Everything posted by Scorpio Shirica

  1. Don't mean to necro, but a mod pointed to this thread to discuss this topic. I'm very much agreed to this. Would anyone be offended by the HMS Anonymous Pastries? Or is that too humorous to be accepted by this crowd?
  2. I proposed that in a different thread. I think it'd be cool if they could buy "Raider" flags in free towns. Then after they win a port battle it becomes "raided" until server reset and loses a lot of its resources. Maybe make raid flags much less expensive since they can't keep a raided town or make it so they get more gold, loot (read: booty) for winning their raids. It would make them unique as a threat everywhere there is free towns, instead of just out of their capital and I've seen a lot of pirates be OK with the concept as well. I also like admin's idea of giving pirates 'nation charters' that allow pirate guilds to form alliances that crystalize into nations, that may allow more emergent gameplay and make it so others' "immersion" is hurt less once they formalize becoming a nation.
  3. EH. The NPC's would have to be a lot more aggressive, do trade missions, etc. etc. You couldn't have 3rd rate NPC's sailing in front of capitals like they, else they'd just sink any newbie coming out of port. The analogy just doesn't work with how this game is designed and I very much like its design. I don't think the developer has infinite resources so would rather make suggestions that tweak existing systems instead of asking for new AI programming that may take another year or more of development.
  4. Any analogy to Star Citizen has to keep in mind they have very different systems as well. They have a relationship system and if you take something like a First Rate (i.e. Bengal Carrier) into a nation's space that isn't very trusting of you, then you can expect an armada to greet you in an unfriendly way. They also have a 90% NPC to player ratio. You know how they removed AI fleets from players? Star Citizen is going in the opposing direction. This game requires levels as a core mechanic of its progression. And I enjoy line fighting, so devs, please don't remove ships of line. <3 I love watching even 3rd rates trade blows with all the smoke, sound and splinters of wood going all over the place. No other game has that.
  5. The the recent nerf to undercrewed ships, I see rakes as a lot more devastating now.
  6. I wouldn't recommend this. Small and Large events provide an avenue to balance out fights so folks can have a chance at fair teams. They can be rewarded and not have to worry about getting in unbalanced fights. Not sure if they are balanced properly yet, but I think they provide an area where devs can create more balanced encountered.
  7. And don't say SLRN are against it because ramming somehow counters large guilds. Anyone who knows TEST, GOONSWARM, etc. will know ramming is easy for large guilds due to large numbers able to throw away vast quantities of cheap stuff. Truth is, ramming is a fun mechanic, but highly exploitable as shown by these guys tossing their ships against the flag carrier.
  8. Added premium ships and skins/ cosmetics as other options as lots of folks seem to like those. You can delete your previous vote and do multiple choices when voting.
  9. is there a way to calculate in-engine what damage would be if integrity was there?
  10. Someone said something in that earlier thing that struck me. A Cutter whose shots simply bounced off a hull wouldn't stop a fleet from reinforcing another, nor would a frigate failing to do any damage to a Ship of the Line truly be able to slow it down. Maybe a damage threshold should be in place for keeping someone in battle, like a full penetrating shot that can clearly damage the enemy ship over time needs to be required to keep a ship engaged.
  11. Yeah, Admin mentioned in another thread the idea of pirates being able to form their own nations. Sounded like a cool idea as well, not limiting and gives them more potential. However, the "raid" idea would encourage piracy in different corners of the map and make them a unique threat everywhere. People should just stop their wishful thinking of pirates being perfectly historical, wouldn't be as fun in a sandbox like this one.
  12. I trust devs who are professionals at game design over amateurs when it comes to feel though. Feedback from players is good, but I trust you guys are testing it yourselves too?
  13. Or when they implement crew/ officers, there's a chance that your own crew/ officers die when you ram. That way it's a realistic way to balance it, isn't that why ships during this time avoided ramming anyway? The damage they could do to their own rigging, cannons and crew?
  14. What if pirates could "raid" them instead of conquest them? If a nation failed to stop a pirate attack on a port, then it would simply be contested until server reset the next day and have less resources than before? Maybe give pirates increased booty and allow them to purchase "raid" flags from every free port or designated pirate port? Thoughts?
  15. Maybe when you implement crew, make it so they can only be found at free towns that are at different areas around the map. Or they have specialized crew that can't be found elsewhere. This would encourage convoys to go through enemy territory. I guess upgrades, resources or something else could also serve as a carrot to encourage more people taking risks far from home port.
  16. Delaying tactics with obvious intent to win a larger goal is allowed. Wasting time for someone with no intent except to anger the other party, griefing, be disallowed. Don't assume malice what can be attributed to ignorance. No game mechanics need introduced that would create new exploits or problems, simply a tribunal discussion between the community to determine intent.
  17. With all due respect, Admin has already stated that he wants to establish a rule as to these sorts of events. Knowing all factors around the event help to establish opinion. If the opposing side had the ability to fight these two frigates, presumably trying to attack the Santi without getting in range of her guns, but chose not too... then I would suspect that leniency should be granted to the two frigates kiting the Santi? They were at risk at some point and the opposing side chose not to take advantage of that risk. A further question of mine would be though to find the intent. How can we know if Kutai legitimately thought he could damage the Santi's sails enough to do real damage to the ship or was simply keeping it separated from the larger fight the intent? And are either of intents something that should be banned? Or is it not the intent, but how the intent is acted upon the determining factor of if it should be banned?
  18. Wait. They had two frigates with the Santi as escort to begin with? Why did they leave their Santi alone? Shouldn't they have made sure the Santi' got out before leaving? I'm a bit confused as to that point. I know my own guild has left me in my Consti behind to protect a First Rate class ship. I sure as hell wasn't going to leave before the more important ship got out.
  19. I maintain that it is a strategy, a lame and potentially infuriating strategy, but a strategy. It'd also encourage rate ships to not reinforce battles without an escort and give frigates or smaller ships a more defined role. I feel bad for those caught in it, but I think it would be poor form to force others into fighting with honor. If they want to be known as honorless knaves that will resort to cheap and underhanded tactics, then I think they should be able to do so.
  20. Hey mate, he asked at the bottom of his original post what the community thinks, just responding to that. If it ain't wanted, then my apologies.
  21. Seems a valid strategy for smaller ships to keep larger ones engaged. They can dodge fire while distracting ships of the line. Infuriating, but a way for smaller ships to even the odds against ships of the line. Since SOLs are generally larger and slower, this would give smaller ships a more defined role and ensure that SOL's are not going to be the forever end all goal for people. From what I understand, these frigates were of the opposing faction and not abusing tagging or anything. Maybe in the future, ensure SOL's are kept with frigate escorts so the frigates can drive off any enemy ships trying to keep it engaged?
  22. Funny enough, the choices I picked all match exactly what's in the poll. XD
  23. Well... I did see some arguments that we should get rid of all AI together. Maybe those folks are happy?
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