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King Gustavus Adolphus

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Landsmen (1/13)



  1. Dear all, Peace has been agreed between the Dutch and Swedish nation. The peace treaty includes the following: The Swedish insertion into the Dutch territory lost it's momentum and reached a stalemate. To prevent the war dragging on, the Swedish have approached the Dutch for a peace treaty. The agreed treaty contains the following: - Return La Blanquila and St Georges to Dutch nation - Macanao to return to the Swedish nation for 2 days to evacuate ships, and will be returned to Dutch after that. Let it be known the nations also agree the following terms: - Evacuated swedish ships from macanao wont be used in future war against the dutch - Open world pvp is possible but not in homewaters - No mission or trader jumping/ raiding around home-waters - Silver will be traded from the dutch towards Sweden for 10% above production costs, amounts to be discussed Rogue players that dont respect the treaty will be sunk without any effect on relationships Signed King Gustavus Adolphus On behalf of HRE, KSKGE and KF - the swedish clans participating in the war. PS1: We would like to express our thanks to the Dutch clans the dutch unaffiliated players for putting up with several excellent fights. It has been good-spirited, and very civil in 99% of the battle chats. We really appreciate this - You have been a worthy adversaries and we wish you the best of luck in the future, wherever the caribbean winds take you. PS2: In good spirited discussions with between diplomats in Sweden/Dutch, we agreed to post this in General forums.. As soon as this is signed by the Dutch reps, we would request the mods to lock this thread.
  2. A declaration from His Highness King Gustavus Adolphus, King of Swea, Goths and Wendes; it has come to my attention that a Rogue naval unit of the Swedish Navy has broken my explicit orders to respect our signed cease fire with the Danish Nation, by attacking and capturing completely undefended Danish Harbours. The Peace treaty with the Danes has been signed by all the major nobles and clans of Sweden. Breaking this cease fire, and the repeated attempts by the [DRUNK] clan to provoke a war with the Danish nation, has forced me to declare this clan traitors to the swedish nation. I therefore demand that the swedish clans and nobles to brand these traitors as Pirates. King Gustavus Adolphus The Lion from the North
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