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Blackjack Symons

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Everything posted by Blackjack Symons

  1. That's my point It looks great on paper, but probably not implementable at all.
  2. It's beautiful. If our wind system could be based off something like that.... but I digress, it'd be troublesome to say the least.
  3. I don't think anyone has their factions mixed up. It's common knowledge that Jeremie has become the center of several factions and that there have already been multiple instances of people getting attacked in numbers (overwhelming or otherwise) from various factions. It's not unique to the USA, but it's not as though the USA aren't participating. That said, it's pointless to lay blame on any one faction or player. Let's just get on with playing the game, yeah? We can save the rivalries for when we're no longer testing
  4. I agree with the latter, but not the former. I'm all for historically accurate communications over TS and chat, but no-one agrees with me there Raatha, sure, you can't prove it and I see your point. As I said, don't try and ban something you can't regulate - but don't encourage it.
  5. Streamsniping is poor form, imo. I get that it gives you an edge and could be seen as combat intelligence. Yes, the allies in WWI and II used combat intelligence. So did every army/navy in history, pretty much. But you also didn't - in the 1800's - have radio to tune in to, streams to watch. Your best bet was written intelligence not unlike the ship's report letters that drop on occasion. As I said, I get why you do it, and I'm not going to talk your ear off about how I - like many above - think it's poor form, but I have to say that I disagree that the onus should be on streamers. Certainly, they should realise that there are people who will do this, but it must also be acknowledged that this isn't the streamer's fault. I don't suggest trying (if you could) to ban streamsniping. Just make it frowned upon by the community because at the end of the day, streamers are catering to their viewers and indirectly to NA (promotions outside of the game) while streamsnipers make them less inclined to stream. Tl;dr dont try and ban something you can't regulate, but let the community agree that it's poor form and shouldn't be encouraged. (And I'm not naming names or condemning any ONE person.) I have a lot of respect for some of the TDA players in particular, and this is just my 2 cents.
  6. Ive fought gamover a number of times. Two of those times I sank or beat him. He doesn't cheat, though he doesn't lose gracefully either ;P (love you gamover)
  7. Three dimensional drawing of a war frigate of 46 pieces. Angled at 20 degrees. The author is A. Bakker. The drawing is available at the national maritime museum under number 14838. There's no name though
  8. I looked into it, and there was mention of the Ambuscade under Captain Van Voss. Could that be it? It was sunk in 1801, and mentioned in the Royal Society 1803. The same frigate (I assume) also took part in the Vlieter Incident of 1799.
  9. Addendum: I'm fairly certain the name starts with a C, then what looks like an O, then an M, L, and two letters i can't make out C _ M L _ _
  10. That says Aftekening (drawing) van den/een? Fregat (of the Frigate) _____
  11. https://www.quora.com/Can-anyone-identify-the-Frigate-in-this-drawing I asked the question on Quora, here's hoping someone there might be able to enhance the image or identify the ship itself.
  12. Huh. My bad, then! Yeah, I saw she was captured but I didn't see any plans for her.
  13. From what little I can find, I suspect her to be the Orpheus.
  14. 'Defiant'. Partly from the ship in the movie of the same name, but mostly because you'll never see me surrender or give up
  15. Was sailing just off Jeremie when my game-screen stuttered rapidly in succession and sent me back to the login screen. Since then I've been unable to log back in with errors like "Login credentials request failed" or "Error:Unknown" and others.
  16. I voted yes, but to be honest... I feel as though it'll be a rarely used feature. You're able to use repair kits at sea and more often than not people have enough to repair adequately (though it is cheaper to go into port). On the odd occasion that I am nowhere near a neutral or friendly port, I suppose careening might be necessary, but I doubt it. It's a nice idea, but at present it doesn't seem to add very much. That said, I did vote yes.
  17. If you can be bothered sailing there from Port Royal. Probably easier to look around Haiti, though there are quite a few American and pirate players who operate around there.
  18. Then you're spoilt, Olav 15 FPS suits me fine. There's no lag other than server/internet lag.
  19. I'd point out guys, I play NA on GT630m and get 15 frames on low-medium. It's not 'barely playable'.
  20. Just a thought I had - perhaps make it possible to use a one-off name change for people who are unhappy with their names? I appreciate that some difficulties might arise as a result, but I'd like to be able to change my name without starting anew. Or is there perhaps a way to do it already (e.g. contacting admins)?
  21. Grouping with other nations would be cool. I sailed with some Danes a while back as an American, but couldn't group up with them on account of being different nations. That's naturally a very minor issue, but hey it could be nice.
  22. Yeah, could we increase the lobby time - it's at what, two minutes before lockout presently? 10 minutes would probably work best, but even five minutes would be better. We very nearly didn't have enough for the MM in the 2 mins. Also, is the large battle limited to 36 ships? If so I think it should be raised again, with 36 being minimum in the first timer to start the battle then add another two to five minutes for additional players after the battle has started, with a maximum of 40-50 ships. I mean 36 ships is really fun, I had fun chasing steel in a battered snow... but I think it means a lot of people will miss out and have to wait another few hours for a second large battle. Another idea is to have it so that on the Trafalgar days, the timer is set so that the large battle opens once the first large battle is finished so we can have the usual two battles.
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