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Baron Quertier

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Everything posted by Baron Quertier

  1. Thank you very much sir for the kind words. It's much appreciated
  2. With respect Tatann we all fully understand the reasons why France agreed to surrender, keeping the game balanced and everything that comes with it. You gents are not fools, I have upmost respect for you all. We disagree with our territory being swept from under us in twos day and the humiliation of playing by another nations rules. We would rather be working with the French council than outside it Monsieur. Merci pour le commentaire
  3. ***************************************RESERVED FOR FUTURE USE*****************************************
  4. Join Les Abaissé [ABC] Fight For A Free France! No more dictation from our enemies and their servants Help remove the blade from our nation's throat Have your own say on the organisation of the guild- All men will have their opinion heard Keep up the action, Relentless, indefatigable, with honour and sportsmanship For you brave hearts that wish to continue the fight, join us Let our enemies from Denmark- Norway and the Netherlands know they cannot sail the carribean with impunity Friendly atmosphere with friend and foe alike For the common man to make a difference Fight for your own France! Basic understanding of English but all Frenchmen welcome Contact via PM: Organiser Morey Organiser Grim DeGrim Organiser Francis Tabernac
  5. thank you very much i'm glad you enjoyed it mate...
  6. I wouldn't really expect it from an Aussie. You guys are too chilled out for that.
  7. Ok, very good. Was just curious that's all. Wasn't sure that maybe it had been agreed to just any further action on the outcome or not.
  8. I heard Adm Caldwell has a carronade under his hat that reloads itself (also out of fear). I have to ask. For all you Swedish and Danish (nations) players, how binding are you going to treat the outcome of this poll. Or is it simply a cannon measuring contest?
  9. You say that wyspa, but would any nation in history want their allies to agree to a separate peace deal and leave them facing their enemies alone. With or without their former partners possibility of joining their enemies.
  10. Yeah, I find myself agreeing with Galileus (for a change) in regards to not allowing in game disagreements effect people's view of real life people. I think we're all awesome, not trying to sound like a hippee. The way I see it if a nation is reduced to one port, the players have to persevere, the enemy can't keep that one port bottle up for ever, it's a chance to use a clever amount of strategy to break the siege and siege territory. Myself and some others haven't been in French territories since the 'surrender', we are taking our chances with the free ports. It's not ideal but we're making it work.
  11. Yes, just because a nation has a larger fleet doesn't mean they are the devil. I noticed the Pirates attacked Saint Marc's last night and took it. The point from 'assault on st Marc's has begun' or whatever it says to 'pirates capture st Marc's' was about 10 minutes, 15 at most. I wonder how many British ships managed to get into battle. There are ways that a smaller adversary can fight you know, so all this pony about the British being some great grotesque sea creature funny to me. Although I strongly agree with Immundissime about the whole ships being dragged into battle in u realistic circumstances. I mean in reality screening squadrons could trade shots with incoming fleets but if a ship of the line wanted to get to part they'd get passed frigates, not without suffering damage but I'm sure they could do it.
  12. I agree with, if you want war then go for it. But I do think as players we have to think about our attacks. The game isn't just about port battles don't think. You can have battles in open sea. You can blockade, and you can sort of raid. Of course there aren't mechanics for the last two but you don't really need dedicated mechanics for them. I know PB give the most in return for your efforts in battle and maybe that's part of the problem. I won't vote, simply because i see the vote as a Sverige, Denmark- Norway thing
  13. Don't worry monkey bullet, our tiny group of 'rogue players' have picked the Danes as our main target, you aren't completely safe but have less to fear I jest of course. I myself completely get where you and every one who made the peace treaty are coming from, I understand it as a player. However as an in character captain I can not abide to it. No sir. Stand to yours guns I say.
  14. I heard from a local who fled the scene and boarded thunder child in the rush that what decided the matter in the square was a battery of guns arriving and, one fire a small charge blank. But then the gun crews were very visible in loading the white bags carrying the grape that would slaughter the crowd of they didn't disperse. Damn their eyes.
