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Baron Quertier

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Everything posted by Baron Quertier

  1. Am I right in saying that when all priorities are complete the ships and crews (graphics) will be improved. So more crew moving about and so on. Would it perhaps be possible to include signals in that. Obviously there are already enough ways of communicating with other captains, but just as an extra graphical thing to have signals run up and down every now and then during a battle. Obviously it's not a priority and I could take it or leave myself, but would be a nice suttle realism thing.
  2. I have a couple of suggestions that may have been mentioned before, also they are fairly modest suggestions that I myself could take or leave so I don't expect a brilliant response. Perhaps- captains should get pay, not a lot just a small amount every 7th maintanance or something like that.mMaybe the higher the rank the more they get. Not enough to 'live off' but a regular bit of gold, officers would get wages after all. There next is more a request for a bit of information as well as a suggestion. I may have misunderstood but I got the impression that some sort provisioning mechanic is to be implemented eventually. If it is, my suggestion/ request is how it is to implemented, will it effect crew morale. I was thinking of something along the lines of the mount and blade games where fresher food and certain types and variety give moral bonuses thus making your men work harder. I'm sure it's all been thought of. I also think that captain/ officer supplies should be included because the officers and captain wouldve eaten differently to the men (as long as stock lasted) in those day I believe it was important for the class divide in such matters. They felt it was important for discipline.
  3. No just means, we're happy to play the game as it is and will fight anyone who is up for a bout. Friendly or otherwise.
  4. Maybe referring to it as a good idea was wrong wording on my part, an 'interesting idea' would've been better. That is why I asked for more information on it. However I do like Galileus' idea though.
  5. As for a 'community manager' or whatever you want to call it. It's a good idea. But wouldn't it take a team. Very similar to the mods. Would you mind elaborating on your ideas please sir.
  6. Galileus I have to admit, I disagree with many of your comments and points of view, but that sir is a good idea in my opinion. After the latest bout of disagreements and arguing. I have to decided to follow my friend Grim DeGrim and keep out of the national news, which for me used to be a great source of roleplay and fun. As for the game itself, I have got any problems. I rarely take part in PBs and i haven't been on the receiving end of any nasty comments. Every one in my eyes seem to be as nice as pie in game. But the national news... Not so much.
  7. I don't know a huge amount about it myself. At a guess I would think that the area referred to as Barbary states, was the name given to an area that didn't have a central government as we see it. But a group of smaller 'states' possibly tribal or clan based. I know they were quite handy pirates. But I have made this comment without looking up my answer so I'm probably completely wrong.
  8. You say I don't know what I'm talking about sir. Partly true, I was arguing against the notion that DRUNK simply attack lone traders and the like, I've worked with them over the last couple of weeks and can't say I've seen them tag a single trader, not saying they haven't mind. I understand that there are things that gone on on Swedish nation chat. I obviously can't comment on that because I don't have access to it, being of the French nation. I was simply trying to work at some way of reconciliation between DRUNK and the rest of the Swedish guys because in my opinion I think the two could work very well together if done in the right way. You backed that up yourself with your comment.
  9. Mon amie, Alanxo. Always kind, helpful and level headed. o7
  10. Again you are wrong, I understood that a Swedish squadron had marked success against the Dutch and I congratulate them. I have been in Danish territory with drunk captains and a large Danish force attacked them, I and 2 other ABC captains joined the battle to assist them, we were outnumbered and far outgunned. I myself have been tagged by large groups of Danes whilst sailing alone in Danish territory, which is fair does in my books, they felt I was a threat. It happens regularly. But then why shouldn't they take advantage of outnumbering their enemy when they get a chance. What happens between drunk and swede nation I can't comment on for lack of knowledge.
  11. Using speedy Rens is all a part of a hit and run strategy when working 'behind enemy lines' as it were. So now they're pirates for using sounds military tactics and strategy.
