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Everything posted by Husserl

  1. Is this permanent, does not fix if you restart the game? If it is please provide more details about your hardware/specs.
  2. This is inaccurate. "Light" units like cavs and skirms have completely different behavior and mechanics than the infantry brigades (range, rate of fire, cover, abilities, movement, behavior, etc.). Skirms may look similar with the infantry brigades but this is the only thing in common. I should agree that these units have the less historical representation in the game, however, they didn't play a crucial role in the battle -except the very first hours on the morning of July 1st- and the same stands in UGG: it is mainly an infantry battle. From that point of view the (very welcome and desired) criticism about the game's historicity seems unbalanced regarding the game as a whole. In terms of gameplay design, there will be always limitations in the available time, resources and technical abilities of each project that will ultimately force the initial intentions to be boxed in a final result. Every game developer wishes this process to be the way around but unfortunately (or fortunately in production terns) this does not happen and compromises inevitably will appear. On the other hand we learn from our mistakes and try in every next step to be better than in previous one. In Ultimate General we remain devoted in offering quality historical game and committed to hard working and to an open, sincere relation with our fans. And Gettysburg was just the beginning...
  3. It is depending on the situation, the map, etc. A first tactic is to make a big "U" during the enemy's attack by falling back your week center (use the related control so you won't turn your back to the enemy) and surround the attacker with your strong flanks (check the "H" deployment of the Greek forces , which turned to "U" in the battle of Marathon). Also do not rush to use your artillery and exhaust it. In contrast, group most of them and select canister. In this way they will remain fresh until the enemy comes close. Then when the time is right unleash hell. If he attacks one of your flanks then fall back that flank and attack with the other one (check the variation of Epaminondas and his oblique line of attack). Fall back button and the swift changes of canister/shell will be your friends here.
  4. Currently we are working on ios, which will soon be released. Hold your android for the moment, you'll always need some... reserves in UG:G!
  5. Hi Ligatorswe, what options do you have available at the bottom of your posts (under your sign at the right)? There should be the Report, Edit, and Delete (in gray) there. If you do not have the Delete use the Report and ask the moderators to delete it for you. Some sub-forums like Forum Troublesjooting are protected and perhaps there are limitiations in the available options. I suggest to make this check at a post of yours in a another sub-forum and compare. For some changes like the title, after you select Edit you need also to select the Use Full Editor button to be able to do them.
  6. Let me rephrase my answer because I think that it was misunderstood. As noted "In some scenarios the armies may withdraw from forward and exposed points that have captured, for a better deployment and defense in next battle.". The "may" was not for this occasion where always the Union will withdraw from Oak Ridge. Oak is too exposed and surrounded from the west, north and east. Also it is far from the Cemetery where the Army of the Potomac is being deployed (and there are portions still en route). Ewell has an open way to attack Culp's hill (a decision that historically could have changed the course of the battle but never made by Ewell). However, in other battles this may not happen (here goes the "may"). This is determined mostly from the current situation and the overall strategy of each side. It would be difficult to note in details in which of the 80+ battles this may happen or not and why. Moreover, it would spoil the tactical challenges that UG:G offers to the player.
  7. The intensity and the fade out time of the LoS can be adjusted in game's Options.
  8. The map cannot be rotated as the game is not 3D.
  9. In other words the R.E.B. Blunt's list is a n excellent strategic and tactical guide. Blunt I suggest to make a new topic and place it in OP.
  10. This is not a bug. In some scenarios the armies may withdraw from forward and exposed points that have captured, for a better deployment and defense in next battle.
  11. To achieve the historical flow of battle playing as the Confederates: 1. In the first battle hold only Herr's Ridge. 2. In decision room select the first choice (Attack and take Gettysburg). 3. In this battle take all the points except the Cemetery Hill. 4. In decision room select the second choice (Launch an attack at Federal left). 5. At Devil's Den capture the Peach Orchard and Round Top. 6. In decision room select the first choice (Attack Union center!). Playing as Union is more tricky to succeed the historical scenario because the CS keep the initiative after the first battle. That means that in a couple of cases in decision room, the player is forced to make a choice that lets the AI to decide for the next battle: 1. In the first battle hold everything but Herr's Ridge. 2. In decision room select the first choice (Defend the ridges north of Gettysburg at all costs!). 3. In this battle hold only Cemetery Hill. Important: Before the very end of the battle save the game! 4. Here, there is only one available decision, to hold positions on Cemetery. The AI however has more choices (this is the meaning of meeting only one available choice in a.. decision room, the AI will decide for the next battle). The AI can choose here, either to attack the same day at Cemetery, or to wait and attack Union center the next day (2 variations). You have no other choice but to select the single available decision. If the AI has chooses another battle instead of Devil's Den, load the save and try again. Repeat until the AI selects Devil's Den. 5. At Devil's Den hold the Cemetery Ridge and little Round Top. Important: Before the very end of the battle save the game! 6. Select the second choice which again gives the AI the initiative. Repeat the same process as in step 4: use your save until the AI decides to attack at Cemetery for the Pickett's charge.
  12. Unfortunately they do not. The General unit represents the corps and the division commanders. Devision commanders are present only in the Order of Battle.
  13. Husserl

    Reload Problem

    Hi Whosim! This is reported for first time, we never had this issue before. Most likely it was an accidental server issue, however if it happens again, before starting a new game, send us the logs to investigate the issue. See here how to do that: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/881-common-technical-problems-and-solutions/
  14. If you are playing against aggressive AIs that like to charge all the time then most likely the battle will always delay.
  15. I'll check to see how practical it is to note the specific sequence of choices that must be made in the decision room that will lead to a historical campaign.
  16. Yes, the units do not replenish their statistics between 2 phases. In the guide, under the chapter Basic Gameplay Factors, there are useful details about morale and condition.
  17. If you have not started a new campaign please submit the log files to investigate the issue (see here how to) or a save (if you had kept one for this battle).
  18. Hi BG_Stewart! I have two G300 Logitech mouses but had never met such a problem with either of them. Perhaps a hardware issue?
  19. There are enemy units charging around the Bender's farm. In this case the battle will be delayed. When charges stop and the 2 sides remain in the positions shown, the battle will finish in the next 2-3 minutes.
  20. The facing of the unit at destination is determined by the head of the arrow-path. If you want your unit to have a specific facing on destination, just draw the path accordingly:
  21. Hi Dr Romeo! I should suggest to play one campaign as CS (there is a reason for that) to unlock the custom battles related with the Confederates (advancing to every next phase unlocks the battles). Then in custom battles you can choose the: 1. July 1 - Morning: Arriving at Gettysburg (Historical scenario) 2. July 1 - Afternoon: The Confederates are driven back to Herr's Ridge (Historical scenario) 3. July 2 - Afternoon: Longstreet attacks the Union left flank (Historical scenario) 4. July 3 - Pickett charges the Union center (Historical scenario) This is pretty much the historical battle. It is better to play them as CS against a defensive AI. In this way the AI/Union will defend their positions while the player/CS can reproduce more faithfully the historical offensive moves.
  22. Welcome back Cerebus. The game will be automatically updated. If you want to make a fresh clean install please follow the instructions found here: http://forum.game-labs.net/index.php?/topic/881-common-technical-problems-and-solutions/ under the Essential clean-up of game folder.
  23. A quick tip on that: Put your arty units in a group and assign a group button (use lasso selection where possible and continue with Ctrl + left click for the rest spread out arty units). In this way when you click the group button their flags will be shown bigger. After that do not forget to click on the map to disable group selection before you give an order to an individual arty unit.
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