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Everything posted by Husserl

  1. When a unit has lost over 65% of its men, will retreat permanently the very next time that will be found in retreat state (0 morale).
  2. We've already spotted this issue and the team is working on fixing it with the next weekly patch.
  3. No changes yet to saves but there will be. Currently your game is saved when you abort the battle. Then you choose Continue in main menu to load your save.
  4. We are very sorry for the new issue that appeared. It is probably a side effect of the new fix applied to eliminate the lag/freeze issues. Unfortunately it was not met to any of our test machines. The team has already started working on that.
  5. @ Edgy As noted, the game is under constant improvement. The wrong retreat issue is a major concern and it will be shorted out but we'll try to do it without adding a new game mechanic. @ David The next additions have to do with reports and statistics (pre-battle, post-battle, OoB, etc.), menu finalization (decision maps, etc.), multiplayer mode and some more... surprises. Of course there is the permanent process of bug fixes, AI and gameplay improvement but without adding new mechanics (unless it becomes inevitable). Another factor that forces us to be cautious in adding new mechanics is the expansion to the rest platforms (after PC, Mac and iOS, the version for Android and Linux will follow).
  6. Hi Johanisce and thanks for the offer! Localization has already started and will include all the main languages.
  7. R.E.B. has revealed one of these strategies! About the titles: they are different because every battle in campaign carries a title that has a meaning in the sequence of the battles/phases. In custom battles, titles are a bit more generic and autonomous. However there is a good merit in your observation and noted (all texts will be re-visioned and improved if necessary some time in the future).
  8. It is not actually a matter of "likeness". We avoid to add new major features/mechanics while in Early Access and before the official full release that will force us to rebalance or/and revision large parts of the game. Our current main objective is to add the planned missing features, ensure the stability of the game and improve it as much as it is possible for the final version 1.0. Of course the game will always be under improvement state and all the fun requests are noted. I am pretty sure that most of them will finally be added in UG:G.
  9. Thanks for the feedback. The team is working in the issue.
  10. I got a couple of screen about the issue: From Seminary, the western slop of Cemetery is visible and arty units are active. From Cemetery there is a limited area visible on Seminary Ridge. There are some obstacles between but since they are on the (very light) slope perhaps they shouldn't block so much sight. We shall keep a note of that to see how we can improve it.
  11. Using a military strategy makes impossible for the CS to capture all VP in phase 1. However, using some tricks of a strategy... game player it comes possible! About arty: the best way is to keep all units together. Until the rest of the Heth's Division arrives, there is no point to advance fast because later you'll be found outnumbered by the Union I Corps. The primary objective here is to secure McPherson Ridge protecting your arty units. When Pettigrew and Brockenbrough arrive you can launch your main attack. Also, when the last arty reinforcements arrive keep a couple of them on Herr Ridge (advancing the rest with the main force), loaded permanently with cannister. Also pull back the Heth Skirms, or even better Archer if the he has suffered heavy casualties. Then just pray that hostile units will do maneuver to attack Herr Ridge, because they will have no chance!
  12. Thanks for the report, will be checked. In every next battle, the choice for the units that will be involved is depending on the location and the historical data. For example if the Confederates decide to flank the Union left at Devil's Den, you will do that always with the fresh 1st Corps and some elements of the 3rd. So most of the units of the 3rd and 2nd Corps, that fought the previous battles of the 1st day, won't be available for the specific battle. The same stands for the Union where the III Corps and elements of the II will defend Peach Orchard and Devil's Den. 4th Day is not implemented yet. We are working on the lag and some scrolling issues and soon they will be fixed. You cannot avoid a melee if your units are being charged by the enemy, unless you keep falling them back (which cannot be done if you pay attention elsewhere than your flank). You can place some strong brigades and order them to Hold position with a couple of batteries armed with cannister. Or you can keep those strong brigades as reserves in the bag. In this case when your flank units retreat after melee throw your fresh reserves on the tired attackers. Some last minute issues forced us to postpone it for a couple of days. Programmers are working hard to prepare also the multiplayer UG:G and there is currently a heavy load of work.