  15. Danish occupation zone, Terre de bas. A students letter home to his sister intercepted by Danish authorities. Mr dearest sister, I am determined to write to you regarding a most peculiar event that happened in the old market square yesterday evening. I was walking along the cliff path, you know the one we walked on your last visit to the island. I was thinking about how the Danish garrison grows daily and must soon outnumber the people in town. As I rounded the point to take the walk back into town, there hiding in the deep bay right up under the cliffs was a warship. I nearly stumbled over my own feet in surprise. On closer inspection I realised that she had no national flag flying, surely she was Danish but why was she so well concealed. I could see her stern (her rear end dear sister) and just make out the name, 'Thunder Child' I think it said. I have seen the corvette thunder child in port several times in the past but she couldn't really be here, the Danes had the island bolted up under their heel. I continued walking into town dreading my realisation that Thunder Child must surely be a prize of some rotten Viking privateer. As I turned the corner to the old market square I saw a large bustling crowd. My first thoughts were that food shipments had started to arrive again and the old stalls were reopening, then I noticed the men, dressed in cloaks walking amongst the crowd distributing the red armbands and leaflets and the crowd was growing more and more excited. A man in a long navy style foul weather coat with his sword visible stood up on an old cart and began shouting to the crowd whilst waving a handful of leaflets around in the air. He cried out against the occupation and easy capitulation of the our military. He told us to be patient, liberation would come, the revolution was happening. He said it would come from the warships of the French navy, with or without the orders from the men at the top. He then waved his arm and the leaflets were thrown amongst the crowd. He then started shouting 'VIVE LA FRANCE' and the chant was taking up by the crowd, I even found myself shouting it. The excitement came to a swift end as a cavalry trumpet blew and a squadron of Danish horsemen appeared at one end of the square, swords drawn. Surprisingly the crowd continued chanting whilst slowly drifting away. I turned and the man from the stage was gone, as were the men in cloaks. What excitement, I'm now sitting at my desk, still wearing my red armband. I enclose a copy of the leaflet, I had to write it out for you because the original got soaked. VIVE LA FRANCE, VIVE LA RÉVOLUTION! People of France, Brothers and Sisters The revolution has begun. We are not to be slaves or puppets to the marauding Vikings or their Dutch lackeys. We are not be dictated to by men who would bow to their wishes in exchange for land. Our once glorious leaders have a knife at their throat, Fight now before that knife can be plunged deep and twisted at any moment. Our enemies feel they can overwhelm and subdue our free fighting spirit by taking our territory and resources, they are mistaken. SUPPORT LES ABAISSÉ [ABC] AND FIGHT FOR FRANCE Every man will have his say on the policies that govern us. If you wish not to fight then trade with us. Sell us your wares we will provide you a profit. WILL YOU JOIN IN OUR CRUSADE? WHO WILL STAND UP AND FIGHT FOR FRANCE? WE FIGHT! I later ran back to the cliff point, and there out at sea was the thunder child under a beautiful spread of sail heading away towards the north, suddenly a double puff of smoke appeared at her stern followed a second later by a pair of gun reports, coming round the coast were a pair of Danish Brigs. Thunder child was too far ahead for the, to catch her and sailing before the wind. I noticed the large red flag sailing above the tricolour before they vanished in the gun smoke that followed the ship out towards the distant horizon. Your ever loving brother.
  16. Xoosch, although everything you say is absolutely right, please keep in mind that many players like to roleplay on the forum, and although we all know that France and Sweden isn't literally a vassal, saying such things is good for role play propaganda and the like. Sorry if I seem so condescending sir, just want to point that out.
  17. A gentleman walks through the dank and squalid backstreets of a once flourishing Fort Royal. The recently ended war has taken its toll. Prices are sky high and everywhere men, women and children are cowering in doorways holding out their hands, palms skyward. The gentleman has a brisk pace, confident in his stride as he walks towards the docks. His long foul weather cloak open, streams behind him and his sword, an expensive gift from an old friend swings at his side. He stops to regard a young homeless, coughing woman with a young child. Both with sallow pinched skin and sunken eyes. He kneels in front of them taking a large handful of bread from his pocket and hands it to the woman. He then takes a juicy ripe apple and hands it to the child. The woman's eyes start to sparkle with tears. 'God bless you monsieur', she says, 'Merci'. The gentlemen stands up straight, 'thank Les Abaissé madam'. He bends back down handing her a red arm band before standing and smiling. He tips his hat before turning to stride off towards the cutter that would transport him to his warship and the long voyage into dangerous waters, leaving the young woman with a confused look on her face but admiring the bright red arm band now worn on her upper arm. She notices others in the street with the same article of clothing. A smile spreads across her face.
  18. Not all are under you clog Mr Hethwill sir. Not all. Just wait and see. Not long to go now my respected enemy.
  19. That's sounds nice in writing it is not a contradiction of a 'peace' treaty'/ surrender document
  20. They might not have to be completely alone though, there is still help to be provided no matter how big or small
  21. Indeed it is. It is clear that the gentleman is either Canadian, or very fond of the Canadian nation, because the union flag you see is part of a flag that was once the Canadian national flag. Something I believe the gentleman has explained in another thread.
  22. Yes... I have a mixed crew of English and Frenchmen, plus a handful of my own fellow channel islanders. The English and channel islanders are restless and to quote some thing my Guernesiaise carpenter said to another 'they can stick their peace treaty where the sun don't shine!' I think I may have a mutiny on my hands soon.
  23. I myself and both shocked and disheartened at this news. I have been unfortunately absent for a couple of days and haven't been up to date on what's been happening. I'm still kind of oblivious has to how or what has been a foot. I know a massive offensive had broken through on two fronts but I didn't realise the situation was so desperate as to call for a capitulation. The English blood in me boils and says no, the guernesiaise side of me says no also...
  24. Indeed sir, my compliments to Pietjenoob *tips hat* for I have nothing but praise, salutes and gratitude to the Dutch, our worthwhile enemy.
  25. The gentleman has obviously mistaken my attempt at a small amount of creative writing and roleplay as gloating after a single defensive victory in a conflict full of battles going either way. Never mind, I wonder if he enjoys sports.
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