  12. If you took some time to sail alongside DRUNK like i have, you will see that you couldn't be more wrong. I have been in many actions with drunk and the reason they use speedy RENs is because they are often outgunned and outnumbered fighting within their enemies borders with the nearest safe port far away. Last week when the Dutch launched their attack on Swedish home waters, my own guild along with some members of drunk were at St George (one of the Dutch flag targets) there were many other Swedish ships and captains there who can confirm this. In the end it was a Dutch ruse and we sailed off into Dutch territory for reconnaissance and to harrass any stragglers. If I were the Swedish council I would want use drunk as a weapon, a group of guys willing to take risks and go where most wouldn't. They don't always win but what a pain in the arse of any enemy they must surely be. Perhaps a temporary exchange of two or three higher ranking players between drunk and HRE/ KF, just for a couple of days or a week might help people to understand eachother that little bit better and see that things are a lot simpler than people think.
  13. The irony is, the CSNF will probably complain. But the nation that has been attacked will probably just counter attack the next day against the port that was taken.
  14. No it's not, it's simply an accusation. Hugo sir, you are correct in all your points except that the minority might not want to fight the enemies that have been chosen by others players. When EDR went with the rest of the French national and surrendered to the Danes and Dutch, I left the guild. I didn't see it as check mate yet and wanted to continue the fight. That being said I completely understood that many felt the situation may have risked a loss of player base. I have since been in some great battles with the Danes that ended with respect passed back and forth.
  15. It's not perfect, but then nothing ever is. It's simple. I like it.
  16. If I remember right, DRUNK were a happy part of the Swedish nation until the Danes came and whacked the swedes into submission. That was when the DRUNK rebellion began. They were in happy about the surrender and the giving of territory to the Danes. Just the same the guild I belong to. Just treat them as a small group of rebels fighting for the occupied territories return to Sweden or something like that. There is no need to start trying to mess with people game account and stuff like that.
  17. I personally think that with some fine tuning this system can work
  18. The only fair way to do this in my opinion is in a similar way to how I think the PB timer thing should be, and that is for it to be free of player interference. Apart from nations ruled by military dictatorship, most real world countries have a political system where the military has no say on how things are run in their country and the foreign policy. So I feel that NA should be the same. Players shouldn't be able to say "don't attack them because we are friends" when they are only really talking for their own guild. Now if there was some kind of 'party political system' where players can vote for a certain 'party', like every month for example. Each party has its own agenda and preferred enemies and so on. The 'party' then gives out fleet orders and when these orders are carried out players get some bonus gold or XP or whatever. Bit like admiralty missions but on a national level. And perhaps allowing for some kind of 'dissent' mechanic or 'unrest' within a nation that can boil over into civil isn't so farfetched an idea. It's not perfect but atleast it's not one group bullying another,
  19. Allow the big clans to vote? I don't like it. It's still not fair on the rest. Vaan you talk about the real life historical aspect of being an officer in the nations navy and you are right about the court matial thing. But we are talking about players commanding other players who aren't in their guild, and telling them what to do or be punished.
  20. I think the 51% and 49% were just an example from admin, don't get you knickers in a twist.
  21. Doesn't matter what percentage, why should any amount of players who paid the same price for the game have to do what a handful of 'elected' players say. Some of the good people of EDR wanted to brand the small guild I belong to as pirates because we didn't want to follow the 'command' of CSNF. Well I didn't elect or vote for anyone to 'take command'. We sorted our differences out by talking and We are still on a friendly footing, we don't get in eachothers way at all.
  22. What diplomacy system. There isn't one yet, I'm sure when one is brought in and it becomes binding then individuals won't have a choice.
  23. So where is the common sense in trying to get a bunch of guys punished for playing a game they bought how they want (inside the game rules).
  24. You'd like to think so but then here people are trying to get a bunch of guys forced into something they don't want to do, by starting a tribunal when clearly no rules set but the devs have been broken.
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