  13. The arrival of reinforcements is triggered on a pre-defined random time, around the historical one. For example if Union I Corps arrived at Gettysburg at 11:00 am, it will enter the field on a random time around 11:00 am. If a previous battle has been delayed, the arrival of reinforcements in the next battle will be delayed accordingly.
  14. Normally you should be able to, there are no other reports on this issue. You can copy straight the web address as a text and after saving the post it will be "transformed to a link" or use the link button to enter it.
  15. In every next battle the units are placed to positions close to those they had in previous one. With the exception of some specific cases, the captured points should always remain at the side the has captured them. If this is not happening please, pause game and report the case to our Support sub-forum, attaching game's log file (see at http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/881-common-technical-problems-and-solutions/, how you can access it).
  16. Additionally, the strategic importance of VP is reflected in that they determine the next battle that will follow (map, deployment, etc.). Adding more VP will increase the possible combinations and the need to create additional battles.
  17. Hi Mtp34! You can use the Hold button (or the H key) to command your unit to hold position. Your unit will stay in its current position until it will be re-ordered, or fall back because of a low morale.
  18. Hi pcpete100! There is a good merit in your question. Just abort the battle using the menu button at the lower left corner. Your current game will be saved. When you will restart UG:G, select Continue in main menu. This is a temporary save function as the save system is not finalized yet.
  19. Hi PiyRe and welcome to UG:G community! The easiest way to use your artillery while defending, is to place them on the high ground and let them automatically to pick their targets. If an arty unit does not fire then it has not a clear Line of Sight. You have to move it in a better position or leave it there if it is a good strategic position. Sooner or later a hostile unit will come in its sight. There is no reason to have all your arty units fire from the start of the battle. If they do they'll be soon tired and need to recover, letting you for a period of time actually without artillery force. Other ways to use your arty effectively is to make some groups having some in auto mode, other loaded with shell and some loaded with canister. In this way you can have different arty units to deal in deferent ranges and situations. Also have a look to a tactic described here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/1257-artillery-not-feeling-the-love/#entry26677
  20. Please have in mind that the arty target's covering, plays a significant role in the inflicted casualties. Also, the plans of the arty use is needed to be adjusted according to the tactics player has in mind. For example if some arty units are planned to be used for canister shots, they must be preserved fresh and loaded for the critical moment. In this case there is no chance to be overwhelmed by the attacking hostile units. One of my favorite tactics in such cases is this: when I defend, I pick some arty units in my front line and place them in a beautiful line, held and canister loaded. In this way they will not fire solid or shell shots and will be ready... when I'll need them. Additionally I place some infantry brigades just in front of them. This is done for 2 reasons: first to screen hostile fire and, most important, to mislead the AI. If the AI sees infantry brigades in front it will most probably come in a line, (the way I want it to do). If I have my arty exposed in the front, first they will become immediately the target of the hostile artillery and second the AI will probably send its infantry in double and triple brigade groups to disable them (one to get the fire and the next to charge and eliminate them). So holding them hidden, behind of my infantry brigades, I wait for the AI approaching in a good line. After the first volley exchanges, I fall back my infantry brigades. This move usually make the opponent to purse them. But then it falls in the trap, facing suddenly my held in position, fresh batteries that "welcome" them with a devastating, coordinated and lethal cannister barrage! The outcome is easy to be imagined! If a brave hostile brigade keeps advancing after the shock (which almost never happens in a such case), I charge the brigade that is behind the arty unit to finish the job. Then either I repeat this tactic advancing again my brigades in front of the batteries, or I fall back my batteries behind my infantry brigades, depending on the circumstances on the field at that moment.
  21. Hi Practical Lobster and thanks for feed back. AI is constantly revised and improved after player's valuable feed back. Also there are still a couple of things we are not happy with. For example the first day that US are vastly outnumbered, the Union AI is very difficult to be adjusted perfectly because we do not use cheat bonuses. This is one of the reasons that you've noticed a similar outcome when you play as CS. However, we shall finally make it the way it has to be. About the battle outcome, the calculation formulas are still in an early version and we have already planned to revision them during the Early Access period.
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